Through the Looking Glass of Logic

Symbolic Logic Puzzle 1 The idea here is to come up with the ULTIMATE CONCLUSION from the statements given.
  1. No Acrobatic feats, that are announced in the bill of Circus, are ever attempted there.
  2. No acrabatic feat is possible, if it involves turning in a quadruple somersault.
  3. No impossible acrobatic feat is ever announced in a circus bill.
Need help? Try to use symbols.
Symbol Description
FAcrobatic feat
BAnonounced in a bill of Circus
AAttempted there
Qa feat involvoving a Quadruple somersault
Now we can re-write:
  1. No F in B are A.
  2. No F = P, If F=Q.
  3. No F in Q is B.
Find the simple conclusions first, then use these to find ULTIMATE CONCLUSION

Check your conclusions here

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