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To prepare for the actual AP exam in May, we will be using several practice exams from the College Board in the next few months, starting with the Qtr 3 Exam. The AP exam in May will have two parts: Multiple choice (75 minutes) and Free Response (105 minutes), The last two classes of the quarter are short (a Friday schedule and an X schedule), so this quarter will be a little different, dividing an AP Practice exam into three parts. The Qtr 3 Exam is cumulative, just like the other quarter exams, You will also be able to use the Java Quick Reference that the Colloge Board will provide for you in May.

The Qtr 3 Exams is a cumulative exam that covers the entire course from the summer assignment until Unit 10 of the College Board's Course and Exam Description (CED), Like before, the test will be curved. The AP Exam usually awards a passing grade of 3 for 50% correct, a 4 for 65% correct, and a top score of 5 for 75% correct, One way to think of it is an A is 3 correct for every incorrect, a B is 2 correct for every incorrect, and a C for 1 correct for every incorrect.

Part 1: The Multiple choice portion of the exam will be in Room 405 on Wednesday March 6, There are 40 questions (75 minutes), representing half your score. The other half is based upon the four “Free Response” questions (105 minutes).

Part 2: The first 3 free response questions will be in Room 405 on Friday March 8 (80 minutes max). The first FRQ is usually based on methods and control structures, the second usually asks you to write a class, and the the third usually involves arrays and ArrayLists,

Part 3: The last Free Response Question will be in Room 405 on Tuesday March 12 (30 minutes max), and usually involves a 2-D array.

It is a good idea to review the Labs and old exam questions that we have done throughout the year. For three years now, AP Classroom has done an 8 Part Course Review. To find them, here is a screenshot. You may wish to watch them on YouTube where they have link to download the questions, like this one

Another good way to review the multiple choice is Chapter 13 of SFHSJava

Yet another good way to review the free response questions is to write your answers on your computer, and test out your solutions with the tester code past AP Questions @mathorama like we have been doing in class and homework, or Chapter 14-15 of SFHSJava. Don't forget that you don't need a computer to practice writing code at (AP Classroom) Also has Daily Videos on all the topics we have covered this year.

Your actual AP Exam will be Tuesday May 3, 2024 at 12 PM PDT.

Finally, please remember to get a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast!

Good Luck!

qtr_3_exam_study_guide.1709218569.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/29 09:56 by frchris

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