Jaguar Coding

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See the Jaguar Java API

Jaguar Hardware

See the DigitalInput API

Looks like using the limit switches directly to the Jaguar violates R62 See referece article so the switches need to be on the digital sidecar.

  1. One wire from the limit switch goes to signal on a Digital Input on the Digital Sidecar.
  2. One wire from the limit switch goes to ground on a Digital Input on the Digital Sidecar.

These are the outside wires of the 3 pin connector on the sidecar (Choose 1-14). On the switch side, you connect the center (-) and either the NO (Normally Open) or NC Normally Closed. In software, we can get either true or a false, and act accordingly.... For the bridgeArm or the LauncherArm, we can write a command that executes and ends when a switch is activated. For the aimMotor, we can use the switch as a safety , so It won't go if the switch is pressed.


public class RobotMap 
	public static final int lancherArmMotor = 7;//Jag 7
	public static final int LaucherArmSwitchTop = 1;//Digital IO (sig to NO, ground to ground)
	public static final int LaucherArmSwitchBottom = 2;//Digital IO (sig to NO, ground to ground)



public class LauncherArm extends Subsystem {
	Jaguar arm = new Jaguar(RobotMap.lancherArmMotor);
	DigitalInput upLimit = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.LaucherArmSwitchTop);
	DigitalInput downLimit = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.LaucherArmSwitchBottom);

	public static final double  speed=0.5; // 1.0=100% of 12 V
	public void initDefaultCommand() {
		setDefaultCommand(new LauncherArmDoNothing());
	public void stop(){
	public void safelyUp(){
		if (!upLimit.get()) //if Normally Open
	public void safelyDown(){
		if (!downLimit.get()) //if Normally Open
	public void up(){
	public void down(){
	public boolean isUp(){
		return upLimit.get();
	public boolean isDown(){
		return downLimit.get();


public abstract class CommandBase extends Command {

    public static OI oi;
    // Create a single static instance of all of your subsystems
    public static LauncherArm launcherArm = new LauncherArm();

    public static void init() {

        oi = new OI();
       // Show what command your subsystem is running on the SmartDashboard

    public CommandBase(String name) {

    public CommandBase() {

Command: LauncherArmDoNothing

This is the default Command of the LaucherArm subsystem.

public class LauncherArmDoNothing extends CommandBase {
	public LauncherArmDoNothing(){
	public void initialize() {}

	public void execute() {

	public boolean isFinished() {
		return false;

	public void end() {}

	public void interrupted() {}


Command: LauncherArmWait

This is a command that will pause the launcherArm for a specified time, to be used by a Command Group, so the arm can remain in the current position long enough for the ball to be grabbed by the launcherLoader belts.

public class LauncherArmWait extends CommandBase {
	public LauncherArmWait(double time){
		this.setTimeout(time); // time in seconds
	public void initialize() {}

	public void execute() {

	public boolean isFinished() {
		return this.isTimedOut();

	public void end() {}

	public void interrupted() {}


Command: LauncherArmUp

public class LauncherArmUp extends CommandBase {
	public LauncherArmUp(){
	public void initialize() {}

	public void execute() {
		// unconditionally go up:
		// or if the switch is ok:

	public boolean isFinished() {
		return launcherArm.isUp();

	public void end() {}

	public void interrupted() {}


Command: LauncherArmDown

public class LauncherArmDown extends CommandBase {
	public LauncherArmDown(){
	public void initialize() {}

	public void execute() {
		// unconditionally go down:
		// or if the switch is ok:

	public boolean isFinished() {
		return launcherArm.isDown();

	public void end() {}

	public void interrupted() {}


CommandGroup: Launch

public class Launch extends CommandGroup {
	public Launch()
		addSequential(new LauncherArmUp());
		addSequential(new LauncherArmWait(.5));//pause at the top
		addSequential(new LauncherArmDown());		


public class OI 
	Joystick stick1 = new Joystick(1);
    Button trigger = new JoystickButton(stick1, 1);//Trigger is button 1
    public OI()
    		trigger.whenPressed(new Launch());