Calc AB Homework - Block Y

No class today. Next school day is Day 2

Generated Saturday, October 05, 2024 at 11:30 pm.
Mathorama School Calendar Bell Schedule AP Classroom Calc Applets Blackbaud Portal Google Classroom Fr Chris's Mathorama Videos (homework answers) Mr. O'Connor Movies (concepts and examples) JMT Calc Videos
Class Date Schedule Topic Page Exercises Links Unit
3-1Tuesday, Jan 07 Day 2 - GoldStart of the 3rd Qtr:
Get 65% Mastery at KA on AP/College Calculus AB" by Feb 21
Get 85% Mastery at KA on AP/College Calculus AB" by Mar 13
  1. Syllabus
  2. About 39 classes done, and 30 to go before the AP Exam
  3. Khan Academy Goals: AP/College Calculus AB
    1. 65% Mastery By February 21, 2024 - (20 HW points)
    2. 85% Mastery By By March 13, 2024 - (20 HW points)
  4. New for SF: 3-D Project (Ch 7)


   5.1 The Natural Logarithmic Function: Differentiation In class:
  1. 5.1 Notes and Examples
  2. Lab 5-1: Logs (Delta Math)
  3. Go over FRQ Solutions on Semester 1 Exam
   Read 5.2 The Natural Logarithmic Function: Integration314-320Chapter 5.2 Videos6.8, 6.9
   Read 5.1 The Natural Logarithmic Function: Differentiation314-320Chapter 5.1 Videos2.7
   5.1 The Natural Logarithmic Function: Differentiation 3219-12, 13-15, 17*, 19*, 21, 23*, (25), 27, (29), 31, 33, (35), 39, 51, 55**, (59), 61, (63), 65**, (67), 75, 77*, 79**, 69**, 81* (85), 87*, 91 * means there is a video on that question on

** means there is a video at Fr Chis' Mathorama podcast

Proof of the Derivative of ln x

3-2Thursday, Jan 09 Day 4 - GoldIn class
  1. 5.2 Notes and Examples
  2. AB HWQ 3-2 (∆Math)
  3. Lab 5-2 (∆Math)
   5.2 The Natural Logarithmic Function: Integration3305, (7), 9*, (13), 17**, 21**, 25**, 29*, 33*, 39, 49**, (50**), 51**, 55*, (57) 61, (63), , 65**, 69*, 71**, 73*, 77** * means there is a video on that question on

** means there is a video at Fr Chis' Mathorama podcast

6.8, 69
   Read 5.3 Inverse Functions333-338Chapter 5.3 Videos3.3
   Read 5.4 Exponential Functions: Differentiation and Integration of ex342-347Chapter 5.4 Videos2.7, 6.8
3-3Monday, Jan 13 Day 6 - GoldIn class
  1. 5.3 Notes and Examples: Inverse Functions
  2. 5.4 Notes and Examples: Derivatives and Integrals of ex
for HW:
  1. Textbook exercises from 5.3 and 5.4
  2. Lab 3-3: Inverse functions have reciprocal slope
   5.3 Inverse Functions3395-8, 9*, 13, (16), 17, (19), 21, 25*, 29, (31), 33*, 35*, 41, (45), 47, 50**, 51*, 53**, (55), 57**, 63*, 67**, 71**, 73*, 753.3
   Lab 5-3: Derivatives of Inverse Functions (5.3) (∆ Math)342-3472.7, 6.8
   5.4 Exponential Functions: Differentiation and Integration3483, 5, (7), 9*, 11, (13), 15, (17), (19),(21), 23 , (25), 27, 29*, 31, 33*, (35), 55, 57*, (59), (60), 61, (62), 63**, (64), 65**, (67), 69**, (139)There are videos for questions 9, 29, 33, and 57 at CalcView.com2.7, 6.8
3-4Thursday, Jan 16 Day 2 M GoldIn class
  1. Quiz on 5.2 & 5.4 (∆Math)
  2. 5.5 Notes and Examples: Bases Other than e and Applications
for HW:
  1. Textbook exercises from 5.4 and 5.5
  2. Lab 5-4: Bases other than e
2.7, 6.8
   5.4 Exponential Functions: Differentiation and Integration Ones in ( ) are optional349(71), 73*, (79), 91, (92), 93*, 95, (99), (103), 109, 111*, 113, (115), (117), 123*, (125), 127 Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.com2.7, 6.8
   5.5 Read Bases Other than e and Applications352-357Chapter 5.5 Videos2.7, 6.8
   5.5 Bases Other than e and Applications3585, 7, (11), 13, 15, (17), 19, 21, (25), 29*, 33, (37), 39, 41*, (43), 47, (53), 55**, (59)Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.comSlope field @ Desmos
2.7, 6.8
   Read 5.6 Indeterminate Forms and L'Hopital's Rule362-368Chapter 5.6 Videos4.7
3-5Tuesday, Jan 21 Day 4 - GoldIn class
  1. HWQ 3-5 (∆Math)
  2. 5.6 Notes and Examples: L'Hôpital's Rule
  3. Orders of Growth Poster
  4. The 7 indeterminate Forms: 0/0, ∞/∞, 0*∞, 1, 00, and ∞-∞
For HW
  1. Textbook exercises from 5.5 and 5.6
  2. Lab 5-6
  1. L'Hôpital's Rule to the rescue!
  2. Proof of e
  3. Examples from Practice L'Hôpital's Rule (5.6) (∆Math)
  4. Is L'Hôpital's Rule a Magic Bullet?
   5.5 Bases Other than e and Applications358 61, (63), (65), 67*, 69, 71*, 73, 76**, 77, (79), 81**, 82**, (89* )Asterisk means there is a video on that question on
Slope field @ Desmos
2.7, 6.8
   5.6 L'Hôpital's Rule 3693, 7*, 13, (15), 19, 29*, 35, 43, 51*, 55, 79, 89, 90**L'Hopital WS
   Read 5.7 Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation373-3783.3, 3.4
   Read 5.8 Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration382-3866
3-6Thursday, Jan 23 Day 6 - GoldIn class
  1. Review inverse trig functions
  2. 5.7 Notes and Examples: Inverse Trig Differentiation
  3. d/dx(arcsin(x), d/dx(arccos(x) , d/dx arctan(x)
for HW:
  1. Textbook exercises 5.7
  2. Lab 5-7: Inverse Trig (only the arcsin, arctan exercises)
   5.7 Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation3795, 7*, 9, (11), 13, (15), 17, 21*, 25*, 27, (35), 41, 43*, 47, (51), 55, 57*, 67*, 71** Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.com3.3, 3.4, 6.8
3-7Monday, Jan 27 Day 2 - GoldIn class
  1. No calc paper quiz (5.1-5.7)
  2. 5.8 Notes and Examples: Inverse Trig Integration
for HW:
  1. Textbook exercises 58.
  2. Lab 5-7: Inverse Trig (skip arcsec exercises)
   5.8 Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration The exercises in ( ) are optional, but watching the video would be insightful.3873, 5*, 9, 13, 23*, 31, 33**, (35*), (45*), (47*), 55,(61), 63*, 65**Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.com6
3-8Wednesday, Jan 29 Day 4 M Gold(No Seniors) BC Calc Prep
  1. Vector Draw
  2. SwimSim
  3. Magnitude and Direction
  4. Vector Addition
  5. Vector Subtraction
  6. Vector WS
  7. Intro to Vectors
   Underclassmen Only: Precalc Review for AB and BC Topics 406-409(410)Chapter 6.1 Videos7.3, 7.4, (7.5)
3-9Friday, Jan 31 Day 6 F GoldChapter 5 Review
  1. Chapter 5 Quiz (∆Math)
  2. Ch 5 Test Checklist and Practice (Solutions)
  3. Ch 5 MC Practice (Note section L'Hop questions are at the end, starting again with 1-10)
4001, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 13, 25, 29, 33, 35, 39**, 47, 49, 51, 53, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 75, 81, 89, 91, 93**, 101, 103, 107, 109**
3-10Tuesday, Feb 04 Day 2 - Gold
Chapter 5 Test
   Read 6.1 Slope Fields, Solutions to a Differential Equations406-409(410)Chapter 6.1 Videos7.3, 7.4, (7.5)
3-11Thursday, Feb 06 Day 4 - GoldRead 6.2 Solving Differential Equations (not Growth and Decay Models)Chapter 6.2 Videos7.1, 7.2
   In class
  1. Slope Field Generator (GeoGebra)
  2. TI Program to help computing the slope for a point
  3. 6.1 Examples
  4. 6.1 Notes and Examples
  5. Lab 6-1 (∆Math)
Ch 6.1 WS
  1. Matching DiffEQs with their slope field Video
  2. Slope Field Generator (GeoGebra)
  3. Slope Field Generator (Desmos)
  4. Ch 6.1 WS Matching Slope fields with diffEQs
7.3, 7.4
If you are on pace, you should be around 55% KA Mastery
   6.1 Slope Fields, Solutions to a Differential Equations 4115*, 7, 11*, 14**, 19*, 20**, 31*, 37* 43*, 46**, 47, 49, 51 Slope Field Generator7.3, 7.4,
3-12Monday, Feb 10 Day 6 - Gold6.3 Separable Differential Equations
In class
  1. Daily Quiz
  2. 6.3 Notes and Examples
  3. Slope Field Generator (Desmos)
  4. Ch 6.3 WS
Ch 6.3 WS
  1. Slope Field Generator (GeoGebra)
  2. Slope Field Generator (Desmos)
7.3, 7.4
   In class
  1. 6.2 Notes and Examples
  2. Slope Field Generator (Desmos)
  3. Try AB 2011 FRQ 5 part (c) There is a KA Video explaining after you try.
for HW:
  1. 6.2 Textbook problems
  2. Delta Math Lab 6-2: Diff. E.Q.s
Ch 6.1 WS
  1. Slope Field Generator (GeoGebra)
  2. Proportional Slope Field Generator (Desmos Demo)
  3. Check your answer Graphically(Desmos)
7.3, 7.4
   6.2 Solving Differential Equations4203*, 5, (7), 9,(13), 14**, 15*, 17*, 19, 21*, 22, 23* Slope field Generator7.1, 7.2
   Read 6.3 Separation of Variables (stop at "Logistic Equations" which is a BC topic)423-428Chapter 6.3 Videos7.6, 7.7, (7.9)
3-13Wednesday, Feb 12 Day 2 - Gold6.3 Separable Differential Equations
In class
  1. Daily Quiz
  2. 6.3 Notes and Examples
  3. Slope Field Generator (Desmos)
  4. Ch 6.3 WS
Ch 6.3 WS
  1. Slope Field Generator (GeoGebra)
  2. Slope Field Generator (Desmos)
7.3, 7.4
   6.3 Separable Differential Equations 4295, 7*, 9, 11, (13), 15, 17, 19*, 21, (23), 25, 27, 29*, 33, (35), 37Verify Solutions to Differential Equations7.6, 7.7, (7.9)
3-14Friday, Feb 14 Day 4 F GoldChapter 6 Review
  1. Test 6 Practice ( Solutions to Test 6 Practice)
  2. Chapter 6 MC Practice(textbook)
  3. 2011 AB 5
  4. 2014 AB 6.
  5. Slope Field Cards (Socrative)
AP Classroom Unit 7 Videos

Chapter 6.3 WS

3-15Thursday, Feb 20 Day 6 - Goldin class
  1. Chapter 6 Test
for HW
  1. Watch Topic 8.4/8.6 @AP Classroom
  2. Read 7.1 Area of a Region Between Two Curves
444-449Chapter 7.1 Videos8.4, 8.5, 8.6
3-16Monday, Feb 24 Day 2 - GoldIn class
  1. 7.1 Notes and Examples
    1. Visualize Vertical slices (Desmos)
    2. Visualize Vertical slices (Geogebra)
    3. Visualize Horizontal slices (Geogebra)
  2. Delta Math Examples
  3. 7-1b Area Worksheet
  4. 7-1c Area Worksheet
  5. 7-1d Area Worksheet
for HW:
  1. Textbook exercises
  2. Lab 7-1 Area Between 2 Curves (7.1) (∆Math)
  1. Slope Field Generator (GeoGebra)
  2. Slope Field Generator (Desmos)
7.3, 7.4
   7.1 Area of a Region Between Two Curves4505, 7*, 9, 11*, 13, (15), 17*, (19), 21,(25), 29* (31), 33, (35), 37*, (39), 41 Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.com8.4, 8.5, 8.6
3-17Wednesday, Feb 26 Day 4 - Gold
Fr Chris at Provincial Assembly Feb 21

Gray Image Starter and Tester Code
2012 Free Response Questions
Hints you get during the Exam: Appendix B
65% KA Mastery
Read 7.2 Volume: The Disk Method / Solids With Known Cross sections
Chapter 7.2 Videos8.9, 8.10
   7.2a Volume of Revolutions: The Disk and Washer Methods

In class:
  1. (First 20 min) DeltaMath HW Quiz 3-17 (on 7.1)

  2. (Remainder of class) 7.2a Notes and examples Fill in by watching the slides or video below together with the ∆Math examples:
    1. (Remainder of class)Slides and (9 min video) (on Mathorama Podcast)
    2. Class 3-17 Examples (7.2a) at ∆-Math examples (3 min video)

  3. Other helpful visualizations:
    1. Examples (Press Show examples button or type your own functions)
    2. Disk Visualization (x and y axes)
    3. Geogebra example
    4. Washer Visualization (radius = f(x) -g(x) )
    5. Volume of a Cone (plix via GC)
For Homework
  1. Textbook exercises starting on page 461
Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.com8.9, 8.10
   7.2a Volume of Revolutions (The Disk/Washer Methods)4615*, 9* 13*, 17*, 21, 23*Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.com8.9, 8.10
3-18Friday, Feb 28 Day 6 F Gold7.2a Review of Volume of Revolutions: The Disk and Washer Methods

In class:
  1. 7.2a Notes and examples Fill in by watching the slides or video below together with the ∆Math examples:
    1. (Remainder of class)Slides and (9 min video) (on Mathorama Podcast)
    2. Class 3-17 Examples (7.2a) at ∆-Math examples (3 min video)

  2. Other helpful visualizations:
    1. Examples (Press Show examples button or type your own functions)
    2. Disk Visualization (x and y axes)
    3. Washer Visualization (radius = f(x) -g(x) )
    4. Volume of a Cone (plix via GC)
For Homework
  1. Textbook exercises starting on page 461
4617, 11, 15, 19, 25Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.com8.9, 8.10
3-19Tuesday, Mar 04 Day 2 - Gold7.2 Volume: The Disk Method / Solids With Known Cross sections

For HW:
  1. Lab 3-11: Volumes of Solids on know Cross Sections (7.2b)
  2. Textbook exercises
  1. Practice Disks, Washers, Cross Sections (7.2) (∆Math) Due the day of the Chapter 7 Test
  2. Rotation Examples (graph only)
8.9, 8.10
   7.2b Volume of Revolutions / Solids With Known Cross sections 462 31, 32**, 37*, (49), 51, (57), 58**, 73, 74**Asterisk means there is a video on that question on CalcView.com8.9, 8.10
3-20Thursday, Mar 06 Day 4 - GoldStudy for Ch 7 Test
  1. Test 7 Check List and Practice (Solutions )
  2. Q3-20 (7.1-7.2)
  3. The End Is Near
For HW
  1. Study with the Practice Problems, DeltaMath, Khan Academy, Notes and Examples, etc.
  2. Ch 7 Questions from AP (7 MCQ at AP Classroom)
3-21Monday, Mar 10 Day 6 - GoldIn class: For Homework:
  • FR 1 (In Topicss) Include name and work for full credit.
1, 2 Calc Active, 3-6 No Calculator.
3-22Monday, Nov 30 Day For Class
  1. Go over FR 1 Scoring guidelines
  2. MC 1 (45 MC questions that covers the entire course) Start in class, finish for HW. MCQ Grading rubric:
    • 4/4:Name, supporting work for choices for at least 80% of the questions.
    • 3/4: Like 4/4, but no name on work
    • 2/4: Name, but over 20% have no supporting work for the choice made
    • 1/4: Some questions not attempted (no choice, though answers are provided)
    • 0/4: No Name and over 20% have no supporting work, or missing or late without an excused absence.
  3. The End Is Near Topic in Portals has all the posted questions and solutions
  4. Calculus Flash Cards at ∆Math
For Homework
  • MC 1 (Show work for full credit)
3-23Monday, Nov 30 Day For Class
  1. The End Is Near Topic in Portals has all the posted questions and solutions
  2. Calculus Flash Cards at ∆Math
  3. HWQ 3-22 Can you recall the old topics?
  4. Start MC 2
For Homework
  • MC 2 (Show work for full credit)
3-24Monday, Nov 30 Day Quarter 3 Exam - Thursday March 13, 2024 10:15 Block C in 503, Block E in 502

85% KA Mastery by 8 AM March 13, 2024
  1. Quiz (5 MC, Calc Active, 15 min)
  2. Work on KA Mastery
  3. Work on FR 2. See schedule here: The End Is Near

For Homework

  • FR 2 (Due March 19, 2024)
Qtr 3 Exam Study Guide


login Mathorama School Calendar Bell Schedule AP Classroom Blackbaud Portal Google Classroom Podcast Videos

  1. 11e HW Solutions @ CalcChat
  2. 11e HW Solution Videos @ calcView from the textbook (well done, but just the problems with * )
  3. Fr C's HW Solution Videos from the Mathorama podcast (just the problems with ** )
  4. 11e HW Solutions @ Quizlet (formerly Slader) Good for answers to even questions
  5. 11e HW Solution Videos @ Some are better than others, but fairly complete
  6. 11e Lecture Videos @ Larson Calculus
  7. Class Sketchpad Files and Worksheets
  8. GeoGebra Apps
  9. Free Wolfram CDF Player
  10. 8e HW Solutions