Student's Vector Drawings 2003


my baby(my guitar): by Spencer Kirkwood
<.4 ,-.5>

Also by Spencer Kirkwood:snowflake:
<-2 ,4>

Soviet Symbol: and now, a piece inspired by Alexander Parisky and his Russian pride:

A house with a garage, by Aris Babayan, period F

The invisible man by Matt Morris
<0, 15>

Key by Mike Longo

"The Golden Gate Bridge" bu Ryan Doody
*setting: middle left; middium thickness; color = red; background = black; thickness = 1:4
vectors: <16.6,0>

Tree by Jimmy Ferioli, Block F

Matthew Walsh's vector drawing. It is entitled: Atlas V to get the full effect, draw it in 1:10 scale starting from bottom center, then redraw it in middle center, and redraw a third time in top center.
<0, 5.25>

Name: Chris Tomashek Period: F Project Title: Mutant Fish Scale Factor=1:5 Thickness=thin Vectors:

Boat by Jonathan Ondrejko

This is joe camp's vector drawing, "Java":

S.F. by Ryan Kunitake

Brandon McCreary Period A Honors Geometry Baseball Field

Title: The Shroc (Shark Croc) Wearing Sunglasses! by Zayd Sharif For viewing use Center Left Vectors:

Fireplace by Matthew Flores

camp fire, or something resembling it. David Robbins Block:A

Computer by Mark Nakanishi

#2 Pencil by David Kurtz

Ara Parsekian's THE DUDE (Veiw at 1:50 scale, medium line thickness, top center alignment, green line color, and dark grey background color)

UserFriendly bu Erik Nichols

Dokken by Peter Grace

ZEPPELIN RULES By Michael Arnold Period C

Golf Green by Rami Kandela

Star by Spencer Ela

Other Work

Mi Casa by Cecil Laqui

Anthony Lopez Period:F Title: The Barn

Stick Man byAlexander Sarkissian
<0, -10>

A Thermus: by David Yeomans period F

Sword by Naeem Khan

Danny Quiros' Elven Sword

Star by Andrew Izumi period C
<2, 0>

spear by Jeffrey Blake Block A

ice cream cone by Robert Keating

Bullet by Cameron Young

Andrew Jones Period: A This is a portrait of a lady's dress

"hexagon with a star inside, and other shapes inside"- Jared Prescott Period F

e by Daniel Slyngstad
