Moday's Hints and Answers
Click for hints only if you need to!
1. What is the name of the Presidential Cat, and what
color is it?
Where does the cat live? Try the Whitehouse site. They
also have a photo album.
Often you can save time by NOT using the search engine, but by guessing
at the URL. is the place! Look for links
to the right picture!
2. Who was Veronica Giuliani?
Now we need a search engine. Using BOTH the first and last name
this time. There are significant encyclopedias on-line. Try
the Catholic Encyclopedia.
3. Where are you? More specifically, what is the
longitude and latitude of La Canada, California?
Rather than search for La Canada, which will turn up all sorts of other
things, try searching for the KIND of information you want; in this
case LONGITUDE and LATITUDE. The US Census has this information too---can
you guess the URL without searching.
4. What time is it in Taipei?
If the locality doesn't help, search for time! But then there's
all that stuff about TIME magazine!! You can also search for things
that you are NOT looking for. So type:
"taipei" AND "time" NOT "Magazine"
5. Where are the Maldive Islands?
Maps and Encyclopedias help here.
6. What is Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday?
A lot of folks are fans. look for "unofficial" home pages devoted
to the subject.
7. The same technique can be used here