Roll Your Own
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...Die, that is! Click Here to see it in action
import java.awt.*; /** * A six sided Die. * * @author Chris Thiel, OFMCap * @version 21 Aug 2010 */ public class Die { // instance variables - private int size; private int x; //top left corner private int y; private int pips; private Graphics g; private Color color; /** * Constructor for objects of class Die */ public Die(Graphics g, int x, int y, int size) { this.g=g; this.size=size; this.x=x; this.y=y; this.pips=(int)(Math.random()*6.0)+1; this.color=Color.WHITE; } public void setColor(Color c) { this.color=c; } public void draw() { g.setColor(color); g.fillRect(x,y,size,size); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawRect(x,y,size,size); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); int dotSize=size/7; if (pips%2==1){ g.fillOval(x+3*dotSize, y+3*dotSize, dotSize,dotSize); } if (pips>1){ g.fillOval(x+dotSize, y+dotSize, dotSize,dotSize); g.fillOval(x+5*dotSize, y+5*dotSize, dotSize,dotSize); } if (pips>3){ g.fillOval(x+dotSize, y+5*dotSize, dotSize,dotSize); g.fillOval(x+5*dotSize, y+dotSize, dotSize,dotSize); } if (pips==6){ g.fillOval(x+dotSize, y+3*dotSize, dotSize,dotSize); g.fillOval(x+5*dotSize, y+3*dotSize, dotSize,dotSize); } } }
import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; /** * Class Roll - click to roll a single 6-sided die * * @author Chris Thiel, OFMCap * @version 21 Aug 2010 */ public class Roll extends Applet implements MouseListener { // instance variables - replace the example below with your own private Die d; private Button rollButton; private int count; public void init() { addMouseListener(this); count=0; } /** * Paint method for applet. * * @param g the Graphics object for this applet */ public void paint(Graphics g) { // simple text displayed on applet g.setColor(new Color(150, 75, 25)); g.fillRect(0, 0, 350, 250); g.setColor(Color.ORANGE); g.drawString("Click to", 20, 20); g.setColor(Color.YELLOW); g.drawString("Roll Dice", 20, 40); if (count >0) { count--; d = new Die (g, 100,50, 150 ); d.setColor(Color.ORANGE); d.draw(); repaint(); }else{ d = new Die (g, 100,50,150); d.draw(); } } // 5 MouseListener methods that NEED to be implemented since our Applet implements the MouseListener interface public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { count = (int)(Math.random()*100.0)+75; repaint(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){} public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){} }
now you try!
- Change so the die is smaller
- Change so the die is off to the left
- Make another instance of die (maybe call it d2), and draw it to the right of d