Simple Kenect Driver
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Here are 7 source files to get us started that controls the robot from the joystick and the kenect, along with SmartDashboard commands. If you build your own CommandRobot project, you may pick a different class and package convention. Here, I called it "SimpleKinectDriverBrobot", and the package name i used was "org.usfirst.frc4101" -- if you use your own, then the imports need to be updated to your package naming convention. I gathered all this from the videos and documentation you can find at .
package org.usfirst.frc4101; import org.usfirst.frc4101.commands.DriveWithJoystick; import org.usfirst.frc4101.commands.DriveWithKenect; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Joystick; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.KinectStick; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.buttons.Button; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.buttons.JoystickButton; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SmartDashboard; public class OI { //adjust for joystick axis 1.0 means the axis goes from -1.0 to 1.0 public static final double max=1.0; // Process operator interface input here. Joystick joystick = new Joystick(1); Button button1 = new JoystickButton(joystick, 1), button2 = new JoystickButton(joystick, 2); KinectStick leftArm = new KinectStick(1), rightArm = new KinectStick(2); public OI() { // bind buttons to commands here, for example to test the driving modes: button1.whenPressed(new DriveWithJoystick() ); button2.whenPressed(new DriveWithKenect() ); // For testing, you can activate your commands from the SmartDashboard: SmartDashboard.putData(new DriveWithJoystick()); SmartDashboard.putData(new DriveWithKenect()); } public double getLeftArmSpeed() { // For safety, reduce to 33% of speed return leftArm.getY()*.33; } public double getRightArmSpeed() { // For safety, reduce to 33% of speed return rightArm.getY()*.33; } public double getLeftSpeed() { // see for algorithm double x=-1.0*joystick.getX(); //invert x double y=joystick.getY(); double v=(max-Math.abs(x))*(y/max)+y; double w=(max-Math.abs(y))*(x/max)+x; return .5*(v-w); } public double getRightSpeed() { // see for algorithm double x=-1.0*joystick.getX(); //invert x double y=joystick.getY(); double v=(max-Math.abs(x))*(y/max)+y; double w=(max-Math.abs(y))*(x/max)+x; return .5*(v+w); } public void updateStatus(){ // if we had a sensor like a pot or a rangefinder, we can see the status // on the smartDashboard like this: SmartDashboard.putDouble(" joystick X", joystick.getX()); SmartDashboard.putDouble(" joystick Y", joystick.getY()); SmartDashboard.putDouble(" kenect right", getRightArmSpeed()); SmartDashboard.putDouble(" kenect left", getLeftArmSpeed()); } }
package org.usfirst.frc4101; /** * The RobotMap is a mapping from the ports sensors and actuators are wired into * to a variable name. This provides flexibility changing wiring, makes checking * the wiring easier and significantly reduces the number of magic numbers * floating around. */ public class RobotMap { //Motors public static final int leftMotor = 1, rightMotor = 2; // we'll add later the collector motor // we'll add later the elevator motor // wel'll add the the tilt shooter motor // we'll add later the actuator to shoot // we'll add later the the actuator to deploy the wedge // Sensors // we may wish to at a pot for the motor that delivers the ball to shooter // we may wish to add pot for the angle of the shooter // the analog module stuff: // public static final int //shootAnglePot = ???3???; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Copyright (c) FIRST 2008. All Rights Reserved. */ /* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */ /* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */ /* the project. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package org.usfirst.frc4101; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobot; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Command; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Scheduler; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SmartDashboard; import org.usfirst.frc4101.commands.CommandBase; import org.usfirst.frc4101.commands.DriveWithKenect; /** * The VM is configured to automatically run this class, and to call the * functions corresponding to each mode, as described in the IterativeRobot * documentation. If you change the name of this class or the package after * creating this project, you must also update the manifest file in the resource * directory. (this is done for you if you use the IDE's 'Refactor' command) */ public class SimpleKinectDriverBrobot extends IterativeRobot { Command autonomousCommand; /** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be * used for any initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { // instantiate the command used for the autonomous period autonomousCommand = new DriveWithKenect(); // Initialize all subsystems CommandBase.init(); // This is good for debugging to see what commands are running, // which you can cancel from SmartDashboard: SmartDashboard.putData(Scheduler.getInstance()); } public void autonomousInit() { // schedule the autonomous command (example) autonomousCommand.start(); } /** * This function is called periodically during autonomous */ public void autonomousPeriodic() { Scheduler.getInstance().run(); } public void teleopInit() { // This makes sure that the autonomous stops running when // teleop starts running. If you want the autonomous to // continue until interrupted by another command, remove // this line or comment it out. autonomousCommand.cancel(); // for debugging: updateStatus(); } /** * This function is called periodically during operator control */ public void teleopPeriodic() { Scheduler.getInstance().run(); updateStatus();//for debugging } public void disabledPeriodic(){ updateStatus(); // for debugging } public void updateStatus() { // For debugging we can call our subsystem's update status // to see what is going on in the SmartDashboard CommandBase.drivetrain.updateStatus(); CommandBase.oi.updateStatus(); } }
package org.usfirst.frc4101.commands; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Command; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SmartDashboard; import org.usfirst.frc4101.OI; import org.usfirst.frc4101.subsystems.DriveTrain; /** * The base for all commands. All atomic commands should subclass CommandBase. * CommandBase stores creates and stores each control system. To access a * subsystem elsewhere in your code in your code use CommandBase.exampleSubsystem * @author Author */ public abstract class CommandBase extends Command { public static OI oi; // Create a single static instance of all of your subsystems public static DriveTrain drivetrain = new DriveTrain(); // we'll add later the collector motor // we'll add later the elevator motor // wel'll add the the tilt shooter motor // we'll add later the actuator to shoot // we'll add later the the actuator to deploy the wedge public static void init() { // This MUST be here. If the OI creates Commands (which it very likely // will), constructing it during the construction of CommandBase (from // which commands extend), subsystems are not guaranteed to be // yet. Thus, their requires() statements may grab null pointers. Bad // news. Don't move it. oi = new OI(); // Show what command your subsystem is running on the SmartDashboard SmartDashboard.putData(drivetrain); } public CommandBase(String name) { super(name); } public CommandBase() { super(); } }
package org.usfirst.frc4101.commands; public class DriveWithJoystick extends CommandBase { public DriveWithJoystick() { // Use requires() here to declare subsystem dependencies requires(drivetrain); } // Called just before this Command runs the first time protected void initialize() { } // Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run protected void execute() { drivetrain.tankDrive( oi.getLeftSpeed(), oi.getRightSpeed()); } // Make this return true when this Command no longer needs to run execute() protected boolean isFinished() { // if this is default command, always return false return false; } // Called once after isFinished returns true protected void end() { } // Called when another command which requires one or more of the same // subsystems is scheduled to run protected void interrupted() { } }
package org.usfirst.frc4101.commands; public class DriveWithKenect extends CommandBase { public DriveWithKenect() { // Use requires() here to declare subsystem dependencies requires(drivetrain); //For safety, we timeout after 15 seconds this.setTimeout(15.0); } // Called just before this Command runs the first time protected void initialize() { } // Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run protected void execute() { drivetrain.tankDrive( oi.getLeftArmSpeed(), oi.getRightArmSpeed()); } // Make this return true when this Command no longer needs to run execute() protected boolean isFinished() { // if this is default command, always return false //return false; //for safety, we exit after the time we specified in constructor return this.isTimedOut(); } // Called once after isFinished returns true protected void end() { } // Called when another command which requires one or more of the same // subsystems is scheduled to run protected void interrupted() { } }
package org.usfirst.frc4101.subsystems; import org.usfirst.frc4101.RobotMap; import org.usfirst.frc4101.commands.DriveWithJoystick; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotDrive; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Subsystem; import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SmartDashboard; public class DriveTrain extends Subsystem { RobotDrive drive; public DriveTrain(){ super ("DriveTrain"); drive = new RobotDrive(RobotMap.leftMotor, RobotMap.rightMotor); } public void initDefaultCommand() { setDefaultCommand(new DriveWithJoystick()); } public void tankDrive(double left, double right){ drive.tankDrive(left, right); } public void updateStatus(){ // if we had a sensor like a pot or a rangefinder, we can see the status // on the smartDashboard like this: //SmartDashboard.putDouble("Shoot Angle", shootAnglePot.getVoltage()); double time=this.getCurrentCommand().timeSinceInitialized(); SmartDashboard.putDouble("Time running", time); } }