Calc AB Homework - Block Y

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Class Date Schedule Topic Page Exercises Links Unit
2-1Monday, Oct 14 Day 4 - Gold

Get 40% Mastery at KA on AP/College Calculus AB" by Dec 15, 2023
   3.1 Extrema, EVT, and the Candidates Test In class:
  1. Delta Math: Practice EVT examples (class 2-1)
  2. 3.1 Notes and Examples
  3. Go over Qtr 1 Exam
For Homework:
  1. Textbook Exercises
  2. ∆ Math Lab 3.1: Extrema
   3.1 Extrema on an Interval Homework:1717*, 11, 17*, 19, (21), 23, 25*, 27, 29, (31), 33, (35), 37Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.com5.4, 5.5
   Read 3.2 Rolle's Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem174-177Chapter 3.2 Videos
More Rolle's Th Video Examples
2-2Wednesday, Oct 16 Day 6 - GoldIn class
  1. HW Quiz on Extrema (Candidates Test)
  2. 3.2 Notes and Examples Rolle's Th and MVT
  3. slides
for HW
  1. Textbook Exercises
  2. ∆Math Lab 3.2: MVT
MVT Practice
   3.1 Extrema on an interval Homework17241*, (45-55 odd), (57-59)5.4, 5.5
   3.2 (Rolle's Th)1783, (5), (7), 9*, 11, 13*5.1
   3.2 (MVT)17815-25 odd, 29 5.1
   Read 3.3 Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test181-186Chapter 3.3 Videos5.3, 5.4
2-3Friday, Oct 18 Day 2 F GoldIn class
  1. ∆Math Quiz
  2. Draw f from f'
  3. 3.3 Notes and Examples Inc/Dec and First Derivative Test
  4. slides
for HW
  1. Textbook Exercises
  2. ∆Math Lab 3.3 1st Der Test
  1. MVT Practice
  2. MVT WS2.
   3.2 (MVT)17831*, (33), (35), 37**, (39), 41**, (43), 47*MVT Practice at Paul's
MVT Practice at ΔMath
   3.3 Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test1873, 5, (7), (9), (11), 13, 15**, 17**, (19), 21, (23), 27**, (33), 35**, (37), 39**5.3, 5.4
   Read 3.4 Concavity and the Second Derivative Test191-195Chapter 3.4 Videos5.6, 5.7
2-4Wednesday, Oct 23 Day 4 - GoldIn class: Concavity and The 2nd Derivative Test
  1. HWQ 2-4 (First Der Test) on ∆Math
  2. 3.4 Notes and examples
  3. Delta Math Lab 2-4: 2nd Der Test
    1. Second Derivative Test Practice
    2. 1st and 2nd Derivative Test Worksheet
       3.4 Concavity and the Second Derivative Test19617*, 21, (25), 29, (35), 37*, 39, (43), 53*, 61**5.3, 5.4
       Read 3.5 Limits at Infinity199-205Chapter 3.5 Videos1.15
       Read 3.6 A Summary of Curve Sketching209-214Chapter 3.6 Videos5.8
    2-5Friday, Oct 25 Day 6 F Gold3.5 and 3.6: Limits at Infinity and Curve sketching
    1. Q 2-5 (Sec 3.1-3.4) ∆Math
    2. Identify f, f', f''
    3. Derivatives and the Shape of a Graph
    4. Summary Poster for analyzing polynomials and rational functions (Ch 5 of HATT)
    5. 3.5 and 3.6 Notes and Examples
    for HW:
    1. Textbook Exercises
    2. ∆Math Lab 3-5 and 3-6 :Function Analysis
    1. 3.6 Curve Sketching Examples
    2. 3.6 Curve Sketching Solutions
       3.5 Limits at Infinity2065, (6-10), 11*, (17), 19, (21), 25*, (35-use squeeze Th), (37), (41), (49). Graphing Analysis Poster1.15
       3.6 Curve Sketching21513, 27, 33*, 37*, (51), 53*5.8
       Read 3.7 Optimization Problems219-223Chapter 3.7 Videos5.10, 5.11
    2-6Tuesday, Oct 29 Day 2 - GoldIn class:
    1. More 3.7 Optimization (Solutions)
    2. Optimisation WS
    3. Online Optimization Questions and Solutions at UC Davis
    4. Optimization Practice
    1. Video Examples from AP Classroom

    2. Opt. Examples from Paul

    3. Instructions and examples from Roberto
    4. Examples of Optimization Word Problems
       All Saints Day (Mass/Assembly Schedule) (FR Chris FSHA 11:35 Mass)
    (are you at 10% Mastery in Calc AB @ KA Today?)

    3.7 Optimization Problems (Max/Min word problems) for Homework
    1. p 224 textbook problems
    2. Lab 3-7: f, f', f'' with Particle Motion
    2247*, 11*, 13*, 15*, 19, 23**, 25, 29, 35**5.10, 5.11
    2-7Thursday, Oct 31 Day 4 F Gold Particle Motion and Relationship between f, f', and f''
    1. Quiz 2-7 (paper)
    2. 3.7 Notes and Examples (ppt) #2....
    3. Particle Motion Problems (Answers)
    for HW
    1. Textbook Exercises
    2. Work on Ch 3 Topics in KA, and/or Ch 3 Practice Test problems
    1. Draw f from f'
    2. Video Examples from AP Classroom

    3. Opt. Examples from Paul

    4. Instructions and examples from Roberto
    5. Examples of Optimization Word Problems
       3.3 More First Derivative Test exercises18741*, 47, 51, 59**, 61, 63, 66, 73**, 83 5.3, 5.4
    2-8Monday, Nov 04 Day 6 - GoldCh 3 Review
    (are you at 18% Mastery in Calc AB @ KA Today?)

    In class:

    For HW:

    1. Text book problems
    2. Study for Chapter 3 Test
    3. Ch 3 ∆Math Labs due next class
    242 5, 15, 19, 27, 39, 45, 49, 75, 815
    2-9Wednesday, Nov 06 Day 2 - Gold
    1. Chapter 3 Test
    for HW
    • Watch Nancy Pi explain antidiffererntiation.
    • Build up some Mastery Points on KA
    • Textbook exercises
       Read 4.1 Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals (Fr Chris at Provincial Assembly)248-254Chapter 4.1 Videos6.8
        4.1 Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals 2557*, 9, 11, 13*, 27**6.8
    2-10Friday, Nov 08 Day 4 F Gold 4.1 Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals 255 15*, 19, (21), 25,( 29) ,31**, 33**, 35, 37*, 39, (41), 44**6.8
       In class
    1. AP Classroom: 1 question check (last day before late fees)
    2. 4.1 Notes and Examples
    3. Slides 4.1 Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals
    4. Practice Antiderivatives
    For HW:
    • Do 4.1 p 255 Exercises
    • Read 4.2 Area
    • Lab 4-1
    1. Chapter 4.2 Videos
    2. 4.1 WS 1
    3. 4.1 WS 2
    2-11Wednesday, Nov 13 Day 6 M GoldIn class:
    1. HW Quiz on ∆Math
    2. Intro to Area under a curve with Demos
    3. Interactive Examples at ∆Math
    4. 4.2 Notes and Examples: Area and Sigma notation
    5. Riemann and Trapezoidal Sums Graphically (∆Math)
    6. Practice Basic Antiderivatives (∆Math )
    For HW:
    1. 4.1 exercises
    2. 4.2 exercises
    3. Lab 2-8: Sums and Area
    4. (Lab 2-9: Intro to Slope fields ) Due class 2-14
    Ch 4 Integral WS.pdf

       4.1 Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals

    (#45 introduces a field of blue slopes. For some backgroud you may wish to watch a YouTube video.
    255(45), (55), 57**, 60**, (63), 65**, (67)
    1. Dr Jannetta's Geogebra Slope Field Generator
    2. Nathan Grigg's Slope field generator
    3. GraphFree can make slope fields

       4.2 Area 2675*, 9**, (11), (13), 21*, 22**6.2
       Read 4.3 Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals270-276Chapter 4.3 Videos6.3, 6.6
    2-12Friday, Nov 15 Day 2 F Gold4.3 Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals
    (are you at 24% Mastery in Calc AB @ KA Today?)

    In class:
    1. HWQ 2-12 (12 min)
    2. 4.3 Limit Definition of Integral Examples (∆Math)
    3. 4.3 Notes and Examples
    4. Ch 4 Integral WS.pdf
    1. Watch 3* and/or 7* video (no need to write it up)
    2. Do p. 277 exercises
    3. Lab 4.3 Practice (∆Math)
    4. Continue to work toward 80% Mastery at Khan Academy (AP Calculus AB due Class 2-19)
    5. Read 4.4
    2775, 13, 15, 17, 23, 25*, 27, (29), (31), 33, 36, 37*, 41, (43), (44), 47**, 49**, 53**, (54) 6.3, 6.6
    2-13Tuesday, Nov 19 Day 4 M GoldRead 4.4 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus281-291Chapter 4.4 Videos6.4
       4.4 1st and 2nd Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Average Value, MVT for integrals In class:
    1. HWQ 2-13 (4.3) (∆Math)
    2. 4.4 Examples ( FTC1, FTC2, Mean Value vs AROC) at ∆Math
    3. 4.4a Notes and Examples
    4. Proof of 4.4 Theorems (video) @ Mathorama Podcast (PDF version)(ppt here)
    1. Do p 291 exercises
    2. Watch Displacement vs Distance: 4.4 number 93* video
    3. Lab 2-11: Definite Integrals (4.4)
    4. Read 4.5
    2925, (7), 11, 17, 19*, 23, (27), 37*, (39), 47*, (52), 53*, 62**, 63*, 67**, 71*, 75*, 79, 81**, 83**, 85** Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.com6.4
    2-14Thursday, Nov 21 Day 6 F Gold4.4b 1st and 2nd Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Average Value, MVT for integrals In class:
    1. Proof of 4.4 Theorems (video) @ Mathorama Podcast (PDF version)(ppt here)
    2. HWQ 2-14 (∆Math)
    3. 4.4b Notes and Examples
    1. AP Classroom: Personal Progress Check (PPC): Unit 6:MCQ 1 Upload your work to Portals, answer online at AP Classroom)
    2. Lab 4-4: Definite Integrals
    3. Read 4.5
    1-15Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.com6.4
       Read 4.5 Integration by Substitution296-304Chapter 4.5 Videos6.9
    2-15Monday, Dec 02 Day 2 - Gold4.5 Integration by Substitution ("u-sub")
    (are you at 30% Mastery in Calc AB @ KA Today?)

    1. Paper Quiz on 4.1-4.4
    2. 4.5 Notes and Examples
    for HW
    1. Textbook Exercises
    2. Lab 2-12: U-Sub
    3055*, 7, (9), 15*, (17), (21), 25, (29), 35, (39), (43), 45*, 53*, 57**, 61**, 65*, 69*, 81**, 87**Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.com6.9
    2-16Wednesday, Dec 04 Day 4 - GoldChapter 4 Review
    1. ∆Math Quiz 2-16
    2. Ch 4 Test Checklist and Practice (Solutions)
    3. Ch 4 MC Practice From the textbook (with answers)
    4. Review Examples From the "Notes and Examples" (filled in ones available in the "Topics" section of Portals
    For HW:
    1. page 306: 6 u-sub problems
    2. Study for Test
      • Review Notes and Examples 4.1-4.5 (See Topics in Portals for filled in Notes and Examples)
      • ∆Math Practice 4.1-4.5 (good for practicing skills)
      • Ch 4 Checklist and Practice Problems (good for problems where you need to decide what skills are needed)

    u-sub WS with solutions

    Some Basic Review Problems

       4.5 (u-sub)306 63, 67, (68), 71, 73*, 85**Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.com6.9
    2-17Friday, Dec 06 Day 6 F Gold
    Chapter 4 Test
    2-18Tuesday, Dec 10 Day 2 - GoldSemester Review
    1. Chapter Checklist and Practice Problems (good for problems where you need to decide what skills are needed):
      1. Ch P-1 Practice ( Solutions )
      2. Ch 2 Practice ( Solutions )
      3. Test 3 Practice ( Solutions )
      4. Ch 4 Practice ( Solutions )
    2. Multiple Choice Problems from the textbook (To gain confidence in choosing the answer from distractors):
      1. Qtr 1 MC (Ch P-2)
      2. Ch 2 MC Practice
      3. Ch 3 MC
      4. Ch 4 MC
      5. Sem 1 MC Questions (from an old edition of our textbook)
       Semester 1 Review
    (are you at 36% Mastery in Calc AB @ KA Today?)

    3093, 5, 7, 10, 13, 25**, 37, 39, 41**, 43, 45, 51, 53, 57, 59**, 61, 63, 67**, 69, 71, 736
    2-19Thursday, Dec 12 Day 4 M GoldSemester Review
    1. Sem 1 Exam Study Guide
    2. Class 2-19 12 Questions on AP Classroom

    3. Upload your work used to answer AP Classroom questions to Portals CW 2-19
    4. Preview of the Sem 1 Exam First Page
    5. Old Sem 1 Review Packet

    Get 40% Mastery at KA on AP/College Calculus AB" by Dec 15, 2023

    login Mathorama School Calendar Bell Schedule AP Classroom Blackbaud Portal Google Classroom Podcast Videos

    1. 11e HW Solutions @ CalcChat
    2. 11e HW Solution Videos @ calcView from the textbook (well done, but just the problems with * )
    3. Fr C's HW Solution Videos from the Mathorama podcast (just the problems with ** )
    4. 11e HW Solutions @ Quizlet (formerly Slader) Good for answers to even questions
    5. 11e HW Solution Videos @ Some are better than others, but fairly complete
    6. 11e Lecture Videos @ Larson Calculus
    7. Class Sketchpad Files and Worksheets
    8. GeoGebra Apps
    9. Free Wolfram CDF Player
    10. 8e HW Solutions