1. Write a class TestArrayConverter.java that has a main method that does the following:
  2. In the main method, create a String Array of 5 Strings
  3. In the main method, create an ArrayList of 5 different Strings,
  4. In the main method, write a static method printArr that will take a String array argument, and print it.
  5. In the main method, write a static method printArr that will take an ArrayList<String> and print it;
  6. Write a static method that takes a String array and returns an ArrayList<String> object with the same contents.
  7. Write a static method that takes an ArrayList<String> object and returns String array with the same contents.
  8. In the main method call the other methods you made and print the results to see if it its working.

If you are in a hurry, here is a partial solution you can use to test your conversion methods: TestArrayConverter.java