College Credit of APStat
See a more complete list here.
- Azusa Pacific University 3+: cr, 3 elective units, not general studies.
- Biola: 3+, 32 units of AP maximum
- Cal St. Fullerton: 5: 3 cr, Math 10
- Cal St. Hayward: Passing the examination with a score of 3 or better will give you 5 units of credit equivalent to STAT 1000.
- Cal St. Humbolt: 3+: 6 cr, not equiv to any course.
- Cal St. Northridge: 3+: Unit credit for 4 sem units & course credit for MATH 140. (Includes 4 units in SubsectionA.3 of Gen Ed.)
- Cal St. Sacramento: 3+: cr, Statistics 1
- Cal St San Jose: 3 units, SOCI 15
- California State University Stanislaus 3+: cr, Math 1600 or Math 1610 or Math 1620
- Carnegie Mellon: 4+
- Golden State U, SF: 3+: cr, Math 40
- Loyola Marimount: 4+ is accepted.
- Occidental: Score of 4 will receive 4 units of credit toward the degree, a score of 5 will receive 6 units of credit
- Penn State:For a grade of three, credit is awarded for Statistics 100 (3 credits). For a grade of four or five, credit is awarded for Statistics 200 (4 credits).
- Penn:4+ Statistics 111
- Pepperdine: 3+: 4 units cr, Math elective
- Purdue: 4+ Stat 301, 301I, 301T, 305 or 350
- St. Mary's Moraga: 3+: cr, Math 004
- Santa Clara: 4+: 4 qr cr, Math 8
- Scripps: AP Scores of 4 or 5 can receive elective credit. In order to receive full credit for math [] the student must take an exam given by our college. If the student has mastered the required level, then the student can receive credit. Should the student choose, she may then automatically enroll in the next higher level coures. Students with or without AP scores take placement exams [] when they arrive
- Sonoma State: 3+: Credit, Math 165
- Stanford: 4+, 5 credits for Stat 61
- Temple:3+: credit
- United States International University San Diego: 3+: 8 qr hrs credit, Applied Statistics
- UC Berkeley: 3+ gets 4 units
- UC Davis:3+ gets 4 units
- UC Irvine:3+ gets 4 units
- UCLA: 3+ gets 4 units
- UCR:3+ gets 4 units
- UCSB:3+ gets 4 units
- UCSD::3+ gets 4 units
- USC:3+ gets 4 semester units (not General Ed see USC's page)
- USD:3+: 3 cr, Math 15
- USF:3+: 3 cr, Statistics
- Woodbury:3+: 6 units cr, = two mathcourses.