B. Hon Geometry Homework - Block B

Generated Friday October 25, 2024 19:46


Class Date Schedule Topic Page Exercises Links
1Tuesday, Jan 07 Day 2§ 9.2 Special Right Triangles
   § 9.3 Trigonometric Ratios

Delta Math: SOH CAH TOA

2Thursday, Jan 09 Day 4§ 9.4 Solving Right Triangles In class:
  1. Delta Math: HWQ 3-2
  2. Delta Math: Solving Rt Triangles
3Monday, Jan 13 Day 6§ 9.5 Vectors
  1. § 9.3-9.5 Quiz
  2. Trig Strategy WS
For HW:
  1. MML 9.6 (Due Thursday at 8)
  2. Delta Math: Law of Sines and Cosines (Due Friday at 8)
   § 9.6 Law of Sines
  1. Law of Signs WS
  2. Law of Sines Video
  3. Law of Sines: SSA Case Video
  4. Law Chap 9 Slides
5Tuesday, Jan 21 Day 4§ 9.7 Law of Cosines
  1. Law of Cosines Proof (pptx) (key) (pdf)
  2. Law of Cosines Worksheet
  3. Law of Cosines Video
  4. Law of Cosines Example Video
  5. Answers to an Old Quiz Video
6Thursday, Jan 23 Day 6
Chapter 9 Test Part 1: Right Triangles and Trigonometry (MC on MML)
   Sections 9.6-9.7 Quiz (Law of Sines and Cosines)
Chapter 9 Test Part 2: Right Triangles and Trigonometry (Free Response on paper)
   Chapter 9 Review and Chapter 10 Pre-Test
7Monday, Jan 27 Day 2§ 10.1 Angle Measures of Polygons and Regular Polygon Tessellations
   § 10.2 Areas of Triangles and Quadrilaterals with a Review of Perimeter
  1. § 10.3 Areas of Regular Polygons
  2. 10.1-10.3 Practice QUiz
8Wednesday, Jan 29 Day 4
  1. 10.1-10.3 Quiz
  2. § 10.4 Perimeters and Areas of Similar Figures
   § 10.5 Arc Measures, Circumferences, and Arc Lengths of Circles
9Friday, Jan 31 Day 6
  1. § 10.6 Areas of Circles and Sectors
  2. 10.4-10.6 Practice Quiz
   § 10.7 Geometric Probability
   § Chapter 10.4-10.6 Quiz
   § Chapter 10 Study Guide476-481
11Thursday, Feb 06 Day 4§ 11.1 Solids and Cross Sections
  1. Lecture/Slides
  2. DeltaMath.com: 11.1 Examples
12Monday, Feb 10 Day 6
Chapter 10 Test: Area Part 1
   § 11.2 Surface Areas of Prisms and Cylinders
   § 11.3 Surface Areas of Pyramids and Cones

Lesson 11.1-11.3 Practice Quiz

Chapter 10 Test: Area Part 2

Homework: Chapter 11 Pre-Test
13Wednesday, Feb 12 Day 2Lesson 11.1-11.3 Quiz

§ 11.4 Volume of Prisms and Cylinders and Cavalieri’s Principle

   § 11.5 Volumes of Pyramids and Cones
14Friday, Feb 14 Day 4§ 11.6 Surface Areas and Volumes of Spheres
   § 11.7 Areas and Volumes of Similar Solids
   § 11.7 Areas and Volumes of Similar Solids
   Chapter 11 Study Guide530-533
17Wednesday, Feb 26 Day 4
Fr Chris at Provincial Assembly Feb 21
18Friday, Feb 28 Day 6
Chapter 11 Test Part 1: Surface Area and Volume

For homework, Use the "End of Cahpter" resources at Pearson+ (Vocab check, Practice Test, and other word problems). Also study the Volume and Surface Area Practice and Sphere Practice problems at DeltaMath.com.

Chapter 11 Test Part 2: Surface Area and Volume
19Tuesday, Mar 04 Day 2Chapter 12 Pre-Test on Circles
  1. Quiz 3-31 on Chapter 11 (∆Math)
  2. Design a 3-D Shape for Surface Area and Volume Project (TinkerCad Login)
for Homework:
  • Study for test
  • Work on 3-D Project
   Sign Up:

  1. Join Tinkercad Hon Geometry 2024 Class
  2. Alternate method of joining with code 1WYKA5MKF Type in your nickname
  3. TinkerCad Login
Learn the moves

  1. 3-D Design "Get Started"
  2. Learn the moves (Do all 10)
  3. Chess Pawn
   § 12.1 Circle Review and Tangent Lines534-544
   § 12.2 Chords and Arcs (MML has a Lesson 12.1/12.2 practice quiz as well)544-551
   § 12.3 Inscribed Angles551-558
20Thursday, Mar 06 Day 4§ 12.4 Additional Angle Measures and Segment Lengths558-564
   § 12.5 Coordinate Planes⎯Circles (MML has a Lesson 12.3-12.5 Practice Quiz as well)564-570
21Monday, Mar 10 Day 6§ 12.6 Locus570-573
   § 12.7 Focus/Directrix Form of a Parabola: (x  -  a)2  +   b2  -  c2  =  2(b  -  c)y574-576
   Chapter 12 Review (Study Guide available)576-579
   Chapter 12 Review (Study Guide available)576-579
23Monday, Nov 30 Day
Chapter 12 Test Part 1: Circles and Other Conic Sections
Chapter 12 Test Part 2: Circles and Other Conic Sections
   Cumulative Review: Facts to know cold for GeometryQtr 3 Study Guide
24  Cumulative Review (Qtr 3 Exam March 13, 2023 Room 501)Qtr 3 Study Guide
   Cumulative Review: Join Block G class with code 9UDVXG7X and take the Geometry Course challengeQtr 3 Study Guide
   Cumulative Review:
  1. Go ever Ch 12 part 2 Answers
  2. Digital SAT Math Practice Questions from Units 13, 7, and 5
Qtr 3 Study Guide

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