Courses Database


cid is course id number. The staffNum is the important field (staffInfo, first, and last is for manual cross-reference purposes)

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found 201 different courses and homerooms.

2Latin 2 / H-Latin 2B Room 10243Adams Ethan 43EthanAdams
3Latin 1 / H-Latin 1C Room 10243Adams Ethan 43EthanAdams
4AP LatinD Room 10243Adams Ethan 43EthanAdams
5World LiteratureE Room 10243Adams Ethan 43EthanAdams
6Latin 3 / H-Latin 3F Room 10243Adams Ethan 43EthanAdams
7Algebra 1A Room 30323Altobelli Gino 23GinoAltobelli
8Algebra 1B Room 30323Altobelli Gino 23GinoAltobelli
9Algebra 1C Room 30323Altobelli Gino 23GinoAltobelli
10Algebra 1F Room 30323Altobelli Gino 23GinoAltobelli
11Algebra 1G Room 30323Altobelli Gino 23GinoAltobelli
129AHomeroom Room 30323Altobelli Gino 23GinoAltobelli
13Trig / PrecalcA Room 40492Anderson Timothy 92TimothyAnderson
14Trig / PrecalcB Room 40492Anderson Timothy 92TimothyAnderson
15Algebra 2D Room 40492Anderson Timothy 92TimothyAnderson
16Trig / PrecalcE Room 40492Anderson Timothy 92TimothyAnderson
17H-GeometryG Room 40492Anderson Timothy 92TimothyAnderson
189FHomeroom Room 40492Anderson Timothy 92TimothyAnderson
19AP English LitA Room 10114Appels Glen 14GlenAppels
20AP English LitC Room 10114Appels Glen 14GlenAppels
21AP English LitD Room 10114Appels Glen 14GlenAppels
22AP English LangF Room 10114Appels Glen 14GlenAppels
23AP PhysicsA Room 201137Bourdon Jeremy 137JeremyBourdon
24AP PhysicsB Room 201137Bourdon Jeremy 137JeremyBourdon
25PhysicsC Room 201137Bourdon Jeremy 137JeremyBourdon
26Algebra 2E Room 201137Bourdon Jeremy 137JeremyBourdon
27PhysicsF Room 201137Bourdon Jeremy 137JeremyBourdon
2812BHomeroom Room 201137Bourdon Jeremy 137JeremyBourdon
29Brit LitA Room 102138Carnighan Deanne 138DeanneCarnighan
30Brit LitB Room 101138Carnighan Deanne 138DeanneCarnighan
31Brit LitC Room 202138Carnighan Deanne 138DeanneCarnighan
32World LitD Room 107138Carnighan Deanne 138DeanneCarnighan
33Brit LitF Room 202138Carnighan Deanne 138DeanneCarnighan
349CHomeroom Room 102138Carnighan Deanne 138DeanneCarnighan
35US HistoryA Room 302139Carroll Patrick M. 139Patrick M.Carroll
36US HistoryB Room 302139Carroll Patrick M. 139Patrick M.Carroll
37US HistoryD Room 302139Carroll Patrick M. 139Patrick M.Carroll
38US HistoryE Room 302139Carroll Patrick M. 139Patrick M.Carroll
39US HistoryF Room 302139Carroll Patrick M. 139Patrick M.Carroll
4011CHomeroom Room 302139Carroll Patrick M. 139Patrick M.Carroll
41Algebra 1D Room 30388Carroll Ted 88TedCarroll
42Salvation HistoryC Room 106127Castillo Sylvana 127SylvanaCastillo
43Algebra 2A Room 5011004Julie Clemons 1004JulieClemons
44Algebra 2C Room 4041004Julie Clemons 1004JulieClemons
45GeometryE Room 5021004Julie Clemons 1004JulieClemons
46GeometryF Room 4041004Julie Clemons 1004JulieClemons
47GeometryG Room 1021004Julie Clemons 1004JulieClemons
4811DHomeroom Room 5021004Julie Clemons 1004JulieClemons
49PEB Gym36Corcoran Edward 36EdwardCorcoran
50AP US HistoryD Room 502103Davitt Patrick 103PatrickDavitt
51H-Spanish 3A Room 20594Diaz Sergio 94SergioDiaz
52Spanish 1D Room 20594Diaz Sergio 94SergioDiaz
53AP Spanish LangE Room 20594Diaz Sergio 94SergioDiaz
54AP Spanish LangF Room 20594Diaz Sergio 94SergioDiaz
55Spanish 1G Room 20594Diaz Sergio 95SergioDiaz
5611EHomeroom Room 20594Diaz Sergio 94SergioDiaz
57AP Human GeographyA Room 50329Dierking Dirk 29DirkDierking
58World LiteratureB Room 503 29Dierking Dirk 29DirkDierking
59AP World HistoryC Room 50329Dierking Dirk 29DirkDierking
60AP World HistoryD Room 503 29Dierking Dirk 29DirkDierking
61World LiteratureF Room 503 29Dierking Dirk 29DirkDierking
6212CHomeroom Room 50329Dierking Dirk 29DirkDierking
63EcumenismA Room 10720Di Palma Richard 20RichardDiPalma
64EcumenismB Room 10720Di Palma Richard 20RichardDiPalma
65EcumenismC Room 10720Di Palma Richard 20RichardDiPalma
66EcumenismE Room 10720Di Palma Richard 20RichardDiPalma
67EcumenismF Room 10720Di Palma Richard 20RichardDiPalma
68BiologyD Room 20854Doerning Joel 54JoelDoerning
69BiologyE Room 20854Doerning Joel 54JoelDoerning
70American LitF Room 50237Donovan Patrick 37PatrickDonovan
71GeometryA Room 50265Dorlarque Aaron 65AaronDorlarque
72H-Algebra 1B Room 50265Dorlarque Aaron 65AaronDorlarque
73GeometryC Room 50265Dorlarque Aaron 65AaronDorlarque
74Personal FinanceG Room 50265Dorlarque Aaron 65AaronDorlarque
75Econ / GovB Room 20319Durfee Jeffrey 19JeffreyDurfee
76Econ/GovC Room 20319Durfee Jeffrey 19JeffreyDurfee
77Econ / GovD Room 20319Durfee Jeffrey 19JeffreyDurfee
78Psych / SociologyE Room 20319Durfee Jeffrey 19JeffreyDurfee
79Econ / GovF Room 20319Durfee Jeffrey 19JeffreyDurfee
8012AHomeroom Room 20319Durfee Jeffrey 19JeffreyDurfee
81Mass MediaD KNIT17Eulalia Emmanuel 17EmmanuelEulalia
82KNITHomeroom KNIT17Eulalia Emmanuel 17EmmanuelEulalia
83StatisticsB Room 501108Frank Austin 108AustinFrank
84H-Algebra 2 / PrecalcC Room 501108Frank Austin 108AustinFrank
85AP Calc ABD Room 501108Frank Austin 108AustinFrank
86H-Algebra 2 / PrecalcE Room 501108Frank Austin 108AustinFrank
87AP Calc ABF Room 501108Frank Austin 108AustinFrank
8812DHomeroom Room 501108Frank Austin 108AustinFrank
89Salvation HistoryA Room 10612Fredette Mark 12MarkFredette
90Salvation HistoryB Room 10612Fredette Mark 12MarkFredette
91Salvation HistoryE Room 10612Fredette Mark 12MarkFredette
92Salvation HistoryF Room 10612Fredette Mark 12MarkFredette
93Salvation HistoryG Room 10612Fredette Mark 12MarkFredette
94GeographyA Room 30416Gibbons Mark 16MarkGibbons
95GeographyC Room 30416Gibbons Mark 16MarkGibbons
96GeographyD Room 30416Gibbons Mark 16MarkGibbons
97GeographyE Room 30416Gibbons Mark 16MarkGibbons
98GeographyF Room 30416Gibbons Mark 16MarkGibbons
99AP PsychologyC Room 30227Gleason Eric 27EricGleason
100Paschal MysteryA Room 10540Godson Joshua 40JoshuaGodson
101Paschal MysteryD Room 10540Godson Joshua 40JoshuaGodson
102Paschal MysteryE Room 10540Godson Joshua 40JoshuaGodson
103LIFEHomeroom Room 10540Godson Joshua 40JoshuaGodson
104Graphic DesignA Lab 301120Griffin Jordan 120JordanGriffin
105ArtB Art120Griffin Jordan 120JordanGriffin
106ArtD Art120Griffin Jordan 120JordanGriffin
107Graphic DesignE Lab 301120Griffin Jordan 120JordanGriffin
10810FHomeroom Room 303120Griffin Jordan 120JordanGriffin
109SacramentsA Room 10828Guadalupe Angela 28AngelaGuadalupe
110SacramentsB Room 10828Guadalupe Angela 28AngelaGuadalupe
111SacramentsC Room 10828Guadalupe Angela 28AngelaGuadalupe
112SacramentsD Room 10828Guadalupe Angela 28AngelaGuadalupe
113SacramentsE Room 10828Guadalupe Angela 28AngelaGuadalupe
11411BHomeroom Room 10828Guadalupe Angela 28AngelaGuadalupe
115KinesiologyA Art24Hallak Eli 24EliHallak
116KinesiologyF Art24Hallak Eli 24EliHallak
117PEC Gym116Dean Herrington 116DeanHarrington
118PED Gym116Dean Herrington 117DeanHarrington
119AP BiologyA Room 20860Heinen William 60WilliamHeinen
120BiologyB Room 20860Heinen William 60WilliamHeinen
121BiologyC Room 20860Heinen William 60WilliamHeinen
122H-BiologyF Room 20860Heinen William 60WilliamHeinen
123BiologyG Room 20860Heinen William 60WilliamHeinen
12410CHomeroom Room 20860Heinen William 60WilliamHeinen
125Cap Fran LeadershipB Room 405150Fr Christopher Iwancio 150ChristopherIwancio
126Theater ArtTheaterA Theater121Jacobs Claire 121ClaireJacobs
127Theater ArtTheaterB Theter121Jacobs Claire 121ClaireJacobs
128Hon. Advanced ActingC Theater121Jacobs Claire 121ClaireJacobs
129Theater ArtTheaterD Theater121Jacobs Claire 121ClaireJacobs
130AP English LangC Room 305104Jay Jonathan 104JonathanJay
131AP English LangD Room 305104Jay Jonathan 104JonathanJay
132H-American LitE Room 305104Jay Jonathan 104JonathanJay
133H-American LitF Room 305104Jay Jonathan 104JonathanJay
13410BHomeroom Room 304104Jay Jonathan 104JonathanJay
135PEE Gym132Kort Shaun 132ShaunKort
136PEF Gym132Kort Shaun 132ShaunKort
137Paschal MysteryC Room 1051002Matthew Kozicz 1002MattherKozicz
138Paschal MysteryF Room 1061002Matthew Kozicz 1002MattherKozicz
139Paschal MysteryG Room 1071002Matthew Kozicz 1002MattherKozicz
140English 9B Room 105129Mone Selena 129SelenaMone
141English 9C Room 207129Mone Selena 129SelenaMone
142English 9D Room 103129Mone Selena 129SelenaMone
143English 9E Room 101129Mone Selena 129SelenaMone
144English 9G Room 101129Mone Selena 129SelenaMone
1459EHomeroom Room 101129Mone Selena 129SelenaMone
146Directed StudiesC Library 300140Muro Ashley 140AshleyMuro
147Directed StudiesD Library 300140Muro Ashley 140AshleyMuro
148Directed StudiesF Library 300140Muro Ashley 140AshleyMuro
149Directed StudiesF Library 300140Muro Ashley 140AshleyMuro
150H-Spanish 2A Room 204141Navarro Marina 141MarinaNavarro
151Spanish 2C Room 204141Navarro Marina 141MarinaNavarro
152Spanish 2D Room 204141Navarro Marina 141MarinaNavarro
153H-Spanish 2F Room 204141Navarro Marina 141MarinaNavarro
154Spanish 2G Room 204141Navarro Marina 141MarinaNavarro
15510AHomeroom Room 204141Navarro Marina 141MarinaNavarro
156AP US HistoryB Room 104142Nelson Jeremy 142JeremyNelson
157AP ChemistryA Room 20732Ostrom Kyle 32KyleOstrom
158ChemistryB Room 20732Ostrom Kyle 32KyleOstrom
159ChemistryD Room 20732Ostrom Kyle 32KyleOstrom
160ChemistryE Room 20732Ostrom Kyle 32KyleOstrom
161ChemistryF Room 20732Ostrom Kyle 32KyleOstrom
16211AHomeroom Room 20732Ostrom Kyle 32KyleOstrom
163Psych/SociologyC Art69Perkins John Michael 69John MichaelPerkins
164Student CouncilHomeroom Activities Ofc69Perkins John Michael 69John MichaelPerkins
165American LitA Room 103123Poe Vanessa 123VanessaPoe
166American LitB Room 103123Poe Vanessa 123VanessaPoe
167American LitE Room 103123Poe Vanessa 123VanessaPoe
168English 9F Room 103123Poe Vanessa 123VanessaPoe
169American LitG Room 103123Poe Vanessa 123VanessaPoe
17010EHomeroom Room 103123Poe Vanessa 123VanessaPoe
171World HistoryA Room 104107Reichert Kathleen 107KathleenReichert
172World HistoryC Room 104107Reichert Kathleen 107KathleenReichert
173World HistoryD Room 104107Reichert Kathleen 107KathleenReichert
174World HistoryF Room 104107Reichert Kathleen 107KathleenReichert
175World HistoryG Room 104107Reichert Kathleen 107KathleenReichert
17610DHomeroom Room 104107Reichert Kathleen 107KathleenReichert
177AP Micro / GovC Room 10356Seidler Michael 56MichaelSeidler
178AP Micro / GovE Room 10456Seidler Michael 56MichaelSeidler
179Spanish 2B Room 206144Snyder Oralia 144OraliaSnyder
180H-Spanish 1C Room 206144Snyder Oralia 144OraliaSnyder
181Spanish 1E Room 206144Snyder Oralia 144OraliaSnyder
182Spanish 1F Room 206144Snyder Oralia 144OraliaSnyder
183Spanish 1G Room 206144Snyder Oralia 144OraliaSnyder
1849DHomeroom Room 206144Snyder Oralia 144OraliaSnyder
185H-GeometryB Room 2011006Fr Chris Thel 1006ChrisThiel
186AP Comp Sci AD Lab 3011006Fr Chris Thel 1006ChrisThiel
187AP Calculus BCE Room 4051006Fr Chris Thel 1006ChrisThiel
188Prin. of ScienceA Room 202145Tompson Robert 145RobertTompson
189Prin. of ScienceB Room 202145Tompson Robert 145RobertTompson
190Prin. of ScienceD Room 202145Tompson Robert 145RobertTompson
191Prin. of ScienceE Room 202145Tompson Robert 145RobertTompson
192Prin. of ScienceG Room 202145Tompson Robert 145RobertTompson
1939BHomeroom Room 202145Tompson Robert 145RobertTompson
194H English 9D Room 20135Traver Tracy 35TracyTraver
19512EHomeroom Room 1071003Viana Vanessa 1003VanessaViana
196H-Spanish 3B Room 2051003Vanessa Viana 1003Vanessa Viana
197Spanish 3C Room 2051003Vanessa Viana 1003Vanessa Viana
198Spanish 4D Room 2061003Vanessa Viana 1003Vanessa Viana
199Spanish 3E Room 2041003Vanessa Viana 1003Vanessa Viana
200Spanish 2F Room 1081003Vanessa Viana 1003Vanessa Viana
201Design Publ. / YearbookG Library 300100Wicke Ann 100AnnWicke
202PEA Gym57Wolfson Todd 57ToddWolfson