Geometry Course Syllabus

Chris Thiel, OFMCap, MDiv, MS - (818) 790-0325 x638

Homework Assignments


Chapter Tests

Chapter tests are administered after covering a significant body of work, usually after each chapter of the text (usually every other week). Sometimes however, a large chapter is divided into two parts, with a Chapter Test after each. Chapter Tests integrate chapter topics into your problem solving skills, and you are usually only permitted 60 minutes to complete.


Projects are assigned to encourage the communication of mathematical insights and to help deepen your understanding of a particular topic. Projects take on a variety of forms including online quizzes and activities, making web pages, videos, posters and presentations. Projects are either 5 or 10 point assignments.


Each class will include some sort of activity. This might include individual or group worksheets, board work, demonstrations, or questions on an activity (computer activity, project or video). Any class where you are disruptive, off-task, impede a classmate's work, or fail to be prepared, you cannot recieve full credit.

An example of not being prepared is not having the previous homework, notes, pencil or textbook out at the start of the lecture, or failing to bring your book, paper, pencil and calculator to class. Please turn off your phone and/or wireless device(s) and put them in your book bag in the back of the classroom.

If you were absent, you must bring your yellow re-admit slip to the next class, since an unexcused abscence counts fot 0% for that day.

Semester Exams

There is a special schedule during "Finals Week" to allow for a long, cumulative examination of your mathematical skills. To help your test taking skills, the test employs the "SAT" style of questioning. There are only thought provoking questions, and an average student only answers half of them correctly. These exams are therefore graded on a curve, based on the average and standard deviation of those taking the exam this year. The top student(s) will always score 100%.

Extra Credit

The grade for this course is based upon mastery of the curriculum, so there are no extra credit assignments.

Classroom Discipline

  1. DO NOT DISRUPT CLASS Mobile communication devices must be in your backpack stored in the designated area. For the sake of the majority of the class, those who disrupt a class lesson by talking, disturbing someone, or throwing any object will not be tolerated. Disciplinary measures may include written assignments or cleaning of the classroom. Chronic or severe disruptions warrant a phone call home and/or a detention.

  2. DO NOT ABUSE SCHOOL PROPERTY You are responsible for your work place and will be held accountable to keep your desk and its environs clean. Feet should remain on the floor, never on the desk. All four feet of the desk must also remain on the floor. Be gentle when using a school computer. If you are banned from the use of the computer, all computer based assignments are replaced with extensive written assignments.

  3. DO NOT ABUSE YOUR TIME Take advantage of the group work sessions. This is the time to do your talking---so long as you get the work done. Abuse of this privilege will result in individual loss of the privilege as well as the disciplinary measures mentioned above. Consult the student handbook for the consequences of talking without permission during quizzes or tests. As per the student handbook, students are responsible for work missed due to absence the day they return. If you are present and a quiz or test is scheduled, you must take it. It is a good idea to have the contact information of several classmates to see what material and assignments were covered during your absence. If you miss a quiz you cannot gain any points for it. If you know you will be absent for a test, you may schedule to take it before the actual test date if prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. In the case of an extended illness special arrangements should be made with the Academic Vice Principal, Mr. Trujillo.

  4. LIVE UP TO YOUR GOOD NAME You are expected to exhibit the attributes of a St. Francis Golden Knight: courteous attention, gracious cooperation, and dedicated study. Each can readily be seen in the thoroughness and orderliness of your work, as well as how you offer, ask and accept help from others.


Scores are weighted according to their category:
NON-TESTING 15% (Department requires 15-20%)
Classroom Work 5% Based upon the completion of worksheets, calculator, computer lab and classroom activities. You must bring a textbook, calculator, paper and pencil to each class.
Homework 10% Grading is based upon doing assignments according to the description above.
TESTING 70% (Department Requires 60-70%)
Homework Quizzes 5% short quizzes from past and present textbook problems on days without tests or weekly quizzes, and webwork assignments.
Weekly Quizzes 15% longer quizzes, based on combining ideas from the homework, done on weeks without a test.
Chapter Tests 50% Hour long tests that integrate chapter topics into your problem solving skills.
EXAM 15% (Department requires 15-20%)
Semester Exam 15% 90 minutes, comprehensive, usually with a section using the calculator, and another section that prohibits the use of a calculator.

To conform with math department policy, each assessment category is "weighted" (rather than using raw points). This means that to dramatically improve an overall grade, a student must dramatically improve the average grade in one or more of these categories.

It reminds me of how the Presidential election works, using the electoral college instead of popular vote. If all the candidate's supporters are in the same state, it isn't as effective as having supporters in different states, since to with the election, you have to win over a lot of big states. Similarly, it would be best for a student to do well in as many categories as possible, especially the categories that are worth more.

Edline automatically does the following calculation:

.05(average classroom work) + .1(avg homework) + .05(avg hw quiz) + .15(avg quiz) + .5(average test) + .15(avg exam) = overall percentage
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Edline then converts this percentage into letter grades strictly as follows:

90% to 100%
A to A-
80% to 89.99%
B+ to B-
70% to 79.99%
C+ to C-
60% to 69.99%
D+ to D-
0% to 59.99%

(While plusses and minuses are indicated on the grade report, they are ignored and not used in computing the student's grade point average (GPA).

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