My Astrophotography
Star watching weather
Dark skies are 45 to 90 minutes drive from La Canada, so it is best
see if the weather there is worth the trip
How to predict good observing conditions
Click the moon to see when it will be dark
Jet stream should be far way
According to Eric J. Douglass in a article he wrote in Sky and Telescope (p. 128, Jan 2000, Vol. 99 No.1)
The jet stream has wind 6 miles above the earth that travels over 100 mph, making poor seeing if you are
within 225 to 300 miles from the core of the stream. Look for the 300 mb Jet Stream analysis
here or
No Clouds
Looking for water vapor is the easiest way:
Navy Satellite Images
West Coast Satellite Images
East Conus Water Vapor Loop
Steady Air depends on the High/Low Pressure Systems
Look for cold fronts (solid blue teeth like curves on the map).
If you are within 300 miles, stay home. A high pressure system 200-400 miles away is a
good thing.
For a weather analysis maps at unisys click
My Favorite Places for Star Gazing
Bristlecomb Pines Forest Near Bishop, CA
Near Bend, OR
Near Santa Ynex CA:

Near Camp La Salle:

Alkali Near Tonopah:

Monte Cristo Castle, NV:

Current conditions in Mojave
Current conditions at Edwards AFB
Current conditions at Whitaker Peak
Current conditions at Indio-Kern Airport
California Airport Weather Observations
Mt. Pinos Weather
Weather Stats from Chilao, elv. 5450 ft near Pasadena in the Angeles Forest 34.3 N 118.0 W
Intellicast's Star watching Weather report
Fr. Chris' "Is it dark yet?" Page
US Navy's Moon/Sun rise and set
LA Sidewalk Astronomy Dark Sky Star Parties
Take the 5 freeway north, pass Magic Mountain and Castaic Lake, take the Templin Highway Exit. Turn right and go approximately 1 mile. There is a cutoff on the right hand side (we refer to this as T1).
T2 is 1/2 mile further. Go to the next stop sign, turn left (approximately 1/8 mile) and stop at the hill on the right hand side. T3 is located 1/8 mile further at the cutoff around the mountain. Just
look for our telescopes. All events are open to the public so come and join us.
Weather Reports for Templin Highway Area
Software links
Great links for Astronomy freeware
Current view of Earth