Hi Lo
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import java.util.Scanner; public class HiLoGameRunner { private Scanner IO; public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner IO = new Scanner(System.in); // String a=IO.nextLine(); HiLoGame game = new HiLoGame(IO); game.giveInstructions(); game.play(); } }
import java.util.Scanner; public class HiLoGame { private static Scanner IO; private int computerGuess; public HiLoGame(Scanner IO){ computerGuess = 0; this.IO=IO; } public void giveInstructions(){ System.out.println("Think of a whole number between 1 and 100"); } public void play(){ int counter =0; int high=100; int low = 1; String response="h"; while (response.equals("h") || response.equals("l") ){ computerGuess=(high+low)/2; // Output computer's guess System.out.println ("Is it a "+computerGuess+"? (type \"h\" for higher,\"l\" for lower, anything else if it is correct"); // Ask if it is correct response = IO.nextLine(); if (response.equals("h")) low=computerGuess; if (response.equals("l")) high=computerGuess; counter++; } // Print the number of guesses System.out.println("It took "+counter+" guesses"); } }