AP Comp Sci A Homework - Block D

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Class Date Schedule Topic Page Exercises Links
1Thursday, Aug 22 Day 2 - GoldFor First Time Coders:
  • LearnJavaOnline.org (try the first 7 tutorials: “Hello, World!”, “Variables and Types”, “Conditionals”, “Arrays”, “Loops”, “Functions”, and “Objects”)
  • Solo Learn
  • If you don't go Pro, it is Free. Join the Java Course (not Javascript-that is different)
  • Coding Room Join Code is C-UHAm3Tj
Video Links
  1. Installing BlueJ Video
  2. Computer Methodology (5:48-7:41)
Download Links
  1. Download Chapter 1
  2. Download Java Methods Student Files
  3. Download BlueJ (v3.17 or v5.03)
  4. Download Java JDK
  5. Download Java JRE
  6. Download Eclipse (2024-06 IDE for Java Developers)
  1. Roll/Prayer/Welcome
  2. Counting on one finger (Binary on a Raspberry PI with LEDs)
  3. Hello World without an IDE (Video)
  4. BlueJ, Eclipse as different IDE's (Integrated Development Environment)
  5. Log-in to Runestone and Try "JJJ 1" (Under your icon there is a pop-up menu called "Assignments"
  1. Syllabus
  2. Learn Java in 14 min
  3. www.learnjavaonline.org
  4. Hello World without an IDE
  5. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/index.htm
  6. Installing Eclipse on Windows or a Mac(12 min)
  7. www.learnjavaonline.org
  8. Guess My Rule
  9. Eclipse instructions
  10. mathorama.com/karel has slides and files
2Monday, Aug 26 Day 4 - GoldIn class
  1. Seating Chart: Intro to Pair Programming
    1. Pair Programming: Pick who is driver first
    2. Client class: Seating Chart
    3. Switch Driver and Navigator
    4. Student class:
    5. Please upload your Student.java file and your SeatingChart.java file to the "Seating Chart" Lab assignment (4 pts each)
for HW
  1. Getting caught up
  2. Runestone: JJJ 2 (Due Sept 4)
3Wednesday, Aug 28 Day 6 M GoldIn class
  1. Learn to add Runestone book sfhs_ap_csa_2025
    1. Go to runeston.academy
    2. Click on the "Enroll in a Course" button on your profile page. You do this by typing the name of the course sfhs_ap_csa_2025 into the Course Name box.
    3. Experiemnt switching from SFHS_javajavajava_2024-25 and sfhs_ap_csa_2025
  2. Log in to Runestone.academy and go the Turtles Assignment (CSA Chapter 2.1)
  3. Go over some difficult JJJ2 questions
for HW
  1. Runestone: CSAwesome First Assignment (Due Sept 4)
  2. Runestone: JJJ 2 (Due Sept 4)
4Friday, Aug 30 Day 2 F GoldIn class
  1. Sample Quiz on Defining a Class and Making an Object:
    Make a Person class with two String fields, one to store a name, the other to store a phone number. Make a constructor with two parameters to initialize those fields. Finally write a toString method that returns (NOT PRINTS!) all the Person's information.
    (This should remind you of how we made the Joke class, the Student class (with the seating chart), and the Person class (from JJJ2)
for HW
  1. Practice Making Classes and Objects
  2. Runestone: CSAwesome First Assignment (Due Sept 4)
  3. Runestone: JJJ 2 (Due Sept 4)
5Wednesday, Sep 04 Day 4 - GoldIn class:
  1. Quiz like the Sample Quiz from class 4 (Bring your Person class to help!)
  2. Adding a Library to your IDE with a ".jar" file
  3. Lab: Make a Picture with a APLU Turtle using jturtle-0.1.1.jar Added to your library.
  4. Dot class, tested with ClickDot class.
for HW:
  1. Download studentfiles.zip and unzip to see the starter code, answers to odd questions, and the EasyClasses.jar file from Skylit.com
  2. Install the EasyClasses.jar files to your IDEs on your home computer. See details here
  3. Start Reading Ch 3
Lab Scoring:
  1. Adds the jturtle-0.1.1.jar library in either BlueJ or Eclipse
  2. Your name as @author in a comment
  3. The date as @version in a comment
  4. Makes a Turtle that is visible
  5. Draws a shape
  6. Fills the shape with a color
  7. Autographs their work with a label
  8. (8th point: Has more than one shape with an additional Turtle instance
  9. (9th or 10th point: Has unique and creative work of art
6Friday, Sep 06 Day 6 F GoldIn class:
  1. DQ1 Returned (if you scored under 8, you may have a redo to bring it up to 8/10 max)
  2. Litvin Ch 3 slides
  3. Morning.java (found in StudentFiles > Ch03 > Exercises). Make a Project, THEN drop roost.wav in folder from Finder)
  4. MovingDisk.java (found in StudentFiles > Ch03 > Syntax)
  1. Ch 3 page 61 #1, 2, 3b, 4-8,10. The Student Files has the needed starter code as well as the answers to the checked exercises in the book
  2. Finish Lab: TurtleGraphics with a APLU Turtle using jturtle-0.1.1.jar Added to your library. See the "Turtle" Topic in the the MyKnight Portal for helpful links.
  3. Start Reading Chapter 4
61 1, 2, 3(b), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10download StudentFilesfrom the Textbook website
7Tuesday, Sep 10 Day 2 - GoldIn class:
  1. Warm up at AP Classroom Class 7 Sampler
  2. Ch 3 Q and A (socrative.com)
  3. Intro to Litvin Ch 4: "OOP" -
  4. Class vs Object (page 71)
  5. Lab 4.2 (page 68 Code in Ch04 folder of StudentFiles)
  6. Chapter 4 (slides)
  1. Litvin Ch 4 exercises 1, 2, 3b, 4, (7) (please upload or type work directly into Blackbaud. No Google submissions)
90-921, 2, 3b, 4, (7)download the Student Files for the book from the Textbook website
8Thursday, Sep 12 Day 4 - GoldIn class:
  1. Ch 4 Q and A (socrative.com)
  2. Lab 4.6 "Balloons of All Types" (p. 85) StudentFiles)

    Class of 2024 Fancy Balloons

for Homework:
  • Runestone: CSAwesome Assignment "Subclasses"
  • Litvin exerciseses on page 92: # 8, 10, 11, 12
  • Start Reading Chapter 5
928, 10, 11, 12Helpful Video Links (Assigned in AP Classroom so you find them, but not graded)
  1. Objects: Instances of classes
  2. Constructors
  3. Putting Strings together
9Monday, Sep 16 Day 6 - GoldLitvin 5: Data Types, Variables, and Arithmatic
In Class
  1. Warm Up: String Methods: Pirate Translator (Talk Like a Pirate Day)
  2. TurtleGraphics 2024 and Fancy Balloons 2024 "Show and Tell"
  3. Quiz on Turtles, and Litvin Chapters 3 and 4
  4. Ch 5: Data Types, Variables and Arithmetic (slides)
  5. Lab 5.11 Pie Chart (Litvin p.119)
For HW:
  1. Watch 2 Unit 1.2 Unit Videos in AP Classroom
  2. Do p 125 exercises # 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
  3. Start on Runestone: CSAwsome: Data types, Variables, and Arithmetic
1251, 2, 4, 5, 6Helpful Video Links (Assigned in AP Classroom so you find them, but not graded)

  1. Using the Math class
  2. Using the QRG with the Math class
  3. Using the Math.random() method
  4. Variable and Data Types Video 1 (7 min)
  5. Variable and Data Types Video2 (7 min)
  6. Casting & Ranges Video 1 (9 min)
  7. Casting & Ranges Video 1 (8 min)
10Wednesday, Sep 18 Day 2 - GoldIn Class:
  1. Demo with BlueJ's Code Pad (Cmd-E) to explore data types
  2. Finish Poll Lab Steps 5, 6, and 7 Litvin page 120
  3. Test on Turtles, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 (60 min)
For HW:
  1. If you haven't already, upload our completed PollDisplayPanel.java file to Litvin Lab 5-11
  2. Complete Runestone: CSAwsome: Data types, Variables, and Arithmetic
  3. Litvin page 126: 7, 8 and 9
1267,8, and 9Helpful Video Links for Chapter 5 (Assigned in AP Classroom so you find them, but not graded)

  1. Using the Math class
  2. Using the QRG with the Math class
  3. Using the Math.random() method
  4. Variable and Data Types Video 1 (7 min)
  5. Variable and Data Types Video2 (7 min)
  6. Casting & Ranges Video 1 (9 min)
  7. Casting & Ranges Video 1 (8 min)
11Friday, Sep 20 Day 4 F GoldIn class:
  1. Ch 5 Q&A (Socrative.com
for HW:(No need to turn in anything to blackbaud, your AP Classroom is on the cloud) For HW:
  1. Do Ch 5 p.126 exercises # 10, 12, 13 (optional: 18, 19)
126-710, 12, 13, (optional: 18, 19)
  1. AP Java Quick Reference Guide

  2. https://codingbat.com/java
  3. Writing classes Practice
  4. Primitive data Types Unit 1 lecture by Adam Cannon of Columbia U
12Tuesday, Sep 24 Day 6 - GoldIn class:
  1. Test on Chapter 5.

    You may use a printed copy of the AP Java Quick Reference Guide during the test.

  2. Qtr 1 Study Guide
  3. Qtr 1 Practice @apclassroom.collegeboard.org
  4. https://codingbat.com/java
  5. Writing classes Practice
for HW:
  1. AP Java Quick Reference Guide
  2. One to Ten Game
  3. Qtr 1 Study Guide
  4. https://codingbat.com/java
  5. Primitive data Types Unit 1 lecture by Adam Cannon of Columbia U
13Thursday, Sep 26 Day 2 F GoldFor underclassmen (Kairos) Kairos 112 Sept 24-27, 2024
  1. Estimate Pi
  2. Adding Drill
  3. Complete One-ToTen Lab

  4. Coding Bat Practice
  1. Nim Game Video
    Starter Code

  2. "One to Ten Game"

  3. AP Java Quick Reference Guide

  4. Number Cube

  5. Adding Drill

  6. Estimate π with darts
14Monday, Sep 30 Day 4 - GoldQtr 1 Review
  1. AP Comp Sci Quick Reference
  2. College Board Penalty Points
  3. Qtr 1 Study Guide
15Wednesday, Oct 02 Day 6 M GoldQtr 1 Review
  1. AP Comp Sci Quick Reference
  2. College Board Penalty Points
  3. Qtr 1 Study Guide
16Monday, Oct 07 Day 2 - Gold
Qtr 1 Exam Room 405 (90 min)
  1. Turtle API
  2. AP Comp Sci Quick Reference
  3. College Board Penalty Points
  4. Qtr 1 Study Guide
  1. Primitive data Types Unit 1 lecture by Adam Cannon of Columbia U

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