Calc AB Homework - Block Y

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Generated Sunday, October 06, 2024 at 01:00 am.
Mathorama School Calendar Bell Schedule AP Classroom Calc Applets Blackbaud Portal Google Classroom Fr Chris's Mathorama Videos (homework answers) Mr. O'Connor Movies (concepts and examples) JMT Calc Videos
Class Date Schedule Topic Page Exercises Links Unit
1-1Thursday, Aug 22 Day 2 - Gold1st Day:
  1. Syllabus
  2. Contract
  3. Khan Academy Goals: Get Ready for AP/College Calculus
    1. 50% Mastery By By September 6, 2023 - (10 HW points)
    2. 85% Mastery By October 9, 2023 - (10 HW Points)
  4. Summer Assignment Quiz
  5. What is Calculus?
  6. 1.2 GeoGebra Explorations
  7. 1.2 PLIX Exploration
  8. 1.2 Notes and Examples
  9. ∆Math Lab 1.1 Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically (Sec 1.2)

For HW
  1. Section 1.2 (p. 59) Textbook Problems
  2. ∆Math Lab 1.1 Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically (Sec 1.2)">∆Math Lab 1-1
  3. Join AP Classroom, ∆Math, KhanAcademy
  4. Register your Calculator
  5. Read about 1.3
Is Calculus Hard? Mr O'Connor's Video: 0
   (Optional ) P.1 Graphs and Models (Optional)8 (optional)(3-6, 21*, 22, 25, 35, 53, 59*,(63), 69)Key

* means there is a video on that question on

** means there is video on Fr C's Podcast

( ) means it is an optional problem

   1.2 Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically59-605*, 7, 9, 21, 23*, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31*, 33 * means there is a video on that question on

** means there is video on Fr C's Podcast

1.3, 1.4
   Read section 1.3: Evaluating Limits Analytically63-701.3 Videos
1-2Monday, Aug 26 Day 4 - Gold(Optional ) P.2 Linear Models and Rates of Change16 (optional)(16, 22, 23, 43, 47, 53, 55, 59, 69, 79)1
   1.3: Evaluating Limits Analytically
  1. Daily Quiz this time is on the summer assignment and one question from 1.2
  2. 1.3 Notes and Examples
  3. Lim of (sin x)/x as x goes to infinity (interactive proof)
For HW
  1. Section 1.3 (p 71)Textbook Problems
  2. ∆Math Lab 1-2
  3. Read about 1.4
    63-701.3 Videos
       1.3 Evaluating Limits Analytically71-729, 17, 21, 23, 25*, 37, 49, 51**, 53*(**too), 59, 63, 65*, 67, 74**, 75*(** too), 79Key

    * means there is a video on that question on

    ** means there is video on Fr C's Podcast

    ( ) means it is an optional problem

    Mr O'Connor's Unit 1 Videos Explain and give more examples

       Read section 1.4: IVT (Intermediate Value Theorem)74-821.16
    1-3Wednesday, Aug 28 Day 6 M Gold(Optional) P.3 Functions and Their Graphs(optional) 27(5*, 6, 7, 11, 23, 25, 27, 29*, 58, 65*, 67, 73, 75*)0
       In Class
    1. Daily Quiz on Delta Math
    2. 1.4 Notes and Examples
    For HW
       1.4 Continuity and One-Sided Limits835*, 7, 9**, 13**, (17), 18**, 20**, 21, 23, 25**, 35*, 43, (45), 47*, 49, 51**, (52),53**, (55),61*, (63), (65), 67*, (72, 83, 84), 85,(89, 93), 95* ( ) means that it is an optional exercise0
       Read section 1.5: Infinite Limits87-911.5 Videos
    1-4Friday, Aug 30 Day 2 F Gold(Optional) Chapter P Review(optional) 41(3 ,9, 13, 14, 33, 39)0
       In class:
    1. Recap of Chapter 1
    2. The Daily Quiz will be on Delta Math
    3. 1.5 Notes and Examples
    4. Odd One Out: Limits (upload to CW-4)
    For HW:
       1.5 Infinite Limits92-933*, 9, 11, 13, (16), 17, 21, 25*, 31**, 33*, 37, 39, 41*, 49,(51), 53*Graphing Rational Functions review of horizontal asymptotes.0
    1-5Wednesday, Sep 04 Day 4 - GoldIn class:
    1. ∆Math Quiz: Limits Analytically
    2. GC: Card Activity (Finally!)
       Chapter 1 Review
    In class:
    1. ∆Math: Quiz 1-5: Limits (redo-able)
    2. Test Description and Practice Problems (Key is here)
    For HW: page 95, and look at chapter 2.1
    9513, 21, 23, 25, 29, 31, 33, (42), 43, 65, 63, 81, 79, 850
    1-6Friday, Sep 06 Day 6 F Gold

    Test on Chapters P and 1

       Read 2.1 The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem100-106Chapter 2.1 Videos2
    1-7Tuesday, Sep 10 Day 2 - Gold2.1 The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem

    In class

    1. The derivate as a function
    2. Secant Line Activity
    3. 2.1 Notes and Examples
    4. 2.1 Slides
    for HW
    107(1), 11*, (15), 17*, 25, (27), 31*, 39,(43), 45,(46), 47, (49-53), 55, 57*, (60), 61, (64), 77*, (78), (79), 85, 89**, (93)
    1. Definition of Derivative
    2. Definition of Derivative
    3. Secant line to Tangant Line
    4. Try to Graph the Derivative
       2.1 The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem1072
       Read 2.2 Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change110-117Chapter 2.2 Videos2
    1-8Thursday, Sep 12 Day 4 - Gold2.2 Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change
    In class
    1. 2.2 Notes and Examples
    2. Derivatives of Elementary Functions Activity
    For HW
    1185*, 9, (13), 17*, 21, (25), 27*, 29, (33), 37,(41), (45), (51), 55*, (57), 59*, 61, (63), 65*, 67**, (77**), 79** Old worksheet2
       Read 2.3 Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives122-128Chapter 2.3 Videos2.8, 2.9
    1-9Monday, Sep 16 Day 6 - Gold2.3 Product and Quotient Rules
    In class
    1. HW Quiz Delta Math
    2. Who is the Derivative of Who?
    3. 2.3 Notes and Examples
    4. Four Corners: Derivatives (CW 1-9, just the four corners part)
    for Homework
    1. Textbook Problems
    2. ∆Math: Lab 2-3 Product and Quotient Rules
    More Worksheets for Practice: 2.8, 2.9, 3.6
       2.3 Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives 1295*, 11*, 17, 21*, (29), (33), 35**, (41), (47), 51**, 55**, 59**, (69), 75*, 77**, 79**, (81), 83**, 115**2.8, 2.9, 3.6
    1-10Wednesday, Sep 18 Day 2 - GoldThe Chain Rule
    In class:
    1. ∆Math Quiz 1-10 (2.1-2.3)
    2. Chain Rule Activity
    3. 2.4 Notes and Examples
    4. Chain Rule Circuit WS(CW 1-10)
    5. Chain Rule Slides
    6. More Chain Rule Examples
    For HW
    1. Basic Derivatives from your textbook
    2. Chain Rule Article @KA
    3. Online Practice with solutions
    4. Chapter 2.4 Videos
       2.4 The Chain Rule1403*, (7), 9*, (15), 21, (25), 29, (35), 37*, (39), (43), 47, 63**, 65, 69**, (71), 75*, 79**, (81), (91), 98**, (99), (102)3.1
       5.1 The Derivative of ln x with the chain rule32143, 45, (48)Proof

       5.4 The Derivative of e^x with the chain rule34833*, (38), (39)Proof

    1-11Friday, Sep 20 Day 4 F GoldIn class:
    1. Paper Quiz 1-11
    2. Implicit Differentiation Activity
    3. 2.5 Implicit Differentiation Notes and Examples
    4. 2.5 slides
    5. More Implicit Differentiation Examples
    6. Implicit Diff Circuit (Large Format)(turn in Portals)
    For HW:
       Read 2.5 Implicit Differentiation144-148Chapter 2.5 Videos3.2
       2.5 Implicit Differentiation1495*, (7), 9, (11), 15, (19), 21, 23*, 25*, 31, 33*, 35**, 37**, 39* (39**), 47*, 49**, 53*, (55), 57**, 63** To check your answers for this section: 3.2
       Read 2.6 Related Rates152-156Chapter 2.6 Videos4.4
    1-12Tuesday, Sep 24 Day 6 - Gold2.6 Related Rates Day 1

    In class:

    1. Typical Related Rates situations:
      1. Driving Car
      2. Two Trains
      3. Lamp post
      4. Falling Ladder
      5. Conical Tank
      6. Light House
      7. Rocket Launch
    2. Quiz on paper
    3. 2.6 Notes and Examples (Video, slides and pdf of slides)
    For HW:
    Other Examples and Worksheets:
    1. ∆Math examples
    2. Practice Related Rates @ ∆Math
    3. Kuta Examples
    4. 21 Related Rates Problems with complete solutions
       2.6 Related Rates Day 11573*, 5**, 7*, 9, 11, 13, 15, (16), 17**, (19**) 4.4
    1-13Thursday, Sep 26 Day 2 F GoldUnderclassmen Only: Precalc Review for AB and BC Topics3.2
       Underclassmen Only: Precalc Review for AB and BC Topics 3.2
    1. Work on Khan Academy:
      • 85% Mastery of "AP Calculus AB" (Due March)

    1-14Monday, Sep 30 Day 4 - GoldAmerican Math Competition (AMC10/12)
    1. Past AMC 12 Questions
    2. Tricks for divisibility
    1-15Wednesday, Oct 02 Day 6 M Gold2.6 Related Rates Day 2

    In class:

    1. (20 min) Implicit Differentiation Quiz (

    2. (25 min) Review 2.6 Notes and Examples (filled) in 2.6 Topics aand or the Daily Videos from Unit 4.5 in AP Classroom

    3. (45 min)Related Rates Circuit Worksheet in 2.6 Topics. Upload your work to Blackbaud (CW 1-15)
    (Video, slides and pdf of slides) For HW:
    157page 157: 21, (23), 25, 27, 34**, (42), 43
    1. My solutions (21-27 odd, 42, 43)
    Other Examples and Worksheets:
    1. ∆Math examples
    2. Practice Related Rates @ ∆Math
    3. Kuta Examples
    4. 21 Related Rates Problems with complete solutions
    1-16Monday, Oct 07 Day 2 - GoldChapter 2 Review

    In class:

    1. Quiz on Related Rates
    2. Test Practice Ch 2 (Checklist and FRQs) (Solutions)
    3. 57 Ch 2 textbook MCQs with Answers
    1611, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, (32), 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 49, 57, 59, 61, 65, 67, 81, 83, 85Other helpful links
    1. Word Problem Practice (try to express one variable in terms of another)
    2. Fr Chris Chapter 2 Videos
      3, 4.4
      1-17Monday, Nov 30 Day
      Test On Ch 2
      (on sections 2.1 and 2.6)
      1. Review (30 min)
      2. Test 2 (on sections 2.1 to 2.6) (60 min)
      1-18Monday, Nov 30 Day
      1. Remember AP Style questions from 2.1? (calculator tips)
      2. Quarter 1 Exam Study Guide
      3. Know Cold (blank) for Qtr 1 AB Students
      1-19Monday, Nov 30 Day
      1. Q 1-19 (∆Math) 20 min
      2. First Page of Calc AB Qtr 1 Exam 5 min
      3. Quarter 1 Exam Study Guide 20 min
      3, 4.4
         Read 3.1 Extrema on an Interval166-1705.4, 5.5

      login Mathorama School Calendar Bell Schedule AP Classroom Blackbaud Portal Google Classroom Podcast Videos

      1. 11e HW Solutions @ CalcChat
      2. 11e HW Solution Videos @ calcView from the textbook (well done, but just the problems with * )
      3. Fr C's HW Solution Videos from the Mathorama podcast (just the problems with ** )
      4. 11e HW Solutions @ Quizlet (formerly Slader) Good for answers to even questions
      5. 11e HW Solution Videos @ Some are better than others, but fairly complete
      6. 11e Lecture Videos @ Larson Calculus
      7. Class Sketchpad Files and Worksheets
      8. GeoGebra Apps
      9. Free Wolfram CDF Player
      10. 8e HW Solutions