2011 Attractive Critter
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Question 2 from 2011 asks you to write a GridWorld class called AttractiveCritter
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Here is a 96 x 96 gif file 'AttactiveCritter.gif' so your working code looks like the College Board's example (if you download it to the correct location of your project):
import info.gridworld.actor.*; import info.gridworld.grid.*; import java.awt.Color; public class AttractiveCritterRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { ActorWorld world = new ActorWorld(); world.setGrid(new BoundedGrid<Actor>(5,5)); world.add(new Location(4, 2), new Rock()); world.add(new Location(1, 1), new Flower(Color.BLUE)); world.add(new Location(1, 2), new AttractiveCritter()); world.show(); } }
import info.gridworld.actor.*; import info.gridworld.grid.*; import java.util.ArrayList; public class AttractiveCritter extends Critter { }
Hints (if you need them)
- This is a
, so don't touch theact
method. - Which of the 5 methods in
should you change? - Remember not to change the state in certain methods... like
- You can process other
, but should you include yourself? no (you move like aCritter
, remember?) - Remember, you can get the occupied
from the grid, but it is up to you to get theActor
s in thoseLocation
s - While processing actors, remember to check if their new location is valid, and not off the grid
- While processing actors, remember to check if their new location isn't already occupied.
- How do you tell the processed actor to go to the new Location? move or moveTo?