2012 Horse Barn

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public interface Horse
	/** @return the horse's name */ 
	String getName();
	/** @return the horse's weight */ 
	int getWeight();
	// There may be methods that are not shown.


public class HorseBarn
	/** The spaces in the barn. Each array element holds a reference to the horse
	 * that is currently occupying the space. A null value indicates an empty space. 

	private Horse[] spaces;

	/** Returns the index of the space that contains the horse with the specified name.
	 * Precondition: No two horses in the barn have the same name.
	 * @param name the name of the horse to find
	 * @return the index of the space containing the horse with the specified name;
	 * -1 if no horse with the specified name is in the barn.
	public int findHorseSpace(String name)
		/* to be implemented in part (a) */ 

	/** Consolidates the barn by moving horses so that the horses are in adjacent spaces,
	 * starting at index 0, with no empty space between any two horses.
	 * Postcondition: The order of the horses is the same as before the consolidation.
	public void consolidate()
		/* to be implemented in part (b) */ 
	// There may be instance variables, constructors, and methods that are not shown.
	public HorseBarn(int size)
		spaces=new Horse[size];
	public void add(int i, Horse h)
	public void remove(int i)
	public String toString()
		String s1="", s2="", s3="";
		for (int i=0;i<spaces.length;i++){
			s1=s1+String.format("[ %7d ]", i);
				s2=s2+String.format("[ %7s ]", "null");
				s3=s3+String.format("[ %7s ]", " ");
			}else {
				s2=s2+String.format("[ %7s ]", spaces[i].getName());
				s3=s3+String.format("[ %7d ]", spaces[i].getWeight());
		return s1+"\n"+s2+"\n"+s3;


class Palomino implements Horse
	private String name;
	private int weight;
	public Palomino(String name, int weight)
	public String getName() {
		return name;

	public int getWeight() {
		return weight;



public class HorseBarnTester 

	public static void main(String[] args)
		HorseBarn sweetHome = new HorseBarn(7);
		sweetHome.add(0, new Palomino("Trigger", 1340));
		sweetHome.add(2, new Palomino("Silver", 1210));
		sweetHome.add(3, new Palomino("Lady", 1575));
		sweetHome.add(5, new Palomino("Patches", 1350));
		sweetHome.add(6, new Palomino("Duke", 1410));
		System.out.println("Part A\n"+sweetHome);
		System.out.println("sweetHome.findHorseSpace(\"Trigger\") should return 0 ");
		System.out.println("your code returns "+sweetHome.findHorseSpace("Trigger"));
		System.out.println("sweetHome.findHorseSpace(\"Silver\") should return 2 ");
		System.out.println("your code returns "+sweetHome.findHorseSpace("Silver"));
		System.out.println("sweetHome.findHorseSpace(\"Coco\") should return -1 ");
		System.out.println("your code returns "+sweetHome.findHorseSpace("Coco"));

		System.out.println("\nPart B should consolidate\n"+sweetHome);
		System.out.println("\nafter your consolidate code we should have all the null spaces at the end: 4,5,6\n"+sweetHome);