Spike Coding

<< SmartDashboard | FRC | Jaguar Coding >>

see the API

In the Commands package, make a static instance of BallCollector in the CommandBase.java

package org.usfirst.frc4101.commands;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Command;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SmartDashboard;
import org.usfirst.frc4101.OI;
import org.usfirst.frc4101.subsystems.BallCollecter;
import org.usfirst.frc4101.subsystems.DriveTrain;

 * The base for all commands. All atomic commands should subclass CommandBase.
 * CommandBase stores creates and stores each control system. To access a
 * subsystem elsewhere in your code in your code use CommandBase.exampleSubsystem
 * @author Author
public abstract class CommandBase extends Command {

    public static OI oi;
    // Create a single static instance of all of your subsystems
    public static DriveTrain drivetrain = new DriveTrain();
    public static BallCollecter ballCollecter = new BallCollecter();
    // we'll add later the elevator motor
    // wel'll add the the tilt shooter motor
    // we'll add later the actuator to shoot
    // we'll add later the the actuator to deploy the wedge

    public static void init() {
        // This MUST be here. If the OI creates Commands (which it very likely
        // will), constructing it during the construction of CommandBase (from
        // which commands extend), subsystems are not guaranteed to be
        // yet. Thus, their requires() statements may grab null pointers. Bad
        // news. Don't move it.
        oi = new OI();

        // Show what command your subsystem is running on the SmartDashboard

    public CommandBase(String name) {

    public CommandBase() {

Add a new Subsystem in the subsystem package:

package org.usfirst.frc4101.subsystems;

import org.usfirst.frc4101.RobotMap;
import org.usfirst.frc4101.commands.BallCollectorStop;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Relay;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Subsystem;

public class BallCollecter extends Subsystem {
    Relay spike;
    public BallCollecter (){
    		spike = new Relay(RobotMap.ballCollectorMotor);
	public void initDefaultCommand() {
		setDefaultCommand(new BallCollectorStop());
	public void up(){
	public void down(){
	public void stop(){

In the Command package, add Commands:


package org.usfirst.frc4101.commands;

public class BallCollecterStop extends CommandBase 
	public BallCollecterStop(){

	protected void initialize() {		

	protected void execute() {

	protected boolean isFinished() {
		return false;

	protected void end() {	

	protected void interrupted() {		


package org.usfirst.frc4101.commands;

public class BallCollecterUp extends CommandBase 
	public BallCollecterUp(){

	protected void initialize() {		

	protected void execute() {

	protected boolean isFinished() {
		return false;

	protected void end() {	

	protected void interrupted() {		


package org.usfirst.frc4101.commands;

public class BallCollecterDown extends CommandBase 
	public BallCollecterDown(){

	protected void initialize() {		

	protected void execute() {

	protected boolean isFinished() {
		return false;

	protected void end() {	

	protected void interrupted() {		

In the templates package assign buttons to commands in OI.java

package org.usfirst.frc4101;

import org.usfirst.frc4101.commands.*;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Joystick;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.KinectStick;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.buttons.Button;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.buttons.JoystickButton;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SmartDashboard;

public class OI {
	//adjust for joystick axis 1.0 means the axis goes from -1.0 to 1.0
	public static final double max=1.0; 

	// Process operator interface input here.
	Joystick joystick = new Joystick(1);
	Button 	button1 = new JoystickButton(joystick, 1),
			button2 = new JoystickButton(joystick, 2);
	Button 	button10 = new JoystickButton(joystick, 10),
			button11 = new JoystickButton(joystick, 11),
			button12 = new JoystickButton(joystick, 12);
	KinectStick leftArm = new KinectStick(1),
				rightArm = new KinectStick(2);

	public OI() {
		// bind buttons to commands here, for example to test the driving modes:
		button1.whenPressed(new DriveWithJoystick() );
		button2.whenPressed(new DriveWithKenect() );
		button10.whenPressed(new BallCollecterUp() );
		button11.whenPressed(new BallCollecterDown() );
		button12.whenPressed(new BallCollecterStop() );

		// For testing, you can activate your commands from the SmartDashboard:
		SmartDashboard.putData(new DriveWithJoystick());
		SmartDashboard.putData(new DriveWithKenect());

	public double getLeftArmSpeed() {
		// For safety, reduce to 33% of speed
		return leftArm.getY()*.33;
	public double getRightArmSpeed() {
		// For safety, reduce to 33% of speed
		return rightArm.getY()*.33;

	public double getLeftSpeed() {
		// see http://home.kendra.com/mauser/Joystick.html for algorithm
		double x=-1.0*joystick.getX(); //invert x
		double y=joystick.getY();
		double v=(max-Math.abs(x))*(y/max)+y;
		double w=(max-Math.abs(y))*(x/max)+x;		
		return .5*(v-w);
	public double getRightSpeed() {
		// see http://home.kendra.com/mauser/Joystick.html for algorithm
		double x=-1.0*joystick.getX(); //invert x
		double y=joystick.getY();
		double v=(max-Math.abs(x))*(y/max)+y;
		double w=(max-Math.abs(y))*(x/max)+x;		
		return .5*(v+w);
	public void updateStatus(){
		// if we had a sensor like a pot or a rangefinder, we can see the status 
		// on the smartDashboard like this:
		SmartDashboard.putDouble(" joystick X", joystick.getX());	
		SmartDashboard.putDouble(" joystick Y", joystick.getY());	
		SmartDashboard.putDouble(" kenect right", getRightArmSpeed());
		SmartDashboard.putDouble(" kenect left", getLeftArmSpeed());	

in the templates package update the RobotMap

ackage org.usfirst.frc4101;

 * The RobotMap is a mapping from the ports sensors and actuators are wired into
 * to a variable name. This provides flexibility changing wiring, makes checking
 * the wiring easier and significantly reduces the number of magic numbers
 * floating around.
public class RobotMap {
    public static final int 
		leftDriveMotor = 1,
    		rightDriveMotor = 2, 
    		elevatorArm = 3, //vex motor 
    		bridgePusherMotor = 4, //
    		upperShooterMotor = 5,
    		lowerShooterMoter = 6,
    		aimingMotor = 7,
    		ballCollectorMotor = 1, //Spike Relay 1
    		conveyorBeltMotor = 2; //Spike relay 2
