AP Calc BC Homework - Block E

Generated Wednesday July 17, 2024 01:27
Class Date Schedule Topic Page Exercises Links
1Wednesday, Aug 16 Day 1Using an IDE (BlueJ & Eclipse)Installing BlueJ Video
Making a Dot class in Eclipse
   Karel J Robot IntroSyllabus
Karel the Robot at mathorama.com/wiki/
See wiki for help with installing the library.
   6.1 Euler's Method41169, 71, 74, 75, 76Syllabus
Hidden Figures Clip
Geogebra Example
Video Explanation
Euler WS 1
Euler WS 2
2Friday, Aug 18 Day 3Slope fields and Euler's MethodYou may wish to do the Euler WS Maximus numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 on your own paper (please photograph to turn in or do on notability).Euler WS Maximus
TI Program EULER
Slope Fields with GeoGebra
Online version of EulerMethod.ggb
   Mu Alpha Theta/AMC10/12 November 8 or 14, 2023Competition Info
Stats and Probability
   Karel J Robot Intro: Stanford, BlueJ, Installing in Eclipse See the wiki for starter code and instructions under Exercises Eclipse instructions
mathorama.com/karel has slides and files
Google Classroom
4e36zcy has other materials.
3Tuesday, Aug 22 Day 5 Quiz on Euler's MethodShmoop Euler Method WS, # 1, 8, 9, 10 (optional)WS
4 Examples with hints and solutions
   Extending the Robot class: MileWalker, StairSweeper. SteepleChaser. Ch 3 ppt
Ch 5 ppt
Other files
   Making Walls, Beepers, and controlling a Robot.

3. Your Initials in Beepers

See the wiki for starter code and instructions under Exercises

4. NewPaper Retrieval

See the wiki for starter code and instructions under Exercises

5. Robot Olympics

See the wiki for starter code and instructions under Exercises
   Introduction to Logistic Equations42979, 80 and KA assignment Class code JXPVXDEpidemic Simulation
Videos on Logistic differential equations
GeoGebra Logistic WS
4Thursday, Aug 24 Day 1Logistic Equations- AnalysisEpidemic Simulation
Videos on Logistic differential equations
   Karel J Robot Chapter 6 - Instructions that repeatCh 6Ch 6.ppt
   Karel J Robot Quiz
   6.3 Logistic Equations42935, 49-52, 55, 57*, 61Videos and Exercise

5Monday, Aug 28 Day 3Test on Euler Method
   Steeple Chaser: Designing and Writing methods 6.HarvesterSee the wiki for starter code and instructions under Exercises
   Using GeoGebra to explore Logistic Equations43049-57GeoGebra Instructions
Logistic Exploration.ggb
Video: Logistics Questions on the AP Exam
6Wednesday, Aug 30 Day 5Partial Fractions are your friendsRead p 427-428
2,3,7,12 of Part A of Integration by Partial Fractions WS
1,2,7 of Part B of Integration by Partial Fractions WS
PreCalc Worksheet
Integration by Partial Fractions WS
Video 1
Video 2
video 3
Video 4
   Conditional Statements, fancy solutions to Harvester and MazeWalker 7 MazeWalker
7Friday, Sep 01 Day 1Written Test on Karel J Robot Unit
   Read JAVA METHODS (Litvin) Chapter 3.1-3.5 (pp 44-56) 611, 2, 3a, 4 Look for starter code in Google classroom or download from the Textbook website
   7.4 Arclength4815, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21GeoGebra Explanation
Arc Length WS
8Wednesday, Sep 06 Day 3Read Ch 3.6-3.8 (pp 57-69)637, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12Look for starter code in Google classroom or download from the Textbook website
   7.4 Area of a Surface of Revolution48239*, 40, 44, 45*, 57, 65Chapter 8.0 WS
Gabriel's Horn Paradox: finite Volume but infinite surface area
9Friday, Sep 08 Day 5Read Chapter 4.1 to 4.4 (pages 66-80) 901, 2, 3b, 4, (7)Look for starter code in Google classroom or download from the Textbook website
   8.1 Basic Integration Rules5203-11Chapter 8.1 WS
Arccot Identity GeoGebra
10Tuesday, Sep 12 Day 1Test on Euler Method, Logistic Growth, Arc length, and Area of a Surface of Revolution
   Finish Reading Chapter 4 (pp 81-90)918, 10, 11, 12Look for starter code in Google classroom or download from the Textbook website
   8.1 Basic Integration Rules52015, 17*, 19-23 odd, 24, 35Chapter 8.1 WS
Arccot Identity GeoGebra
11Thursday, Sep 14 Day 3Read Chapter 5.1-5.6 (pp. 96-108)1251, 2, 4, 5, 6Look for starter code in Google classroom or download from the Textbook website
   8.2 Integration by Parts (Ultra-Violet Voodu)52911*, 15*, 17, 19, 25, 29Ultra Violet Voodoo WS1
Mr Tarrou Video examples
12Monday, Sep 18 Day 58.2 Integration by partsClasswork 1 Level A problem 3 Level B problems
Homework Ex. 1-10
Interactive Practice
UC Davis Solutions
   Chapter 3 Test on Java syntax and style
   Chapter 4 Test on Classes and Objects
   Read Ch 5.7-5.10 (109-118)1267, 8, 10, 13Look for starter code in Google classroom or download from the Textbook website
   Read 5.11-5.14 (pp 119-124)12712, 13Look for starter code in Google classroom or download from the Textbook website
   8.2 Integration by Parts (Ultra-Violet Voodu)52937, 39, 43, 45*, 49, 61Arccos.pdf
13Wednesday, Sep 20 Day 1uv-VooDoo Card Gameuv-VooDoo Card Game Rules
   Ch 6 on if-else statements. Read 6.1-6.7 (p. 134- 144)1692, 3, (5), 7, 8, 11Nim Game Video
Starter Code
   8.3 Trigonometric Integrals Even and odd powers, Wallis' Formulas5385, 7*, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 27*, 29, 31Video Introduction
Trig Powers WS
14Friday, Sep 22 Day 3Ch 6- Read 6.8-6.11 (p 144-162). We will do p 157 in class, and start 6.12 Rolling Dice Lab p163.172 15, 16a, 20, 21, 23Look for starter code in Google classroom or download from the Textbook website
   8.3 Trig Integrals53959, 61*
   8.5 Partial Fractions5573, 7*, 11, 13, 21*, 41, 45Video Link
15Tuesday, Sep 26 Day 5Complete 6.12 Lab "Rolling Dice" pages 163-166 started in class. For Homework read 6.13 Summary (p. 167-168)
   8.5 Partial Fractions5579, 15, 23Video Link
16Thursday, Sep 28 Day 1Chapter 5 Test on Data types, variables, and arithmetic
   Chapter 6 Test on if-else statements
   Intro to Chapter 7 on Algorithms and iterations. Read 7.1 - 7.5 ( 178-190)1993Adding Drill
   Indeterminate Forms and L'Hopital's Rule ( 8.7 In 8e, but 5.6 in 11e )3699, 19, 23, 31, 49, 67, 87, 89, 101LaHopitalWS.pdf
Khan Videos
   8.8 Improper Integrals5795, 7, 13*, 15, 17, 19, 21*, 49, 55, 59Improper Integrals WS
Video: Basic Idea and Example
Video: MIT lecture
Rice WS
NYU Examples
Penn Slides
17Tuesday, Oct 03 Day 3Read 7.6-7.9 (p. 191-198)2041, 5, 8, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21 Look for starter code in Google classroom or download from the Textbook website
   8.8 Improper Integrals57933, 34, 41, 67*, 68, 75Improper Integrals WS
Video: Basic Idea and Example
Video: MIT lecture
Rice WS

Penn Slides
   Chapter 8 Review5835, 7, 9, 19, 37, 57, 81 , 83
18Thursday, Oct 05 Day 5Loop Group Activity
30 min test on Chapter 7 (loops) (time permitting)
2019 Qtr 1 Study Guide
   Chapter 8 Test
   Integration Rules! Card gameRules
19Monday, Oct 09 Day 1Quarter Review and practice problems 2019 Qtr 1 Study Guide

Qtr 1 Practice @apclassroom.collegeboard.org


   Quarter Review and practice problems
30 min test on Chapter 7 (loops) if not don class 18
2019 Qtr 1 Study Guide
20Monday, Nov 30 Day Quarter 1 Exam Ch 3-8 in Room 108
   Qtr Review. Quarter exam on Thursday October 17Qtr 1 Study Guide
   Read Chapter 8.1 to 8.42291, 2, 3, 4, 5b, 11HW8 Testers.java

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