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<?php class MiniMoon { public $time=0; public $RA=0; public $dec=0; public function __construct($t){ $this->setTime($t); } public function setTime($t){ $P2=2*pi(); $cosEPS=0.91748;// cos(obliquity ecliptic) $sinEPS=0.39778;// sin(obliquity ecliptic) $arc = 206264.8062; $this->time = $t; // mean elements of lunar orbit $l0 = frac(0.606433+1336.855225*$t); // mean longitude of moon in rev $l = $P2*frac(0.374897+1325.552410*$t); // mean anomaly of the Moon $ls = $P2*frac(0.993133+99.997361*$t); // mean anomaly of the Sun $d = $P2*frac(0.827361+1236.853086*$t); // diff longitude Moon-Sun $f = $P2*frac(0.259086+1342.227825*$t); // mean argument of latitude $dl = 22640*sin($l) - 4586*sin($l-2*$d) + 2370* sin(2*$d) + 769*sin(2*$l) -668*sin($ls) - 412*sin(2*$f) - 212*sin(2*$l-2*$d) - 206*sin($l+$ls-2*$d) + 192*sin($l+2*$d) - 165*sin($ls-2*$d) - 125*sin($d) - 110*sin($l+$ls) + 148*sin($l-$ls) -55*sin(2*$f-2*$d); $s = $f + ($dl+412*sin(2*$f)+541*sin($ls))/$arc; $h = $f-2*$d; $n = -516*sin($h) + 44*sin($l+$h) - 31*sin($h-$l) - 23*sin($ls+$h) +11*sin($h-$ls) - 25*sin($f-2*$l) + 21*sin($f-$l); $bMoon = (18520.0*sin($s) + $n) /$arc; // in radians $lMoon = $P2 * frac( $l0 +$dl/1296E3) ; // in radians //echo "bMoon=".$bMoon." lMoon=".$lMoon."<br>"; // equatorial coords $cb = cos($bMoon); $x = $cb*cos($lMoon); $v = $cb*sin($lMoon); $w = sin($bMoon); $y = $cosEPS*$v-$sinEPS*$w; $z = $sinEPS*$v+$cosEPS*$w; $rho = sqrt(1.0-$z*$z); //echo "rho=".$rho." z*z=".sqrt(1.0-$z*$z)."<br>"; $this->dec = (360.0/$P2)*atan($z/$rho); $r = (48.0/$P2)*atan($y/($x+$rho)); //echo "sinEPS=".$sinEPS."<br>"; if ($r<0) $r=$r+24; if ($r>24) $r=$r-24; $this->RA = $r; } } class quad{ public $nz;//number of roots public $z1; public $z2;//the roots public $xe; // x extreme public $ye; // y extreme public function __construct($yMinus, $y0, $yPlus){ $this->nz=0; $this->z1=0; $this->z2=0; $c = $y0; $a = 0.5*($yPlus+$yMinus)-$c; $b = 0.5*($yPlus-$yMinus); $this->xe = -1*$b/(2.0*$a); $this->ye = ($a*$this->xe*$this->xe)+ ($b * $this->xe) + $c; $discriminant = $b*$b - (4.0*$a*$c); if ($discriminant >=0) { //parabola above x axis $dx = .5*sqrt($discriminant)/abs($a); $this->z1=$this->xe-$dx; $this->z2=$this->xe+$dx; if (abs($this->z1)<= 1.0) $this->nz++; if (abs($this->z2)<= 1.0) $this->nz++; if ($this->z1 < -1.0) $this->z1=$this->z2; } } } class moonRiseSet { public $risesAt="-------"; public $setsAt="-------"; public function __construct($year, $month, $day, $longitude, $latitude, $timeZone) { $datum=mjd($year,$month,$day)-$timeZone/24.0; $sphi=sinD($latitude); $cphi=cosD($latitude); $hour=1.0; $angSize=(8.0/60.0)*pi()/180.0; //echo "datum=".$datum."<br>"; $yMinus = sinAltMoon( $datum, $hour-1, $longitude, $cphi, $sphi) - sin($angSize); //echo "yMinus=".$yMinus."<br>"; $rise = false; $sset = false; $utRise=0; $utSet=0; // loop over search intervals from [0h-2h] to [22h-24h] // go thru the day, stop if you find both rise and set while ( ($hour < 25) && !( $rise && $sset)){ $y0=sinAltMoon( $datum, $hour, $longitude, $cphi, $sphi) - sin($angSize); $yPlus=sinAltMoon ( $datum, $hour+1, $longitude, $cphi, $sphi) - sin($angSize); $x = new Quad($yMinus,$y0,$yPlus); if (($x->nz==1)&&($yMinus < 0)){ $utRise= $hour+$x->z1; $rise = true; } if (($x->nz==1)&&($yMinus >=0)) { $utSet= $hour +$x->z1; $sset = true; } if (($x->nz==2) &&($x->ye <0)) { $utRise=$hour+$x->z2; $utSet= $hour+$x->z1; $rise = true; $sset = true; } if (($x->nz==2) && ($x->ye>=0)){ $utRise=$hour+$x->z1; $utSet= $hour+$x->z2; $rise = true; $sset = true; } $yMinus = $yPlus; $hour = $hour + 2; }//end of while loop //Now report moon, phase, sun and twilight times for the day if ($rise) { $this->risesAt=ut2String($utRise); //echo "utRise=".$utRise."<br>"; } if ($sset) { $this->setsAt=ut2String($utSet); } } } function sinAltMoon($mjd0, $hr, $lambda, $cphi, $sphi){ $mjd=$mjd0+$hr/24.0; $t= ($mjd-51544.5)/36525.0; //echo "lmst=".LMST($mjd, $lambda)."<br>"; $obj=new MiniMoon($t); $tau = 15.0 * (LMST($mjd, $lambda) - $obj->RA); //echo "RA=".$obj->RA." dec=".$obj->dec."<br>"; return $sphi*sinD($obj->dec) + $cphi*cosD($obj->dec)*cosD($tau); } function LMST($mjd, $lambda) { $mjd0 = trunc($mjd); $ut= ($mjd-$mjd0)*24; $t = ($mjd0-51544.5)/36525.0; $gmst = 6.697374558 + 1.0027379093*$ut + (8640184.812866+(0.093104-0.0000062*$t)*$t)*$t/3600.0; return 24.0*frac(($gmst+$lambda/15.0)/24.0); } function frac($a){ $a1 = $a - trunc($a); if ($a1<0) $a1=$a1+1; return $a1; } function trunc($t){ if ($t<0) { return ceil($t); } return floor($t); } function div($q, $d){ return floor($q/$d); } function modulo($q, $d){ return ($q-$d*floor($q/$d)); } function sinD($a){ return sin(pi()*$a/180.0); } function cosD($a){ return cos(pi()*$a/180.0); } function ut2String($ut){ $result="am"; while($ut<=0){ $ut=$ut+24.0; } $h=floor($ut); $min=round( ($ut-round($ut))*60); while ($min<=0){ $min=$min+60; } if ($min==60){$min=0;} if ($h>11){ $result="pm"; } $h=($h)%12; if($h==0){ $h=12; } if ($min>9){ $result=$h.":".$min.$result; } else { $result=$h.":0".$min.$result; } return $result; } function mjd2String($mjd) { $result="am"; $min=round(24*60*($mjd-floor($mjd))); $h= div($min,60); $min=$min % 60; if ( $h > 11) $result="pm"; $h = $h%12; if ( $h==0) $h = 12; if ($min>9) { $result=$h.":".$min.$result; } else { $result=$h.":0".$min.$result; } return $result; } function mjd($year, $month, $day) { $julianDay=jd($year, $month, $day,0,0,0); return $julianDay-2400000.5; } function jd($year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) { return jdn($year, $month, $day)+($hour-12)/24.0+$min/1440.0+$sec/86400.0; } function jdn($year, $month, $day){ $a1=div((14-$month),12); $y=$year+4800-$a1; $m=$month+12*$a1-3; return $day+div((153*$m+2),5)+365*$y+div($y,4)-div($y,100)+div($y,400)-32045; } function jdUnix($unix){ $sinceNoon=($unix-43200)%86400; $jdn= 2440588+($unix-43200)/86400; return $jdn+$sinceNoon/86400.0; } function mjdUnix($unix){ return jdUnix($unix)-2400000.5; } function jdnUnixTime($unix){ $u=$unix-43200; $days=div($u,86400); return 2440588+$days; } // diff of 1/1/1970 and new moon of 1/4/2011 9:03 UTC // average lunation is 2551443 seconds function moonAgeDaysUnix($unix){ return round((($unix-1294131780) % 2551443)/86400,2); } function moonAgeDays($year, $month, $day){ $unix=43200+86400*(mjd($year,$month,$day)-mjd(1970,1,1) ); return round((($unix-1294131780) % 2551443)/86400,2); } function moonPhase($mjd){ $t=($mjd-51544.5)/36525.0; $d = 297.85020420 + 445267.1115168*$t - .00163*$t*$t + $t*$t*$t/545868 - $t*$t*$t*$t/113065000; // Moon's mean elongation $m = 357.5291092 + 35999.0502909*$t - .0001536*$t*$t + $t*$t*$t/24490000; // Sun's mean anomaly $m1 = 134.9634114 + 477198.8676313*$t + .0089970*$t*$t + $t*$t*$t/69699 - $t*$t*$t*$t/14712000; //Moon's mean anomaly $i= 180 - $d - 6.289*sinD($m1) + 2.1*sinD($m) - 1.274*sinD(2*$d-$m1) - 0.658*sinD(2*$d) - .214*sinD(2*$m1) - .11*sinD($d); return round(50*(1+cosD($i)),2); } echo "jdn of April 9 , 2011 is (should be 2455661)".jdn(2011,4,9)."<br>"; echo "JD of Noon April 9, 2001 is (2455661.0)".jd(2011,4,9,12,0,0)."<br>"; echo "JDN For April 9, 2011 11:59:59 AM UTC (should be 2455660)".jdnUnixTime(1302350399)."<br>"; echo "MJD of 9/27/1995 should be 49987 is ".mjd(1995,9,27)."<br>"; echo "MJD of 4/9/1995 should be 55660 is ".mjd(2011,4,9)."<br>"; echo "Age of Moon now ".moonAgeDaysUnix(time())." days<br>"; echo "Age of 4/12/2011 ".moonAgeDays(2011,4,12)." days<br>"; echo "Illumination ".moonPhase(mjdUnix(time()))." %<br>"; echo "MJD from unix time ".mjdUnix(time())."<br>"; echo "JD from unix time ".jdUnix(time())."<br>"; echo "1. MJD2 string from unix time ".mjd2String(mjdUnix(time()))."<br>"; echo "2. MJD from unix time should be 8:27 is ".mjd2String(55664.18560)."<br>"; echo "3. 4/13/2011 4:27am utc testing mjd2String : ".mjd2String(2455664.685417-2400000.5)."<br><P>"; $m = new moonRiseSet(2011,1,1,-118.2,34.2,-8); echo "1/1 2011 Moon rise (4:36am rise, 2:37pm set) ".$m->risesAt." set ".$m->setsAt."<br>"; $m = new moonRiseSet(2011,4,13,-118.2,34.2,-8); echo "4/13 2011 Moon rise (1:43pm rise, 2:15pm set PST) ".$m->risesAt." set ".$m->setsAt."<br>"; $m = new moonRiseSet(2011,3,24,-118.2,34.2,-8); echo "3/24 2011 Moon rise (no rise, 9:16am set PST) ".$m->risesAt." set ".$m->setsAt."<br>"; $m = new moonRiseSet(2011,1,11,-118.2,34.2,-8); echo "1/11 2011 Moon rise (10:43pm rise, no set PST) ".$m->risesAt." set ".$m->setsAt."<br>"; for ($i=1;$i<32;$i++){ $m = new moonRiseSet(2011,1,$i,-118.2,34.2,-8); echo "1/".$i."/2011 ".$m->risesAt." ".$m->setsAt."<br>"; } ?>