====== Karel J. Robot ====== This unit will pose and answer such questions as, "What is the art of computer science/programming? What is it about computer programming that makes it both pure logic and mathematics based and yet highly creative and dynamic at the same time? Can I meld my creative side with my enthusiasm for science and engineering? Learn to program in a fun, visual manner using Karel the Robot. Students will learn the Java programming language, the most widely used language for introductory computer science among colleges and universities - not to mention industry and the AP program. * [[http://csis.pace.edu/%7Ebergin/KarelJava2ed/Karel++JavaEdition.html| Original Online Version ]] at Pace University - [[http://csis.pace.edu/%7Ebergin/KarelJava2ed/ch1/|Chapter 1]] - [[http://csis.pace.edu/%7Ebergin/KarelJava2ed/ch2|Chapter 2]] - [[http://csis.pace.edu/%7Ebergin/KarelJava2ed/ch3|Chapter 3]] - [[http://csis.pace.edu/%7Ebergin/KarelJava2ed/ch4|Chapter 4]] - [[http://csis.pace.edu/%7Ebergin/KarelJava2ed/ch5|Chapter 5]] * [[http://csis.pace.edu/%7Ebergin/KarelJava2ed/KJRdocs/index.html|API]] * [[https://mathorama.com/karel/|Downloadable world files]] for each of the figures in the book * [[https://www.amazon.com/Joseph-Bergin/e/B00GYX945O/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0|Prof Bergin @ Amazon]] ====== Getting Started ====== * [[https://stanford.edu/~cpiech/karel/learn.html|Introduction to Karel]] from Stanford University * [[https://compedu.stanford.edu/karel-reader/docs/java/en/intro.html|Stanford Karel Reader]] * [[https://mathorama.com/karel/]] Slides and other files * [[https://mathorama.com/karel/KarelGrid.pdf|KarelGrid.pdf]] Handy Work Sheet and Reference. Put in a plastic cover and reuse it using a dry erase marker, a napkin, and a coin for the Robot. ====== Installation ====== * {{ ::kareljrobot.jar | Download kareljrobot.jar}} (Remember where you save this Library file) * [[How to install the Library in BlueJ]] * [[How to Install the Library in Eclipse]] * [[http://csis.pace.edu/~bergin/KarelJava2ed/SimulatorUserGuide.pdf|Karel User Guide]] (detailed reference) ====== Examples ====== - {{ ::rcrunner.java |RCRunner.java}} Remote Control Application (it has a static main method) - {{ ::first.java |First.java}} An "all in one" Runner that sends karel on a task - [[A Task for Two Robots]] - [[MileWalker]] extending the Robot class - [[StairSweeper]] - [[BiggerBrains]] - [[SteepleChaser]] ====== Exercises ====== - [[Your Initials in Beepers]] - [[Newspaper Retrieval]] - [[Find the Errors]] - [[Make A Maze World]] - [[Make a Maze]] - [[MazeWalker]] - [[Robot Olympics]] (figure 8 Shuttle Race) - [[Harvester]] [[http://csis.pace.edu/%7Ebergin/KarelJava2ed/KJRdocs/index.html|API]] ====== Projects ====== * [[http://danshuster.com/apcs/karel_main.htm| Dan Shuster's Projects]] * [[http://www.apcomputerscience.com/karel/index.htm|Dave Wittry's Projects]] * [[http://csis.pace.edu/~bergin/KarelJava2ed/ch1/index.html|Chapter 1]] * [[http://csis.pace.edu/~bergin/KarelJava2ed/ch2/index.html|Chapter 2]] * [[http://csis.pace.edu/~bergin/KarelJava2ed/ch9/index.html|Chapter 9]] * [[https://www.granburyisd.org/cms/lib/TX01000552/Centricity/ModuleInstance/3617/Karel_J_Robot(original).pdf|Karel J Robot.pdf]] ====== Flash Cards ====== * [[https://quizlet.com/2618741/karel-j-robot-chapter-2-prep-flash-cards/|2. Primative Instructions]] * [[https://quizlet.com/2660100/karel-j-robot-chapter-3-prep-flash-cards/|3. Extending the Robot Language]] * [[https://quizlet.com/2863720/karel-j-robot-chapter-5-flash-cards/|5. Conditionally Executing Instructions]] * [[https://quizlet.com/3013991/karel-j-robot-chapter-6-flash-cards/|6. Instructions that Repeat]]