====== Adding Drill ====== 10 Points Possible: - Make a new class called ''Question'' (remember @author Your Name in a comment) - Make two integer fields called ''a'' and ''b'' - Make a constructor that initializes a and b so they have a random number from one to ten - Make a method called ''correct'' that has a ''int'' parameter returns true if the parameter is the correct sum a+b - Make an overloaded method called ''correct'' that has a ''String'' parameter returns true if the parameter is the correct sum a+b. Use ''Integer.parseInt()'' to convert the ''String'' to an ''int'' - Make a method called ''toString'' that returns the question "What is a + b?" - Make a main method that creates a instance to ''Scanner'', and ''Question''. (Hints: Use ''import java.util.Scanner;'' before the class declaration, and make a new ''Scanner'' with the parameter ''System.in'' so it gets input from the user at the keyboard). There is a method called ''nextLine'' that will return the user's input as a ''String''. (Here is a link that [[https://www.w3schools.com/java/java_user_input.asp| give examples]] of making an instance of the Scanner class, and here is the link to the [[https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/index.html?java/util/Scanner.html| full API]] .) - Try asking one question and checking if it is correct. - Try using a ''while'' loop that keeps asking the question until the question is answered correctly. - Try using a ''for'' loop so you ask 3 different questions. Here is how it might look: {{:screen_shot_2018-10-01_at_6.17.56_am.png?200|}}