import*; import*; import java.util.*; /** * This class represents a Button connected to the Raspberry pi on a given pin. * Connect the button to 3.3v power and to a GPIO. * * @author Fabio Hedayioglu * @author Ian Utting * @author Michael Kölling * @version 1.0 * */ public class Button { // the button instance is an input pin. private GpioPinDigitalInput button; //this array maps the GPIO pin numbers to integers private static final Pin[] pinMap = new Pin[] {RaspiPin.GPIO_00, RaspiPin.GPIO_01, RaspiPin.GPIO_02, RaspiPin.GPIO_03, RaspiPin.GPIO_04, RaspiPin.GPIO_05, RaspiPin.GPIO_06, RaspiPin.GPIO_07, RaspiPin.GPIO_08, RaspiPin.GPIO_09, RaspiPin.GPIO_10, RaspiPin.GPIO_11, RaspiPin.GPIO_12, RaspiPin.GPIO_13, RaspiPin.GPIO_14, RaspiPin.GPIO_15, RaspiPin.GPIO_16, RaspiPin.GPIO_17, RaspiPin.GPIO_18, RaspiPin.GPIO_19, RaspiPin.GPIO_20}; //the default pin, used by the constructor without parameters. private final static int defaultPin = 7; /** * Creates a Button at the default GPIO pin (7). * */ public Button() { //create the Button in the default pin. this(defaultPin); } public Button(int p) { //get a gpio controller GpioController gpio = GpioFactory.getInstance(); Collection existingPins = gpio.getProvisionedPins(); //if this button wasn't previously privioned, do it. button = getProvidedPin(pinMap[p]); if (button == null){ button = gpio.provisionDigitalInputPin(pinMap[p], PinPullResistance.PULL_DOWN); } } private GpioPinDigitalInput getProvidedPin(Pin desiredPin) { GpioController gpio = GpioFactory.getInstance(); Collection existingPins = gpio.getProvisionedPins(); for (GpioPin pin:existingPins){ if (pin.getPin() == desiredPin){ //this pin is already provisioned. take it. return (GpioPinDigitalInput) pin; } } return null; //not found } /** * Checks in the button is pressed. * */ public boolean isPressed() { return button.isHigh(); } /** * Add a listener to this button. * */ public void addListener(final ButtonListener listener) { //creates a GpioPinListener to listen to this pin.. GpioPinListenerDigital l = new GpioPinListenerDigital() { @Override public void handleGpioPinDigitalStateChangeEvent(GpioPinDigitalStateChangeEvent event) { //checks if the raised event is for this pin. if (event.getPin().getName().equals(button.getPin().getName())){ //if it is, then call the event buttonChange in our ButtonListener class and pass the //current state of the button (pressed = true, released = false) listener.buttonChanged(event.getState().isHigh()); } } }; //add the listener to this button. button.addListener(l); } /** * Remove all listeners from this button. * */ public void removeAllListeners() { button.removeAllListeners(); } }