AP Comp Sci A Homework - Block D

Enjoy the summer!
First day is August 14

Generated Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 04:28 am.
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Class Date Schedule Topic Page Exercises Links
1Thursday, Aug 17 Day 2For First Time Coders:
  • LearnJavaOnline.org (try the first 7 tutorials: “Hello, World!”, “Variables and Types”, “Conditionals”, “Arrays”, “Loops”, “Functions”, and “Objects”)
  • Solo Learn
  • If you don't go Pro, it is Free. Join the Java Course (not Javascript-that is different)
  • Coding Room Join Code is C-UHAm3Tj
Video Links
  1. Installing BlueJ Video
  2. Computer Methodology (5:48-7:41)
Download Links
  1. Download Chapter 1
  2. Download Java Methods Student Files
  3. Download BlueJ (v3.17 or v5.03)
  4. Download Java JDK
  5. Download Java JRE
  6. Download Eclipse (2022-06 IDE for Java Developers)
  1. Roll/Prayer/Welcome
  2. Syllabus
  3. Hello World without an IDE
  4. Guess My Rule
Karel the Robot at mathorama.com/wiki/
See wiki for help with installing the library.
2Monday, Aug 21 Day 4
  1. Hello World without an IDE
  2. Karel the Robot Karel J. Robot Introduction
  3. BlueJ, CW 1-2: First.java
  4. HW 1-2: Your Initials in Beepers
See the wiki for starter code and instructions under Exercises Eclipse instructions
mathorama.com/karel has slides and files
3Wednesday, Aug 23 Day 6
  1. Initials Show and tell
  2. Making Methods to make your code more readable Extending the Robot class: MileWalker,
  3. How to discover more about a class: API (javadoc)
  4. StairSweeper.
  5. Making Walls, Beepers
  6. HW 1-3:
    1. Extending the Robot class: SteepleChaser.
    2. Second Assignment (Runestone)
   See the wiki for starter code and instructions under Exercises
4Friday, Aug 25 Day 2Karel J Robot Chapter 6 - Instructions that repeatCh 6Ch 6.ppt
  1. See the wiki for starter code and instructions under Exercises
  2. Robot Olympics
  3. Ch 3 ppt
  4. Ch 5 ppt
  5. Ch 6.ppt
  6. Other files
   In class
  1. Solution to SteepleChaser (CW 1-4) Designing and Writing methods
  2. Newspaper Retrieval
  3. Make a Maze for Karel (Please upload the picture of your Maze model in CW 1-4)
For HW:
  • Harvester (HW 1-4)
  • Third Assignment (Runestone)
6.HarvesterSee the wiki for starter code and instructions under Exercises
   Picture Day (Mass Schedule Block A is 8:23-9:38 Mass folling..)
5Tuesday, Aug 29 Day 4In class:
  1. Review Harvester
  2. Using an IDE (BlueJ vs Eclipse) (Karel in Eclipse
  3. Progress with Maze conversion(Lab 1-5)
for HW:
  1. Runestone Fourth Assignment(Runestone)
6Thursday, Aug 31 Day 6In class:
  1. Karel J Robot Quiz
  2. Making a Dot class in Eclipse (For CWE-Coders With Experience)
  3. The MazeWalker Algorithm (follow the right wall.
for HW:
  1. MazeWalker Algorithm (Upload the Mazewalker.java file that passes the MazeWalkerTest in Lab 1-6: MazeWalker)

Making a Dot class in Eclipse (For CWE-Coders With Experience)
7Tuesday, Sep 05 Day 2In class:
  1. Codingbat.com warmup
  2. Litvin Ch 3 slides
  3. Litvin: Lab 3.7: Fixing the Errors of MovingDisk.java (page 58-60)
  4. Making an Object:Dot Class
  1. Download Textbook files
  2. Read Unit 1 summary, HW 1-7 assignment at SFHS-Java (Runestone)
  3. Ch 3 page 61 #1, 2, 3b, 4-8,10. The Student Files have needed starter code and answers to checked exercises
61 1, 2, 3(b), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10download from the Textbook website
8Thursday, Sep 07 Day 4In class:
  1. Warm up at AP Classroom Unit 1 Sampler
  2. Ch 3 Q and A (socrative.com)
  3. Ch 3 Exercises 11(a) and 12(a)
  4. Finish Dot class in Eclipse from class 1-6
  5. Intro to Litvin Ch 4: "OOP" -
  6. Class vs Object (page 71)
  7. Lab 4.2 (page 68 Code in Ch04 folder of StudentFiles)
  1. Read Chapter 4.1 to 4.4 (pages 66-90)
  2. Litvin Ch 4 exercises (please upload or type work directly into Blackbaud. No Google submissions)
90-921, 2, 3b, 4, (7)download the Student Files for the book from the Textbook website
9Monday, Sep 11 Day 6In class:
  1. AP Classroom Unit 1 Personal Progress Checks (PPC's)
  2. Lab 4.6 "Balloons of All Types" (p. 85) StudentFiles)

    Class of 2024 Fancy Balloons

for Homework:
928, 10, 11, 12Helpful Video Links (Assigned in AP Classroom so you find them, but not graded)
  1. Objects: Instances of classes
  2. Constructors
  3. Putting Strings together
10Wednesday, Sep 13 Day 2In Class:
  1. Test on Chapter 3 and Karel J Robot Unit (60 min)
  2. Finish Fancy Balloon Lab
For HW:
  1. If not already done, Finish Fancy Balloon Lab
  2. Runestone HW 1-10
11Friday, Sep 15 Day 4In Class:
  1. Warm Up: Coding.bat
  2. Some Reading Q&A (Socrative.com)
  3. Finish Balloons of all Kinds Lab (Litvin p.85)
For HW:
  1. If not already done, finish Fancy Balloon Lab
  2. If not already done, finish maze world for your maze ( FirstL.txt )
  3. If not already done, finish Unit 1 PPB B (AP Classroom)
  4. Start on Unit 2 PPC A (due test day 9/28)
12Tuesday, Sep 19 Day 6 - GoldKairos 112 Sept 21-23, 2023
 Tuesday, Sep 19 Day 6In Class:
  1. Lab: String Methods: Pirate Translater (Talk Like a Pirate Day)
   Litvin 5: Data Types, Variables, and Arithmatic
In Class
  1. Are you using AP Classroom?
  2. Ch 5: Data Types, Variables and Arithmetic (slides)
  3. Lab 5.11 Pie Chart (Litvin p.119)
For HW:
  1. Read Chapter 5.1-5.6 (pp. 96-108)
  2. Do p 126 exercises
  3. Finish working on Unit 2 PPC (MC) A (due 9/28)
1251, 2, 4, 5, 6Helpful Video Links (Assigned in AP Classroom so you find them, but not graded)

  1. Using the Math class
  2. Using the QRG with the Math class
  3. Using the Math.random() method
  4. Variable and Data Types Video 1 (7 min)
  5. Variable and Data Types Video2 (7 min)
  6. Casting & Ranges Video 1 (9 min)
  7. Casting & Ranges Video 1 (8 min)
13Thursday, Sep 21 Day 2For underclassmen (Kairos)
  1. Complete One-ToTen Lab

  2. Coding Bat Practice
  1. Nim Game Video
    Starter Code

  2. "One to Ten Game"

  3. AP Java Quick Reference Guide

  4. Number Cube

  5. Adding Drill

  6. Estimate π with darts
14Monday, Sep 25 Day 4For underclassmen (Kairos)
15Wednesday, Sep 27 Day 6Review for Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 Test:

In class

  1. (40 min) Study:

  2. (45 min) Ch 4 Quiz: Write a Superclass and a Subclass with a constructor and a method that uses math.

  3. Work on APCS homework (if you finish the quiz early)
For HW:
  1. Read Ch 5.7-5.10 (109-118) and do p.126 # 7, 8, 10, 13
  2. Finish Lab 5.11 Pie Chart (Litvin p.119)
  3. (If you still haven't finished) Unit 2 PPC A (due 9/28)
1267, 8, 10, 13
16Friday, Sep 29 Day 2In class:
  1. Ch 5 Q&A (Socrative.com
for HW:(No need to turn in anything to blackbaud, your AP Classroom is on the cloud)
  1. AP Java Quick Reference Guide

  2. Qtr 1 Study Guide
  3. Qtr 1 Practice @apclassroom.collegeboard.org

  4. https://codingbat.com/java
  5. Writing classes Practice
  6. Primitive data Types Unit 1 lecture by Adam Cannon of Columbia U
17Wednesday, Oct 04 Day 4In class:
  1. Test on Chapter 4 and 5.

    You may use a printed copy of the AP Java Quick Reference Guide during the test.

  2. Qtr 1 Study Guide
  3. Qtr 1 Practice @apclassroom.collegeboard.org
  4. https://codingbat.com/java
  5. Writing classes Practice
for HW:
  1. AP Java Quick Reference Guide
  2. One to Ten Game
  3. Qtr 1 Study Guide
  4. https://codingbat.com/java
  5. Primitive data Types Unit 1 lecture by Adam Cannon of Columbia U
18Friday, Oct 06 Day 6Qtr 1 Review
19Tuesday, Oct 10 Day 2
Qtr 1 Exam Room 405 (90 min)
  1. Karel API
  2. AP Comp Sci Quick Reference
  3. Qtr 1 Study Guide
  1. Primitive data Types Unit 1 lecture by Adam Cannon of Columbia U

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