Line Graph

Instructions and Questions

To move the control sliders: click once, move to the desired location, click again to release.
  1. Move the right slider that changes the intercept so that b=5. What is the equation of the yellow line? What is the slope?

  2. Move the left and center sliders so that the rise (change in y) and the run (change in x) are 1. What is the equation of the line? What is the slope?

  3. Move the left and center sliders so that the rise and run are both 2. What is the equation of the line? What is the slope?

  4. Move the sliders to make the line y = (-2.0)x + 3.0 (see above the green graph). What is the run, rise and y-intercept?

  5. Is the point (6,-9) on this line (notice the lower left bar shows the location of the mouse)?

  6. Can you find another combination of run, rise and intercept (b) that will also work?

  7. What is the equation of the line that connects (0,3) and (1,4)?

  8. What is the equation of the line that connects (-6,-5) and (2,7)?

  9. What is the equation of the line that connects (-2,7) and (-2, -5)?

  10. What is the equation of the line that connects (4, 7) and (6,7)?

  11. What is the equation of the line that connects (-1.5, 3) and (3.25, -7)

  12. What is the slope of the line 2x + 3y = 21?
The java applet was written by Fr. Chris.