1 | Thursday, Aug 22 | Day 2 | 1.1 Identify Points, Lines, and Planes
Some links:
- Syllabus
- mlm.pearson.com is the textbook's "My Math Lab".
- DeltaMath.com
- First Day Pretest
- First Day Pretest(in case MML isnt working for your yet)
| | | Some Review videos:
- Euclid's Elements of Geometry (pdf of Greek and English)
- Euclid's Elements(web based - English)
- Descartes Geometry Textbook
- Distance Formula
- Midpoint Formula
- Interactive Polyhedra
| | | Homework:
- Start your personal "Illustrated Definitions, Postulates, and Theorems of Quarter 1" with Chapter 1
- §1.2 Geometry—A Mathematical System
- §1.3 Points, Lines, and Planes
| | | Qtr 1 Theorem Notebook
| 2 | Monday, Aug 26 | Day 4 | Mu Alpha Theta/AMC10/12 November 8 or 14, 2023 | | | Competition Info Numbers Geometry Algebra Stats and Probability | | | | For Today Try this DeltaMath.com assignment:
Practice Quiz on chapter 1
for HW, Try these on MyMath Lab
- §1.4 Segments and Their Measure
- §1.5 Angles and Their Measure
- Practice Quiz on Sections 1.2-1.5
| | | Qtr 1 Theorem Notebook
| 3 | Wednesday, Aug 28 | Day 6 | Picture Day (Mass Schedule ) | | | | | | |
- §1.6 Angle Pairs and Their Relationships
- §1.7 Coordinate Geometry
- Delta Math Quiz on Points, Lines, Rays, Angles, and Planes
| | |
- Distance Formula
- Midpoint Formula
| | | | Homework:
- Start your personal "Illustrated Definitions, Postulates, and Theorems of Quarter 1" with Chapter 1
- §1.6 Geometry—Angle Pairs
- §1.7 Coordinate Geometry (Distance, Mdpts, etc)
| | | Qtr 1 Theorem Notebook
| 4 | Friday, Aug 30 | Day 2 |
- Quiz on 1.2 through 1.6
| | | | | | | §1.8: Constructions (See Topic in Blackbaud)
- Quiz on Chapter 1 Topics up to section 1.6
- Read MLM 1.8, but exercises can be frustrating on MLM, so we will use DeltaMath.com, RoboCompass.com, and Euclidia.xyz. (MLM 1.8 exercises will be optional. If you do complete them, talk to me in Office Hours and I will restore up to 4 points on lost points in chapter 1 homework)
- RoboCompass.com/app
- euclidea.xyz Log in with your sfhighschool.net account to store your progress
For Homework
- MLM Chapter 1 Study Guide
- Delta Math: Chapter 1 Constructions (Due Sept 6)
- euclidea.xyz try to complete the L goals of the alpha level
| | | | 5 | Wednesday, Sep 04 | Day 4 | In class
- Answer questions from Ch 1
- Discuss §2.1 Perimeter, Circumference, and Area
- Discuss §2.2 Patterns and Inductive Reasoning
for HW
- Study for Ch 1 Test
- MLM: Chapter 2 Pre-Test
- MLM: §2.1 Perimeter, Circumference, and Area
| | | | 6 | Friday, Sep 06 | Day 6 | In class:
Chapter 1 Test: A Beginning of Geometry
for HW:
- MLM: §2.2 Patterns and Inductive Reasoning
- MLM: §2.3 Conditional Statements
| | | | 7 | Tuesday, Sep 10 | Day 2 | Class Topics:
- §2.4 Biconditional Statements and Definitions
- §2.5 Deductive Reasoning
- Quiziz
- MLM: §2.4 Biconditional Statements and Definitions
- MLM: §2.5 Deductive Reasoning
- Optional: MLM: Lesson 2.1-2.4 Practice Quiz
| | | | 8 | Thursday, Sep 12 | Day 4 | In class
- MLM: §2.1-2.4 Quiz
- Proof Practice
- §2.6 Two Column Proofs
- §2.7 Proving Theorems About Angles
for HW
- MLM: §2.6 Two Column Proofs
- MLM: §2.7 Proving Theorems About Angles
- MLM: Optional: Lesson 2.4-2.7 Practice Quiz
| | | | 9 | Monday, Sep 16 | Day 6 | In class
- MLM: §2.4-2.7 Quiz
- §3.1 Lines and Angles
- Chapter 2 Test Practice (See Topics in My Knight Portals)
For HW
- MLM: Chapter 2 Study Guide (45 mins)
- MLM Chapter 3 Pre-Test (not graded)
- MLM: §3.1 Lines and Angles (not due until Tuesday Sept 24, 2024)
| | | | 10 | Wednesday, Sep 18 | Day 2 | Chapter 2 Test: Introduction to Reasoning and Proofs
Try the §3.0 Chapter 3 Pre-Test (The Ch 3 Pre-Test is not graded) | | | | 11 | Friday, Sep 20 | Day 4 | In class
- §3.2 Proving Lines Are Parallel
- §3.3 Parallel Lines and Angles Formed by Transversals
- §3.4 Proving Theorems About Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
for HW
- MLM: §3.2 Proving Lines Are Parallel
- MLM: §3.3 Parallel Lines and Angles Formed by Transversals
- MLM: §3.4 Proving Theorems About Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
- MLM: Practice Quiz on Lessons 3.1-3.4 (not graded)
| | | Links:
- Parallel Lines slides (pdf)
- Parallel Lines slides (ppt)
| 12 | Tuesday, Sep 24 | Day 6 | In class:
- Quiz on Sections 3.1 -3.4
- §3.6 Coordinate Geometry⎯The Slope of a Line
- §3.7 Coordinate Geometry⎯Equations of Lines
- Point Slope: (y-y0) = m (x-x0)
- Slope-Intercept: y = mx + b
- General Form: Ax + By = C
- MLM: Chapter 3 Study Guide (See More Chapter 3 Review Materials in "Topics" Section of Blackbaud
- Delta Math: Parallel and Perpendicular Practice
| | | - §3.5 Constructions⎯Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
(See Construction Topic in Blackbaud)
RoboCompass Instructions
- Construct a Parallel through a Point
- Drop a Perpendicular through a point
- Perpendicular from a Point on a Line
- Perpendicular Bisector
- euclidia.xyz
| 13 | Thursday, Sep 26 | Day 2 | In class:
HW Quiz (on Paper) on 3.6-3.7
- Video Introduction to Chapter 4
- Triangles slides
- §4.1 Types of Triangles
- §4.2 Congruent Figures
- §4.3 Congruent Triangles by SSS and SAS
for HW
- Study for the Ch 3 Test
- Chapter 4 Pre-Test
| | |
- 4.1 slidesTypes of Triangles
- 4.2 slidesCongruent Figures
- 4.3 slidesCongruent Triangles by SSS and SAS
- Corresponding-Parts-of-Congruent-Triangles-are-Congruent-Worksheet.pdf
- Parallel-Lines-and-Congruent-Triangles-Worksheet.pdf
| 14 | Monday, Sep 30 | Day 4 | Chapter 3 Test: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
for HW
- MLM: §4.1 Types of Triangles
- MLM: §4.2 Congruent Figures
- MLM: §4.3 Congruent Triangles by SSS and SAS
| | | | 15 | Wednesday, Oct 02 | Day 6 | In class:
- HW Quiz 1-15 on Congruent Triangles
- §4.4 Congruent Triangles by ASA and AAS
- §4.5 Proofs Using Congruent Triangles
- §4.6 Isosceles, Equilateral, and Right Triangles (Video)
For HW:
- MLM: §4.4 Congruent Triangles by ASA and AAS
- MLM: §4.5 Proofs Using Congruent Triangles
- MLM: §4.6 Isosceles, Equilateral, and Right Triangles
| | |
- Triangle Theorems (pdf)
( mov )
- Construction: SSS
Construction: SAS
| 16 | Monday, Oct 07 | Day 2 | In class:
- Ch 4 Quiz
- Qtr 1 Study Guide
- Qtr 1 Review (exam on Friday October 11, 2024)
- Proving Congruent Triagles
- (Construction Skills from Sections 1.8 and 3.5 will be tested next quarter )
for HW:
- Last Chance to complete DeltaMath.com assignments October 11
- MLM: Ch 4 Study guide Due 8 AM on October 11, 2024
| | |
- Study Guide
- Some Chapter 1-4 Test Bank Questions and Answers
- Geometry Semester Review 1.pdf
- Geometry Semester Review 2.pdf
- Grade Speculation WS from Syllabus
- Qtr1 Topics from the NY Regents Exam
- Qtr 1 Practice