How To Make A Web Launched Application
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Once you have an executable Application in a jar file, Use this to build a JNLP from this Web form (Digital Gemstones also has other tools, here )
For example, I made an Application called MatrixApp, and made sure MatrixApp.jar ran as an executable application. I then used the Web form at digitalGemstones and it made me the following file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jnlp codebase="" spec="1.0+"> <information> <title>MatrixApp</title> <vendor>Chris Thiel, OFMCap</vendor> <homepage href=""/> <offline-allowed/> </information> <resources> <j2se version="1.5+"/> <jar href="MatrixApp.jar" main="true"/> </resources> <application-desc main-class="MatrixApp"> </application-desc> </jnlp>
I uploaded it to my web site, and now you can launch it here:
There are a lot of good tutorials out there too like this one