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The exam is a cumulative exam that covers the entire course from the summer assignment until Unit 10 of the College Board's Course and Exam Description (CED),

It is a good ideas to review the Elevens Lab and the other Labs we have done throughout the year. There will be 70 minutes to answer 36 multiple choice questions Friday, and 45 minutes to answer 3 free response questions Tuesday. Each portion is worth 100 points (and the exam category is worth 20% of your grade).

A good way to review the multiple choice is reviewing Questions from previous Progress checks at AP Classroom, and previous Chapter Tests (this year they were returned by e-mail) or Chapter 13 of Java2020-SFHS

A good way to review the free response questions is past AP Questions @mathorama like we have been doing in class and homework, or Chapter 14-15 of Java2020-SFHS. Don't forget that you don't need a computer to practice writing code at

Another good way to review the free response questions is past AP Questions like ScrambleWord, the homework problems from 2012, 2018, and the others from past years.

Yet another good way to review the multiple choice is and to go back and review the multiple choice questions at and statements written in bold print in the text. To review the free response, be sure to consult the Chapter 2 Study Guide and the Chapter 3 Study Guide. Don't forget that you don't need a computer to practice writing code at The free response will emphasize writing methods that deal with int, double, and String and arrays of int, double, and String that might need a loop, as well as making classes and implementing interfaces. Practice writing loops, methods, and class declarations like the ones mentioned on the Chapter 2 Study Guide, Semester 1 Study Guide and javabat exercises.

The College Board has posted free response questions for you to practice with here. Some elegant solutions to these are at Skylit, the book publisher of our textbook. If your overall Practice Exam is better then the score on this exam, you will receive the the Practice Exam score for the score of your Semester 2 Exam.

Good Luck!

qtr_4_exam_study_guide.1620826401.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/12 09:33 by frchris

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