1 | Monday, Oct 14 | Day 4 - Gold | Syllabus
Review answers to Qtr 1 Exam | | | Syllabus |
2 | Wednesday, Oct 16 | Day 6 - Gold | In Class:
- Intro to Chapter 6: DeMorgan's Law for "Distributing a NOT"
- Boolean Practice
- Ch 6 Slides
- p 169 Exercises 2-4 (CW 2-2)
For HW:
- Read Ch 6
- p 172 Exercises
| 172 | 15, 16a, 20, 21, 23 | | 3 | Friday, Oct 18 | Day 2 F Gold | In class:
- Lab 6.9 CrapsGame.java, Die.java (Download Student Files)
- Ch 6 Q & A (Socrative)
- DQ: Write a class
For HW:
- Do Lab 6.12: RollingDie.java (p 163-166)
| 199 | 3, 5, 8, 11 | | 4 | Wednesday, Oct 23 | Day 4 - Gold | In class
- Chapter 6 Q and A
- JavaBat String times method.
- SFHS-Java Unit 4: Code Lens and debugging
- "Count the Loops" game with a Partner
- Lab: Adding Drill
for HW | | | | 5 | Friday, Oct 25 | Day 6 F Gold | Chapter 7: Iterations (Loops)
In class:
- Choice Estimate PI or Lab 7.8: Perfect Numbers (p 196)
For HW:
- Read Ch 7
- page 199
| 201 | 12, 19, 20, 21 | Java Visulaizer | 6 | Tuesday, Oct 29 | Day 2 - Gold | In class:
- Wordel Lab
- Ch 7 Q and A
- Ch 7 slides
For HW:
- HW 2-6 (Runestone)
| | | Java Visulaizer | 7 | Thursday, Oct 31 | Day 4 F Gold | Ch 8: Strings
- DQ on Writing a method that uses a loop
- JavaBat String Methods with no loops.
- JavaBat String Methods with one loop.
- JavaBat String Methods with two loops.
- Textbook Exercises
| 229 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5b, 11 |
- HW8 Testers.java
- String methods video 1 (8 min)
- String methods video 2 (8 min)
- String methods video 3 (8 min)
| 8 | Monday, Nov 04 | Day 6 - Gold | In class:
- Read 8.5-8.10
- Do p 232: 21,22
- Runestone 2-8 (Strings)
| 232 | 21, 22 | | 9 | Wednesday, Nov 06 | Day 2 - Gold | Chapter 6/7 Test on Boolean Expressions and Loops (Units 3 & 4)< /div>
Fr Chris at Provincial Assembly Nov 8
for HW: Finish Runestone 2-8 (Strings) | | | | 10 | Friday, Nov 08 | Day 4 F Gold | Intro to Arrays
In class:
- Chapter 8 Review (slides/Codingbat Strings / Arrays)
- Ch 8 Q & A (Socrative)
- AP Classroom (late fees apply after today)
- Javabat: Arrays 1: reverse3
- Javabat: Arrays 2: countEvens
- Lab 9.3 "Fortune Teller" (upload to Blackbaud)
- Introduce 2D arrays (slides)
- Start 9.5 "Chomp"
Picture Lab Set Up
for HW
- Read Section 9.4 to 9.6
- Do p258 & 261 Exercises (use the provided "Chapter 9 HW Testers" for full credit)
Please upload actual ".java" file(s) directly to Blackbaud from your IDE's project folder. No credit if you attempt to upload a Google doc, or a file from Google Drive or anything other than a file from your IDE's project folder.
| 258 | 3, 6, 11, 12 | Chapter 9 HW Testers
| 11 | Wednesday, Nov 13 | Day 6 M Gold | In class:
For HW
- Read Section 9.4 to 9.6
- HW 2-11 (Arrays) on Runestone
- Textbook exercises (Please use Chapter 9 HW Testers
Question 15: Checkerboard Tester When you click on it, the checkerboard changes to a new checkerboard of a different size.)
Please use Chapter9Testers.java with your name and date in a comment. Please upload actual ".java" file(s) directly to Blackbaud from your IDE's project folder. No credit if you attempt to upload a Google doc, or a file from Google Drive or anything other than a file from your IDE's project folder.
- Finish TicTacToe2 Lab.
| 261 | 14, 15 |
- StudetFiles.zip
- Chapter 9 HW Testers fro 14 and
Question 15: Checkerboard Tester When you click on it, the checkerboard changes to a new checkerboard of a different size.
| 12 | Friday, Nov 15 | Day 2 F Gold | In class:
- Warmup with Arrays: CodingBat Array-1
- DQ 2-12 (1-D Arrays)
- Solutions to Chomp and Sieve of E
- Warm Up: TwoD
- Primes: Lab 9.8 Sieve of E. p 254
- Q and A on Ch 9 (Socrative)
- Time permitting, see Labs to the right
For HW
- Runestone HW 2-12 (2D Arrays
- Textbook Exercises. Please use Chapter9Testers.java with your name and date in a comment.
Please upload actual ".java" file(s) directly to Blackbaud from your IDE's project folder. No credit if you attempt to upload a Google doc, or a file from Google Drive or anything other than a file from your IDE's project folder.
- Read Chapter 10.1 - 10.9 (pp. 280-298)
| 262 | 17, 18, (19a), (20), 23, (24a) |
- Chapter 9 HW Testers
- Lights Out
- TicTacToe2 (Start with the Tester)
- Picture Lab Activities
| 13 | Tuesday, Nov 19 | Day 4 M Gold | Chapter 8/9 Test on Strings and Arrays (Units 2.6, 2.7, 4)
No homework if you already finished the TicTacToe2 Lab and Chapter 10 reading, otherwise please complete for late credit. | | | | 14 | Thursday, Nov 21 | Day 6 F Gold | In class:
- Chapter 10 Slides
- Vending Machine Lab 10.9 (p 295)
- Vending Machine Lab 10.12 (p. 308)
- Go over Test Answers
For HW:
- Download the lockdown Browser and perform the Readiness check to do the Sem 1 MC Practice
- HW 2-14/15 (Using Classes)(Runestone- Due Dec 4)
- Do 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13 (No credit if you attempt to upload a Google doc, or a file from Google Drive or anything other than a file from your IDE's project folder, or typed into the text area of blackbaud.)
- Read 10.9 - 10.13 (pp. 298-309)
| 310 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13 |
- StudetFiles.zip
- AP Classroom::
- Download the lockdown Browser and perform the Readiness check to do the Sem 1 MC Practice
- Sem 1 MC Practice (Due 8am Dec 8)
- Sem 1 FRQ Practice (Due 8am Dec 12)
| 15 | Monday, Dec 02 | Day 2 - Gold | In class:
- Ch 10 Questions (Socrative)
- Lights Out
- Go over Last Test Solutions
- Picture Lab Activities 5
For HW:
- HW 2-15 (Using Classes)(Runestone)
- Do 14, 19. (No credit if you attempt to upload a Google doc, or a file from Google Drive or anything other than a file from your IDE's project folder, or typed into the text area of Blackbaud.)
- Read 10.10 - 10.13 (pp. 298-309)
| 313 | 14, 19 |
- Download the lockdown Browser and perform the Readiness check to do the Sem 1 MC Practice
- Sem 1 MC Practice (Due 8am Dec 8)
- Sem 1 FRQ Practice (Due 8am Dec 12)
| 16 | Wednesday, Dec 04 | Day 4 - Gold | Chapter 10 Test on Implementing Classes (Units 5, 9)
- Chapter 10 Test (60 min)
- Go over test Answers (30 min)
- Download the lockdown Browser and perform the Readiness check to do the Sem 1 MC Practice
- Sem 1 MC Practice (Due 8am Dec 8)
- Sem 1 FRQ Practice (Due 8am Dec 12)
| | | Semester 1 Study Guide | 17 | Friday, Dec 06 | Day 6 F Gold |
Semester Review and Practice
Semester 1 Study Guide
AP Classroom::
- Download the lockdown Browser and perform the Readiness check to do the Sem 1 MC Practice
- Sem 1 MC Practice (Due 8am Dec 8)
- Sem 1 FRQ Practice (Due 8am Dec 12)
| | | Semester 1 Study Guide | 18 | Tuesday, Dec 10 | Day 2 - Gold | Semester 1 Exam Part 1: Multiple Choice/Short Answer. (Rm 405)
- Sem 1 FRQ Practice (Due 8am Dec 12)
| | | Semester 1 Study Guide | 19 | Thursday, Dec 12 | Day 4 M Gold | Semester 1 Exam Part 2: Free Response (Rm 405)
For HW Due class 3-1:
- Read 11.1 - 11.4 (pp 318- 324) on ArrayLists
| 332 | 1, 2, 4 | |