Honors Geometry Homework

Second Quarter Revised November 1, 2004

The homework assigned is the minimum necessary. You may NEED more practice for some topics. If class time does not permit, I will happily entertain questions on any problem, after school Fridays in the library.
 9p. 1631-33 eoo (every other odd)Quadratic Review
 9p. 1695-10, 16, 19-24Chapter 5
 9p. 17410,11,19-22Chapter 5
 9p. 1807-9, 17Chapter 5
 10p. 1871-19Chapter 5
 10p. 1921-19 oddChapter 5
 10p. 2063-5,27-29Chapter 6
 11p. 2101-5 odd, 11Chapter 6
 11p. 2161-5,7, 9Chapter 6
 11p. 2227-12, 17Chapter 6
 11p. 2313-8Chapter 6
 12p. 2431-29 eooChapter 7
 12p. 2479-19 odd, 21-27 odd, make a diagram for each Chapter 7
 13p. 25124-27Chapter 7
 13p. 2571-13 oddChapter 7
 13p. 2661-6Chapter 7
 13p. 2723-11 odd, 13-17 odd make a diagram for eachChapter 7
 14p. 2881-25 odd, 31-39 oddChapter 8
 14p. 2921-27 oddChapter 8
 14p. 2971-13 oddChapter 8
 14p. 3021-25 oddChapter 8
 15p. 3081-21 oddChapter 8
 15p. 3141-12, 15Chapter 8
 15p. 3181-9 oddChapter 8
 15p. 3201-8Chapter 8
Christmas Vaction
 16p. 3351-6Chapter 9
 16p. 34210-11Chapter 9
 16p. 3471-9, 17Chapter 9
 17p. 3541-9Chapter 9
 17p. 3641-9Chapter 9
 17p. 3691-21 oddChapter 9

Each week, the previous week's homework is graded (5 points max, late and incomplete work is worth less). Every week has either a quiz (10 points) or a test (20 points). Quizzes are open homework/notes, Tests are not. Tests occur about every other week, and the lowest test does not count towards your grade. If you have an excused absence, quizzes do not need to be "made-up," but you are expected to take any missed test the day you return. In the case of a long (excused) absence other arrangements may be made.

Progress Reports are turned in 9 am November 29, 2004. Second Quarter Exam (40 points, graded on a curve) is at 10:35 AM on January 20, 2004.

All late assignments must be submitted by 12:05 pm January 20, 2004 for any credit at all.