1. Write a sentence describing what the word "statistics" means to you.
(Here and throughout the course, please write in complete, well-constructed,
grammatically correct sentences.)
2. a. What is your height in inches? _________________
b. What is your heart rate? __________________
c. Have you played on a SFHS athletic team?_________
d. How much money do you have with you right
now, coins only? Report the combined value of your change, not the
number of coins. ____________
e. Do you agree with the new zero tolerance
school policy for weapons and drugs? Y N
f. What month were you born in?___________
Collect data from the rest of the class and enter this information
into the spreadsheet below.
3. Which of the variables in #2 are categorical and which are variable?
4. How many words are in the sentence that you wrote in response to question 1?
5. Count the number of letters in each word you wrote in response to
question 1. Record the data below.
6. Suppose that instead of recording the number of letters in
each word of your sentence, you had been asked to
classify each word according to the following criteria:
1-3 letters: small word
4-6 letters: medium word
7-9 letters: big word
10 or more letters: very big word
In this case, what type of variable is size of word?
7. a. Make a frequency table based on month of birth data.
b. Sub-catagorize month of birth data into season of birth (Winter,
Spring, Summer, Fall) and make a bar
c. Create a stemplot of the heart rate data.
d. Create a back-to-back stemplot using the heart rate data as
the common stem, and differentiating by whether they were on an athletic team.
e. Create a histogram of the height data. Clearly
state the range and intervals you are using.
f. Describe the main features of the histogram: pattern,
deviations (outliers), shape, center, and spread.