AP Calculus BC Course Syllabus

Chris Thiel, OFMCap, MDiv, MS
cthiel@sfhs.net - (818) 790-0325 x1211
Assignments: hw.mathorama.com
Website: www.mathorama.com
Office Hours: Room 405? Mon-Fri 7:30-8 am, G block Tuesdays and Thursdays

Location and Class Codes:
Block Course Room AP
Delta Math Khan Academy
E Calc BC 405 72DY7L 2EU8-W93V 6QVDHSD3

Why Calculus?

Calculus was invented (discovered?) by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz, more or less independently, in the mid-to-late-seventeenth century. It is often described as the mathematics of instantaneous change. All we do in Calculus is explore the set of mathematical manifestations, implications, and extensions of the fact that RATE × TIME = DISTANCE. You learned know this already over a period of time, but with Calculus, you can do this at any moment. You might enjoy watching this video about what Calculus is used for.

Many fields depend on calculus to test their theories and designs. Mathematics can model observations to discover relationships and test solutions, yet mathematics itself depends upon logic and reason to justify its claims. We will use numeric, graphic, analytic, and descriptive methods to discover and understand mathematical postulates and theorems. We then use these theorems to justifying our conclusions whether it be for mathematical rigor, or for scientific, engineering, financial, or some other application. You will learn how defend your conclusions made with a theorem by making a mathematical argument that establishes that the necessary conditions of theorem are met.

Don't worry, it's easier than it sounds.


The more you can explain, the more you will retain! Help each other as you work through homework and classwork by asking for and offering explanations why a method or conclusion might be correct. If you get an answer from someone, make sure you get an explanation. This is the difference between collaboration and cheating.

For extra help, I will usually be available before school Monday through Friday 7:30-8:00 am in Room 101 . I will usually be available after school Tuesday and Thursday 7:30-8:00 am in Room 101.


I am your ally and your advocate. I really want you to be successful in this course. I hope you can be an ally and an advocate for your classmates. We are better together.
  1. Be respectful. As you are a St. Francis student, I expect cooperative and responsible behavior in and out of class. Perhaps most importantly, have respect for yourself; honor the effort and quality of your work, and the work of others. By being on time and staying until dismissal, you respect everyone.

  2. Be prepared. This means doing your assignments as well as getting your sleep. It means having a charged iPad, Calculator, paper, and pencil. It's hard to do the job without the tools. Imagine learning to drive without a car (or a golf club)? You NEED sleep. You NEED to schedule time to be prepared.

  3. Be willing. To be willing to improve means you are willing to make mistakes. Calculus takes time and effort—for anyone. It is even more difficult if you are too hard on yourself for making mistakes. Mistakes are how your learned to walk, speak, write, and throw a ball. Mistakes are required for learning, yet for some reason, many talented people do themselves a disservice by negative "self-talk." A "goof" or a "blunder" in your subtraction does not mean you or anyone else are suddenly without intelligence. No author publishes their first draft. Expect to be fully human and make mistakes. If you don't expect mistakes, you will never find and fix them. The secret of a good photographer is to take A LOT of photos, and expect to throw away a lot of "mistakes." I hope you eventually become as thankful for your progress as much as your success.

  4. Be Honest. You don't have to be perfect, but I expect you to be faithful to the truth, and humble about your limitations. I promise to do the same. Together I hope we will be diligent in our efforts that you may eventually delight in the marvel that is Mathematics!

Assignments and Tests

You can see the class topic, classwork, homework assignments, and Test dates for the entire year at hw.mathorama.com. You will use Portal (Blackbaud) to turn in your textbook homework assignments, and classwork worksheets. See the join codes above for your Block for Delta Math, AP
, and Khan Academy


Scores are weighted according to their category:
Tests 45% Hour long tests based on a synthesis the topics of the chapter (or AP Units) that require your problem solving skills. Larger Chapters or Units might be broken into 2 or more Tests.
Qtr Exams 20% 90 minutes, comprehensive, usually with a section using the calculator, and another section that prohibits the use of a calculator.
Quizzes 15% A longer (≈ 20 minute) assessment based on combining ideas from the current and previous topics. If you score poorly on a DeltaMath based Quiz, you have a week to come to office hours and re-do it for a maximum score of 8 out of 10.
Homework Quizzes 10% A short (≈10 minute) assessment based on the previous class's homework or classwork assignments. If you score poorly on a DeltaMath based HW Quiz, you have a week to come to office hours and re-do it for a maximum score of 8 out of 10.
Classwork/Work Readiness 5% Based upon class participation which includes bringing materials to class (calculator, book, etc), completion of worksheets, taking notes, and other classroom activities. You must bring a textbook, charged iPad, charged calculator, paper and pencil to each class.
Homework 5% Grading is based upon doing assignments on time according to the description below.

Each assessment category is "weighted" (rather than using raw points). This means that to dramatically improve an overall grade, a student must dramatically improve the average grade in one or more of these categories.

It reminds me of how the Presidential election works, using the electoral college instead of popular vote. If all the candidate's supporters are in the same state, it isn't as effective as having supporters in different states, since to with the election, you have to win over a lot of big states. Similarly, it would be best for a student to do well in as many categories as possible, especially the categories that are worth more.

The gradebook automatically does the following calculation:

.05*(average classroom work) + .05*(avg homework) + .10*(avg hw quiz) + .15*(avg quiz) + .45*(average test) + .20*(avg exam) = overall percentage
Category Average Weight Points
Tests × (0.45) =
Qtr Exams × (0.20) =
Quizzes × (0.15) =
HW Quizzes × (0.10) =
Classwork × (0.05) =
Homework × (0.05) =
90% to 100%
A to A-
80% to 89.99%
B+ to B-
70% to 79.99%
C+ to C-
60% to 69.99%
D+ to D-
0% to 59.99%

(While plusses and minuses
are indicated on the grade report,
they are ignored and not used in
computing the student's grade point
average (GPA).

Some activities are designed for developing concepts and understanding, while others focus on improving the way in which you communicate your mathematical knowledge.

To help motivate you to prepare for class, practically every class will have a quiz, a homework quiz, or a test. You are expected to prepare for these examinations by making sure you understand the assigned exercises. Test dates are found on the homework assignment sheet, as well in the new SFHS Portal. The TI-84, TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition are ideal for use on the AP Exam Exam (and is the reason that one of them is required for the course). Calculators with a "CAS" feature are not permitted on quizzes and tests. If your TI calculator is lost, I will permit the use of a Casio fx-CG50 since has a similar capability and is much cheaper.

iPad Use

The iPad will often be used in the classroom, so make sure your device is sufficiently charged. If not, you must get a loaner iPad from the IT room (Room 109), as you may not use a classroom wall socket. External battery packs are an affordable way to make sure you never without a charged iPad (or Color TI-84).

As per the student handbook (pp 35-38), registered iPads must be connected to the supervised maraki wi-fi. The pace and rigor of the class is such that any time distracted by the iPad will significantly impact a students' progress in a negative way.

To help focus your attention, please quit all communication and entertainment apps before class begins. Students will be expected to monitor their behavior with the iPads with little direction from the instructor.

I only permit you to use a registered iPad that appears in the Apple Classroom app which would indicate you are using the school's WiFi and your bluetooth is on. I require you to be logged into Apple Classroom so after class I can see what apps you were using (as well as when and for how long). Too much time or attention diverted by technology will result in a decreasing chance of a successful performance in this class, lower your classwork score for the day, and will also be reported to Mr Jordan.

If you are not able to log in to Apple Classroom you may not use an iPad. If you are in violation of the school iPad policies (not registed, using your phone, using a VPN, proxies, watching sports, games, messaging, etc.), the Dean of Discipline will be notified.

Extra Credit

The grade for this AP course is based upon mastery of the curriculum, so there are no extra credit assignments.


See pages 15 and 24 of the student handbook for school policies, like:

  1. Illness and/or absenteeism are not an excuse for missing daily assignments.
  2. A note from a parent/guardian is required regardless of a student having reached legal age or having been granted emancipated status. This note must be signed, and a satisfactory reason for the absence must be given. Those students leaving campus during the day for a medical or dental appointment must present a signed note from that medical office upon their return to school. An "admission slip" will be given to the student which he must present to each teacher before class. (I usually refer to this as a "Yellow Slip")
  3. Generally, tests will be given to the student on the day he returns from an absence.(To avoid missing an additional class, make-up tests are done before or afters school during office hours, or some other time that can be arranged. )
  4. No person, other than an administrator, may release a student from class without the prior consent of the instructor whose class is missed. (If you have a College counseling appointment, show your slip at the start of class in case it needs to be re-scheduled)
  5. Parents who request such an absence that will occur during regular class time must submit a written request to the Dean of Studies two weeks prior to their departure.
  6. For Seniors, college visitations should be made during weekends, vacation periods, or during KAIROS retreats.
  7. Should such a trip take place without the school's permission, the absence would be considered as unexcused.
  8. Any academic work missed due to an unexcused absence will receive a zero.
Make-up tests usually have more (or more difficult) questions. If you are present and a quiz or test is scheduled, you must take it. It is a good idea to have the contact information of several classmates to get notes on the material covered during your absence.

If you know you will be absent for a test, you may schedule to take it before the actual test date. In the case of an extended illness special arrangements should be made with the Academic Dean, Mr. Davitt.

If you are absent, you need to make up tests and homework, but not quizzes. If you are absent on the day of a test, you need to make arrangements for taking the make up test. You need to take a make-up test the very next day (even or odd) you are back in school. No make-up exams will be taken during class time. Failure to be responsible will definitely hurt your grade.

If you miss a quiz you cannot gain any points for it. If you are absent for any quizzes, there are no make-ups, but you will be exempt from taking it if it is an excused absence. If the absence is unexcused, you will receive 0 points for any assignments due that day. Ask me or a fellow student for a copy of any missed quizzes, and solve the problems on your own to make sure you understand the material. Quiz questions are often modified to become test questions.


The best way to learn Calculus is to do some homework every day (well, 5 days a week is probably fine).
  1. Please write your name, Block, and assignment on your homework.
  2. Homework is due at 8 AM on the date of the following class.
  3. The finished product should be neat, organized, and LEGIBLE.
  4. Like an essay, each solution should be written as though someone (your future self, a grader) will read it. In particular:
  5. Late homework assignments will not be accepted unless you had an excused absence.
  6. You are welcome, and in fact encouraged, to discuss Individual homework problems with classmates. But what you submit needs to reflect your own understanding of the assignment, and must be written by you, using your own words, graphs, and mathematical expressions.

Here is the Scoring rubric for textbook homework:

Even late Homework assignments should be completed as soon as possible so that you do not fall behind. Complete the work you are assigned on time, and you will receive the best grade you are capable of with the least amount of effort.

I am looking for effort on the homework. It is acceptable to have trouble solving problems, but some effort must be made. You will be penalized for incomplete assignments and only receive partial credit. The solutions to the odd homework problems are in your book, at CalcChat.com, and nearly every problem at Slader.com . I will happily post the solution to even problems in the Portals "Topics" page and/or Mathorama. Used properly, this will help you understand how to solve problems at home. To get the best understanding of the material with the least amount of effort, you should do some homework every day (45-60 min a day, for 5 days as apposed to a block of 2 or 4 hours once in a while). You should attempt questions from every category on the homework the night it is assigned (while it is fresh) and complete the assignment by the day it is due. It is very important to understand the concepts, not memorize procedures.

If you don't understand certain questions in the homework, try watching the videos at CalcView which explain how to do the questions marked with an asterisk (*), or my own videos marked with a double asterisk (**). You can ask a friend or come to room 405 before school for help (7:30 -8:00). There may be time to put some problems on the board at the beginning of class. Because of the limited time we have to cover and practice the AP curriculum, we won't spend that much time on old homework, which is why I am available outside class every school day. Once you understand how to do that problem, try another problem similar to it, or else the same problem later in the day. I will try to grade homework daily, but priority will be always be given to grade quizzes and tests first.


Tests cover all the material in the class, homework, and labs. For many centuries, students took notes in class to help them study for tests. Thay's right, you don't have to wait until the night before the Test to start studying! When you take notes, you learn better (even if you don't look at them later--though it is WAY better if you do). It still remains helpful for training your brain. Studies have shown that people have better retention writing notes than typing notes, even though the typed notes have more detail.

AP Exam questions are designed to test your understanding of calculus, so a "bald answer" by itself is worth very little ( if anything ). So that you may achieve the best possible score on the AP Exam, I too will be scoring in the same way as the College Board.

Partial credit is usually earned if correct concepts and steps in the solution are shown, even if the answer is incorrect. Tests are difficult to make up because you will need to find a 60 minute period of time in your schedule; so don't be absent unless absolutely necessary. Tests are meant to challenge students and there are times when I will curve the scores for students who are current with their homework, but if a student is not making an effort on his homework, or has a calculator out at the same time as a no calculator assessment, that student's score will not earn the curve.

Full Mock AP Exam Saturday, April 12, 2025

Continuing the helpful tradition of Mr. O'Connor, we will have a full practice "Mock" AP Calculus exam from 8:45 to 12:45 the Saturday Morning before Prom (April 12, 2025). The actual AP Exam will start at 7:45 on Monday May 12, 2025. Students historically gain a lot in insight and confidence by doing this. These exams are secure exams (with scoring rubrics) directly from the College Board, for classroom use only by Audited AP Instructors only.

I ask students and their parents to make a contract to take the Saturday Mock Exam April 12, 2025. One is the Saturday Mock Exam, which will count as 2 Tests, one Score for Multiple choice, the other for Free Response. The other Mock exam will be divided over three classes (again worth 2 Test scores, the MC portion and the FR portion). For your 4th Qtr grade, I will score only the best MC score and the best FRQ score of these two Mock Exams.

If you cannot make it on the scheduled dates, it is your responsibility to schedule a make-up exam BEFORE the scheduled date. The Mock AP Exam will be a big part of the grade in this class. Once we go over the answers in class, you will nore to score any points on that portion of these Mock Exams. This is necessary so we can go over answers before April 28, the last school day before AP Testing begins. Your Calculus test is 8:00 am Monday May 12, 2025, but you might be taking other AP Exams starting May 5, 2025.

Other Policies

I expect students to fully participate. This means be prepared to learn, bringing an energized iPad and Calculator. There are consequences if you are not prepared. If you did not complete the homework, you may not be able to understand the next lesson; if you did not get enough sleep, you may have to spend more time later to master a skill or gain an insight. All school rules will be enforced, especially the academic integrity and honor code.

You don't have to be perfect, but I expect you to be faithful to the truth, and humble about your limitations. I promise to do the same. Together I hope we will be diligent in our efforts that you may eventually delight in the marvel that is Calculus!