Joshs Tug Of Word
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Cool and Creative! here is a two line version of Letter.getCode() I think you will enjoy:
public int getCode() { String map="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; return 65+map.indexOf(letter.toUpperCase()); }
Final Project (rough)
import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Polygon; public class Rope { private int x; public Rope() { x = 250; } public void draw(Graphics g) { g.setColor(new Color(139,69,19)); g.drawRect(0, 250, 1000, 20); g.fillRect(0, 250, 1000, 20); g.setColor(Color.RED); int [] x1points = {x-25,x+25,x}; int [] ypoints = {250,250,300}; Polygon tri1 = new Polygon(x1points, ypoints,3); g.fillPolygon(tri1); g.drawPolygon(tri1); g.setColor(Color.BLUE); int [] x2points = {x+475,x+525,x+500}; Polygon tri2 = new Polygon(x2points, ypoints, 3); g.fillPolygon(tri2); g.drawPolygon(tri2); } public int getX() { return x; } public void setX(int y) { x = y; } }
import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; public class Letter { private String [] one = {"Q","W","E","R","T","A","S","D","F","Z","X","C","V"}; private String [] two = {"Y","U","I","O","P","G","H","J","K","L","B","N","M"}; private boolean side; private String letter; private int x,y; public Letter(boolean face) { side = face; y = 200; if(side) { letter = one[(int) (Math.random()*13)]; x = 230; } else { letter = two[(int) (Math.random()*13)]; x = 730; } } public void draw(Graphics g) { g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.setFont(new Font("Helvtica", Font.BOLD, 60)); g.drawString(letter, x, y); } public void newLetter() { if(side) letter = one[(int) (Math.random()*13)]; else letter = two[(int) (Math.random()*13)]; } public String getLetter() { return letter; } public int getCode() { if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("A")) return 65; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("B")) return 66; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("C")) return 67; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("D")) return 68; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("E")) return 69; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("F")) return 70; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("G")) return 71; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("H")) return 72; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("I")) return 73; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("J")) return 74; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("K")) return 75; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("L")) return 76; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) return 77; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) return 78; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("O")) return 79; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("P")) return 80; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("Q")) return 81; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("R")) return 82; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("S")) return 83; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("T")) return 84; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("U")) return 85; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("V")) return 86; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("W")) return 87; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("X")) return 88; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) return 89; if(letter.equalsIgnoreCase("Z")) return 90; return 0; } }
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; public class TugOfWar extends Applet implements KeyListener { /** * version 1.0 */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Letter leftLetter; private Letter rightLetter; private Rope rope; private int count; private boolean start = true; private boolean done = false; private Image imageBuffer; private Graphics gBuffer; public void init() { imageBuffer = createImage(1000,400); gBuffer = imageBuffer.getGraphics(); resize(1000,400); this.addKeyListener(this); leftLetter = new Letter(true); rightLetter = new Letter(false); rope = new Rope(); count = 0; } public void paint(Graphics g) { if(start) { gBuffer.setColor(Color.BLACK); gBuffer.drawRect(0, 0, 1000, 400); gBuffer.fillRect(0, 0, 1000, 400); gBuffer.setColor(Color.WHITE); gBuffer.setFont(new Font("Helvtica", Font.BOLD, 30)); gBuffer.drawString("Press Space to Start", 350, 200); gBuffer.drawString("Try To Type More Letters Than Your Opponent", 180, 250); g.drawImage(imageBuffer,0,0,this); } if(count > 4 && !start && !done) { gBuffer.setColor(Color.BLUE); gBuffer.drawRect(0, 0, 1000, 400); gBuffer.fillRect(0, 0, 1000, 400); gBuffer.setColor(Color.WHITE); gBuffer.setFont(new Font("Helvtica", Font.BOLD, 30)); gBuffer.drawString("Player 2 Wins!", 400, 200); gBuffer.drawString("Press Space to Play Again", 320, 250); g.drawImage(imageBuffer,0,0,this); done = true; } if(count < -4 && !start && !done) { gBuffer.setColor(Color.RED); gBuffer.drawRect(0, 0, 1000, 400); gBuffer.fillRect(0, 0, 1000, 400); gBuffer.setColor(Color.WHITE); gBuffer.setFont(new Font("Helvtica", Font.BOLD, 30)); gBuffer.drawString("Player 1 Wins!", 400, 200); gBuffer.drawString("Press Space to Play Again", 320, 250); g.drawImage(imageBuffer,0,0,this); done = true; } if(count < 5 && count > -5 && !start & !done) { gBuffer.setColor(Color.GREEN); gBuffer.drawRect(0, 0, 1000, 400); gBuffer.fillRect(0, 0, 1000, 400); leftLetter.draw(gBuffer); rightLetter.draw(gBuffer); gBuffer.setColor(Color.BLACK); gBuffer.setFont(new Font("Times ", Font.ITALIC, 70)); gBuffer.drawString("TUG OF WORD", 235, 80); gBuffer.setColor(Color.BLACK); gBuffer.fillOval(20, 105, 100, 100); gBuffer.drawRect(65, 200, 10, 200); gBuffer.fillRect(65, 200, 10, 200); gBuffer.fillOval(880, 105, 100, 100); gBuffer.drawRect(925, 200, 10, 200); gBuffer.fillRect(925, 200, 10, 200); int [] ax1points = {75,75,200,200}; int [] ay1points = {210,220,260,250}; int [] ax2points = {65,25,25,65}; int [] ay2points = {210,250,260,220}; int [] bx1points = {925,925,800,800}; int [] by1points = {210,220,260,250}; int [] bx2points = {935,935,975,975}; int [] by2points = {210,220,260,250}; int [] cx1points = {25,25,95,95}; int [] cy1points = {250,260,280,270}; int [] cx2points = {975,975,905,905}; int [] cy2points = {250,260,280,270}; Polygon arm1 = new Polygon(ax1points,ay1points,4); Polygon arm2a = new Polygon(ax2points,ay2points,4); Polygon arm3 = new Polygon(bx1points, by1points,4); Polygon arm4a = new Polygon(bx2points,by2points,4); Polygon arm2b = new Polygon(cx1points,cy1points,4); Polygon arm4b = new Polygon(cx2points,cy2points,4); gBuffer.drawPolygon(arm1); gBuffer.fillPolygon(arm1); gBuffer.drawPolygon(arm3); gBuffer.fillPolygon(arm3); rope.draw(gBuffer); gBuffer.setColor(Color.BLACK); gBuffer.drawPolygon(arm2a); gBuffer.fillPolygon(arm2a); gBuffer.drawPolygon(arm2b); gBuffer.fillPolygon(arm2b); gBuffer.drawPolygon(arm4a); gBuffer.fillPolygon(arm4a); gBuffer.drawPolygon(arm4b); gBuffer.fillPolygon(arm4b); g.drawImage(imageBuffer,0,0,this); } } public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { int key = e.getKeyCode(); if(start && key == 32) { start = false; repaint(); } if(done && key == 32) { done = false; count = 0; rope.setX(250); repaint(); } if(!done && !start && key == leftLetter.getCode()) { rope.setX(rope.getX()-50); count--; leftLetter.newLetter(); rightLetter.newLetter(); repaint(); } if(!done && !start && key == rightLetter.getCode()) { rope.setX(rope.getX()+50); count++; leftLetter.newLetter(); rightLetter.newLetter(); repaint(); } } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {} public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {} }