import java.applet.AudioClip; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.ArrayList; public class CloudControler { private static final int MAX = 10;// number of clouds private static final double SPEED = .5;//probability of spawning a cloud private BufferedImage img; private AudioClip scoreSound; private AudioClip damageSound; private ArrayList clouds; private int right, bottom, score; private Chick target; public CloudControler(BufferedImage img, AudioClip scoreSound, AudioClip damageSound, int right, int bottom, Chick target) { this.img = img; this.scoreSound = scoreSound; this.damageSound = damageSound; clouds = new ArrayList(); this.right=right; this.bottom=bottom; = target; score = 0; } public CloudControler(BufferedImage img, int right, int bottom, Chick target) { this.img = img; this.scoreSound = null; this.damageSound = null; clouds = new ArrayList(); this.right=right; this.bottom=bottom; = target; score = 0; } public void spawn(){ int x = 0; if (Math.random()>.5) x=right;//start of right half the time int altitude = randInt(0, 130); int size = randInt(60, 150); clouds.add(new Cloud(img, x, altitude, size)); } public int randInt(int min, int max){ return min+(int)(Math.random()*(max-min+1)); } public void draw(Graphics g){ updateClouds(); for (Cloud c:clouds) c.draw(g); } public void updateClouds(){ for (Cloud c:clouds){ c.move(right, bottom); Rectangle cBox = c.getBox(); if(target.intersects(cBox) && target.getLife()>0 && !c.isRising()){ if(target.isJumping() && target.isBelow(cBox) ){ score+=100; c.hit(); if (scoreSound!=null); }else{ target.hit(10); c.setDead(); if (damageSound!=null); } } } //Check for dead clouds int i=0; while(i< clouds.size()){ Cloud c = clouds.get(i); if (c.isDead()) { if (!c.isRising() && target.getLife()>0) score+=10; clouds.remove(i); } else i++; } if (clouds.size()