Matthews Final Project
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Hi Matt-- I have added a simple block you may wish to change, and added code for detecting hits and misses, and decided to also make the stealth go in and out with the Q and Z keys, so its easier to avoid the blocks. Maybe you can change the scoring to add a bonus the larger the plane is. Next feature to consider is adding a thud sound on impact. Another enhancement to consider is changing the img of the blockade to a puff of smoke after a hit rather than just removing it.
Click here to see a running version
You can attach the graphics files like this: (click to upload)
import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.*; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class CanyonCruzer<leftWall> extends Applet implements ActionListener, KeyListener { Stealth stealth; int amount; Timer timer; int frame, lastFrame; Image virtualMem; BufferedImage img, stealthImg, wallImage, blockImage; Graphics gBuffer; Button startButton; DirectionlessWall leftWall,rtWall,bottom,bottomRt,top; ArrayList<Blockade> blocks; int hits,miss; ArrayList<Integer> keys; public void init(){ keys = new ArrayList<Integer>(); blocks = new ArrayList<Blockade>(); hits=0; miss=0; try { stealthImg = getClass().getResource("/Stealth.gif")); wallImage = getClass().getResource("/rockroad.GIF")); blockImage = getClass().getResource("/block.GIF")); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } stealth = new Stealth( 20, 100, stealthImg); this.addKeyListener(this); int width=getWidth(); int height=getHeight(); timer = new Timer(1, this); frame=0; lastFrame=100; amount= 5; virtualMem = createImage(width,height); gBuffer = virtualMem.getGraphics(); startButton= new Button("Engage in Mission"); startButton.addActionListener (this); add(startButton); this.setFocusable(true); //Audio //racingSound = getAudioClip(getDocumentBase(), "racing.wav"); //Initialize side polygons leftWall=new DirectionlessWall(wallImage, -15, DirectionlessWall.LEFT); leftWall.addPoint(0,0); leftWall.addPoint(300, 100); leftWall.addPoint(300, 500); leftWall.addPoint(0, 600); rtWall=new DirectionlessWall(wallImage, 15, DirectionlessWall.RIGHT); rtWall.addPoint(800,0); rtWall.addPoint(500, 100); rtWall.addPoint(500, 500); rtWall.addPoint(800, 600); lastFrame=rtWall.getWidth(); top=new DirectionlessWall(wallImage, -10, DirectionlessWall.UP); top.addPoint(800,0); top.addPoint(0,0); top.addPoint(300,100); top.addPoint(500,100); bottom=new DirectionlessWall(wallImage, 10, DirectionlessWall.DOWN); bottom.addPoint(0,600); bottom.addPoint(300,400); bottom.addPoint(500, 400); bottom.addPoint(800, 600); //middle=new DirectionlessWall("DownCave.gif", 10, 0); //middle.addPoint(300,100); //middle.addPoint(300, 500); //middle.addPoint(500, 500); //middle.addPoint(500,100); } public void paint(Graphics g){ int width=getWidth(); int height=getHeight(); gBuffer.setColor(Color.BLACK); gBuffer.fillRect(0,0,width,height); leftWall.draw(gBuffer, frame); rtWall.draw(gBuffer, frame); bottom.draw(gBuffer, frame); top.draw(gBuffer, frame); //middle.draw(gBuffer, frame); gBuffer.setColor(Color.RED); gBuffer.drawString("Location: ("+stealth.getX()+", "+stealth.getY()+")", 305, 150); gBuffer.drawString("frame "+frame, 305, 170); int percent=0; if (hits+miss>0) percent=100*hits/(hits+miss); gBuffer.drawString("hits: "+hits+" ("+percent+"%)", 305, 190); gBuffer.drawString("misses: "+miss, 305, 210); for (Blockade b:blocks) b.draw(gBuffer); stealth.draw(gBuffer); g.drawImage(virtualMem,0,0,this); } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent arg0) {} public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){ if(!keys.contains(e.getKeyCode())) keys.add(e.getKeyCode()); } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){ keys.remove(new Integer(e.getKeyCode())); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == timer) { if (frame < lastFrame) { frame++; } else { frame=0; } if (frame % 25 == 0) { blocks.add(new Blockade (blockImage)); } int u = 0; while (u<blocks.size()) { Blockade b= blocks.get(u); b.move(); if (b.offScreen()){ blocks.remove(b); miss++; }else if(b.touches(stealth.getSize())){ hits++; blocks.remove(b); }else{ u++; } } processKeyPresses(); } else { frame=0; if (timer.isRunning()) { timer.stop(); startButton.setLabel("Start"); } else { timer.start(); startButton.setLabel("Stop"); requestFocusInWindow(); } } repaint(); } public void update(Graphics g){ paint(g); } public void processKeyPresses(){ if(keys.contains(KeyEvent.VK_A)||keys.contains(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT)) stealth.moveLeft(amount); //tells ship to move left when a or left is held if(keys.contains(KeyEvent.VK_D)||keys.contains(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT)) stealth.moveRight(amount); //tells ship to move right when d or right is held if(keys.contains(KeyEvent.VK_W)||keys.contains(KeyEvent.VK_UP)) stealth.moveUp(amount); //tells ship to move up when w or up is held if(keys.contains(KeyEvent.VK_S)||keys.contains(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)) stealth.moveDown(amount); //tells ship to move down when s or down is held if(keys.contains(KeyEvent.VK_Q)) stealth.moveIn(amount); if(keys.contains(KeyEvent.VK_Z)) stealth.moveOut(amount); } }
import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.TexturePaint; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; public class DirectionlessWall{ public static final int UP=1; public static final int DOWN=1; public static final int LEFT=2; public static final int RIGHT=2; private Polygon p; private int speed,direction; private BufferedImage img; public DirectionlessWall(BufferedImage image,int speed, int direction){ this.p=new Polygon(); this.direction=direction; this.speed=speed; this.img = image; } public void addPoint(int x, int y){ p.addPoint(x, y); } public int getWidth(){ return img.getWidth();} public int getHeight(){ return img.getHeight();} /** * * @param g the Graphics object to draw on * @param f the frame number used to animate img on the polygon */ public void draw(Graphics g, int f){ Graphics2D g2=(Graphics2D)g; int height=img.getHeight(); int width=img.getWidth(); int i= speed*f % width;// presume right Rectangle2D tr=new Rectangle2D.Double(i,0,width, height); //now check: if (direction==LEFT){ i= width-(speed*f % width); } else if (direction==DOWN){ i= speed*f % img.getHeight(); tr=new Rectangle2D.Double(0,i,width, height); } else if (direction==UP){ i= height-(speed*f % height); tr=new Rectangle2D.Double(0,i,width, height); } TexturePaint tp=new TexturePaint(img,tr); g2.setPaint(tp); g2.fill(p); } }
import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; public class Stealth { private int x,w; private int y,h; private double ratio; private BufferedImage image; public static int deltaZ=20; public Stealth(int x, int y, BufferedImage image){ this.x=x; this.y=y; ratio=(double)image.getHeight()/image.getWidth(); w=300; h=(int)(300.0*ratio); this.image=image; } public int getX() {return x;} public int getY() {return y;} public void setX(int x){ this.x=x; } public void setY(int y){ this.y=y;} public void draw(Graphics g){ g.drawImage(image, x, y, x+w, y+h, 0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), null); } public void moveLeft(int amount) { this.x-=amount; } public void moveRight(int amount) { this.x+=amount; } public void moveUp(int amount) { this.y-=amount; } public void moveDown(int amount) { this.y+=amount; } public void moveIn(int amount) { w=w-deltaZ; if (w<50){ w=50; }else{ x+=deltaZ/2; } h=(int)(ratio*w); } public void moveOut(int amount) { w=w+deltaZ; if (w>700){ w=700; }else{ x-=deltaZ/2; } h=(int)(ratio*w); } public Rectangle2D getSize() { return new Rectangle2D.Double(x,y,w,h); } }
import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; public class Blockade { private BufferedImage img; private int x,y,w,h, deltaX, deltaY; private int speed; public Blockade(BufferedImage img){ this.img=img; x=400; y=300; w=30; h=(int)(30.0*img.getHeight()/img.getWidth()); deltaX=randomInt(-6,6); deltaY=randomInt(-6,6); speed=randomInt(1,5); if (deltaX==0 && deltaY==0){//make sure it moves somewhere! deltaY=-2; } } public boolean touches(Rectangle2D object){ boolean bigEnough = w>=object.getWidth(); if(deltaX>0) return bigEnough && object.intersects(x-w, y, w, h); return bigEnough && object.intersects(x, y, w, h); } public int randomInt(int min, int max){ return min+(int)((max-min)*Math.random()); } public void move(){ x+=speed*deltaX; y+=speed*deltaY; } public void draw(Graphics g){ w=105*w/100; h=105*h/100; int rightSide=x-w; if (deltaX*deltaY<0) rightSide=x+w; g.drawImage(img, x, y, rightSide, y+h, 0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), null); } public int getSpeed(){ return Math.abs(deltaX); } public boolean offScreen() { return x+w<0||x-w>800||y>600||y+h<0; } }