Magpie Activity 5

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import java.util.Random;

 * A program to carry on conversations with a human user.
 * This version:
 * 		Uses advanced search for keywords 
 * 		Will transform statements as well as react to keywords
 * This version uses an array to hold the default responses.
 * @author Laurie White
 * @version April 2012
public class Magpie5
	 * Get a default greeting 	
	 * @return a greeting
	public String getGreeting()
		return "Hello, let's talk.";

	 * Gives a response to a user statement
	 * @param statement
	 *            the user statement
	 * @return a response based on the rules given
	public String getResponse(String statement)
		String response = "";
		if (statement.length() == 0)
			response = "Say something, please.";

		else if (findKeyword(statement, "no") >= 0)
			response = "Why so negative?";
		else if (findKeyword(statement, "mother") >= 0
				|| findKeyword(statement, "father") >= 0
				|| findKeyword(statement, "sister") >= 0
				|| findKeyword(statement, "brother") >= 0)
			response = "Tell me more about your family.";

		// Responses which require transformations
		else if (findKeyword(statement, "I want to", 0) >= 0)
			response = transformIWantToStatement(statement);
		//  Part of student solution
		else if (findKeyword(statement, "I want", 0) >= 0)
			response = transformIWantStatement(statement);


			// Look for a two word (you <something> me)
			// pattern
			int psn = findKeyword(statement, "you", 0);

			if (psn >= 0
					&& findKeyword(statement, "me", psn) >= 0)
				response = transformYouMeStatement(statement);
				//  Part of student solution
				// Look for a two word (I <something> you)
				// pattern
				psn = findKeyword(statement, "i", 0);

				if (psn >= 0
						&& findKeyword(statement, "you", psn) >= 0)
					response = transformIYouStatement(statement);
					response = getRandomResponse();
		return response;

	 * Take a statement with "I want to <something>." and transform it into 
	 * "What would it mean to <something>?"
	 * @param statement the user statement, assumed to contain "I want to"
	 * @return the transformed statement
	private String transformIWantToStatement(String statement)
		//  Remove the final period, if there is one
		statement = statement.trim();
		String lastChar = statement.substring(statement
				.length() - 1);
		if (lastChar.equals("."))
			statement = statement.substring(0, statement
					.length() - 1);
		int psn = findKeyword (statement, "I want to", 0);
		String restOfStatement = statement.substring(psn + 9).trim();
		return "What would it mean to " + restOfStatement + "?";

	 * Take a statement with "I want <something>." and transform it into 
	 * "Would you really be happy if you had <something>?"
	 * @param statement the user statement, assumed to contain "I want"
	 * @return the transformed statement
	private String transformIWantStatement(String statement)
		//  Remove the final period, if there is one
		statement = statement.trim();
		String lastChar = statement.substring(statement
				.length() - 1);
		if (lastChar.equals("."))
			statement = statement.substring(0, statement
					.length() - 1);
		int psn = findKeyword (statement, "I want", 0);
		String restOfStatement = statement.substring(psn + 6).trim();
		return "Would you really be happy if you had " + restOfStatement + "?";

	 * Take a statement with "you <something> me" and transform it into 
	 * "What makes you think that I <something> you?"
	 * @param statement the user statement, assumed to contain "you" followed by "me"
	 * @return the transformed statement
	private String transformYouMeStatement(String statement)
		//  Remove the final period, if there is one
		statement = statement.trim();
		String lastChar = statement.substring(statement
				.length() - 1);
		if (lastChar.equals("."))
			statement = statement.substring(0, statement
					.length() - 1);

		int psnOfYou = findKeyword (statement, "you", 0);
		int psnOfMe = findKeyword (statement, "me", psnOfYou + 3);

		String restOfStatement = statement.substring(psnOfYou + 3, psnOfMe).trim();
		return "What makes you think that I " + restOfStatement + " you?";

	 * Take a statement with "I <something> you" and transform it into 
	 * "Why do you <something> me?"
	 * @param statement the user statement, assumed to contain "I" followed by "you"
	 * @return the transformed statement
	private String transformIYouStatement(String statement)
		//  Remove the final period, if there is one
		statement = statement.trim();
		String lastChar = statement.substring(statement
				.length() - 1);
		if (lastChar.equals("."))
			statement = statement.substring(0, statement
					.length() - 1);

		int psnOfI = findKeyword (statement, "I", 0);
		int psnOfYou = findKeyword (statement, "you", psnOfI);

		String restOfStatement = statement.substring(psnOfI + 1, psnOfYou).trim();
		return "Why do you " + restOfStatement + " me?";

	 * Search for one word in phrase.  The search is not case sensitive.
	 * This method will check that the given goal is not a substring of a longer string
	 * (so, for example, "I know" does not contain "no").  
	 * @param statement the string to search
	 * @param goal the string to search for
	 * @param startPos the character of the string to begin the search at
	 * @return the index of the first occurrence of goal in statement or -1 if it's not found
	private int findKeyword(String statement, String goal, int startPos)
		String phrase = statement.trim();
		//  The only change to incorporate the startPos is in the line below
		int psn = phrase.toLowerCase().indexOf(goal.toLowerCase(), startPos);

		//  Refinement--make sure the goal isn't part of a word 
		while (psn >= 0) 
			//  Find the string of length 1 before and after the word
			String before = " ", after = " "; 
			if (psn > 0)
				before = phrase.substring (psn - 1, psn).toLowerCase();
			if (psn + goal.length() < phrase.length())
				after = phrase.substring(psn + goal.length(), psn + goal.length() + 1).toLowerCase();

			//  If before and after aren't letters, we've found the word
			if (((before.compareTo ("a") < 0 ) || (before.compareTo("z") > 0))  //  before is not a letter
					&& ((after.compareTo ("a") < 0 ) || (after.compareTo("z") > 0)))
				return psn;

			//  The last position didn't work, so let's find the next, if there is one.
			psn = phrase.indexOf(goal.toLowerCase(), psn + 1);


		return -1;

	 * Search for one word in phrase.  The search is not case sensitive.
	 * This method will check that the given goal is not a substring of a longer string
	 * (so, for example, "I know" does not contain "no").  The search begins at the beginning of the string.  
	 * @param statement the string to search
	 * @param goal the string to search for
	 * @return the index of the first occurrence of goal in statement or -1 if it's not found
	private int findKeyword(String statement, String goal)
		return findKeyword (statement, goal, 0);

	 * Pick a default response to use if nothing else fits.
	 * @return a non-committal string
	private String getRandomResponse ()
		Random r = new Random ();
		return randomResponses [r.nextInt(randomResponses.length)];

	private String [] randomResponses = {"Interesting, tell me more",
			"Do you really think so?",
			"You don't say."


import java.util.Scanner;

 * A simple class to run the Magpie class.
 * @author Laurie White
 * @version April 2012
public class MagpieRunner5

	 * Create a Magpie, give it user input, and print its replies.
	public static void main(String[] args)
		Magpie5 maggie = new Magpie5();

		System.out.println (maggie.getGreeting());
		Scanner in = new Scanner (;
		String statement = in.nextLine();

		while (!statement.equals("Bye"))
			System.out.println (maggie.getResponse(statement));
			statement = in.nextLine();
