AP Comp Sci A Homework - Block D

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First day is August 14

Generated Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 04:41 am.
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Class Date Schedule Topic Page Exercises Links
1Thursday, Jan 04 Day 4SyllabusSyllabus
   In class:
  1. Answers to Semester 1 Exam part 1
  2. Click Boxes Lab
For HW:
  • Textbook exercises
Click Boxes Lab
   Read 11.1 - 11.8 (pp. 320 -336)3372, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, (11 - optional but fun)
2Tuesday, Jan 09 Day 6In class:
  1. Answers to Semester Exam Part 2
  2. Ch 11 Slides
  3. Lab 11.5 Shuffler (p. 328)
  4. Homework Hint: #4 digits
For HW:
Click Boxes Lab
3Thursday, Jan 11 Day 2In class:
  1. Socrative Q & A: Ch 11
  2. Litvin Lab 11.7: IndexMaker (p. 332)
  3. SFHS-Java ArrayLists
  4. Practice It doubleList, minToFront
For HW:
Click Boxes Lab
4Tuesday, Jan 16 Day 4In class
  1. Questions on Homework or Lab Assignment
  2. Quiz 3-4 on ArrayLists
  3. 2013 FRQ 1

  1. Practice It! - 5th ed do 10.3 to 10.5 (mystery1-3)
2013 FRQ 1: "Download Info" (After Chapter 11 on ArrayLists)2013 Free Response Questions
2013 FRQ 1: DownloadInfo
5Thursday, Jan 18 Day 6In class
  1. Quiz 3-5 on ArrayLists (Study your runestone)
  2. 2013 FRQ 1

Ch 11 Test Next class
2013 FRQ 1: "Download Info" (After Chapter 11 on ArrayLists)2013 Free Response Questions
2013 FRQ 1: DownloadInfo
6Monday, Jan 22 Day 2
Chapter 11 Test on ArrayLists
In class
  1. Go over Quiz
  2. Chapter 11 Test (60 min)
for HW
  1. Start Reading Ch 13
  2. Turn in 1,2 from Ch 13
3751, 2
7Wednesday, Jan 24 Day 4 - Gold
Kairos (No Seniors) Jan 24-26, 2024
 Wednesday, Jan 24 Day 4In class :
  1. Go over Ch 11 Test answers
  2. Ch 13 Slides
  3. Algorithms: Recursion Video (5:40)
  4. Demo 1: Triangle Numbers
  5. Recursion Demos
For HW:
  1. Finish Reading Litvin Ch 13
  2. Do exercises
3753, 4, 5, 6, 7
9Tuesday, Jan 30 Day 2Ch 13 Review In class:

  1. Ch 13 Slides
  2. Practice It! - 5th ed Chapter 12 Recursion Self Checks
  3. CodingBat a: bunnyEars, sumDigits, bunnyEars2
  4. Chapter 13 Q & A @ socrative
  5. Java2021-SFHS
For HW:
  1. Do exercises p 373 # 8, 9, 13
  2. HW 3-9 on Recursion
3788, 9, 13
10Thursday, Feb 01 Day 4In class:

  1. Ch 13 Q & A (Socrative.com)
  2. Car Talk Lab Reading in a text file to search
For Homework
  1. Study for Ch 13 Test
  2. Start Runestone HW 3-10 (Searching) Due Tues
11Monday, Feb 05 Day 6
Chapter 13 Test on Recursion

  • Can you write a equals, CompareTo method for a class?
  • Can you make A Comparable class and write a compares method?
  • Can you write a sequential search method? A insertion, selection sort method?
  • Do you understand the advantages and disadvantages or the sort methods?
  • Do you understand the "Big-O" way of describing the efficiency of an algorithm?
12Wednesday, Feb 07 Day 2Read 14.3-14.4 (pages 385-389) Sort an Array with a Comparator Video (3:47)
States Lab
   In class

  1. Sorting Algorithms Introduced
  2. Binary and Linear Searching algorithms
  3. Searching an ArrayList of String (lab)
For HW

  1. Read Chapter 14 section 14.1-14.2
  2. Do the assigned Textbook exercises
4101, 2, 4(a), 4(b), 5, 6Binary Search Video 1 (1:28)
How Binary search works video (7:20)
Algorithms: Binary Search (6:21)
13Friday, Feb 09 Day 4In class

  1. Sorting Algorithms Continued
  2. 14.2 equals, compareTo, and compare (Student Files ch 14)
  3. Practice It! BJP5 13.2, 13.9, 13.21
  4. Car Talk Job Search
  5. Review Test Answers
For HW

  1. Runestone HW 3-13 (Sorting)
  2. Read Chapter 14 section 14.5 to 14.7
Binary Search Video 1 (1:28)
How Binary search works video (7:20)
Algorithms: Binary Search (6:21)
14Tuesday, Feb 13 Day 6In class

  1. Sorting Algorithms Continued
  2. Ch 14 Slides
  3. Practice It! BJP5 13.22, 13.29, 13.30
  4. Car Talk Job Search
  5. Review Test Answers
For HW

  1. Litvin Exercises, p 412
41211, 12, 15Binary Search Video 1 (1:28)
How Binary search works video (7:20)
Algorithms: Binary Search (6:21)
15Thursday, Feb 15 Day 2In class

  1. AP Classroom Unit 7 nad 10 MCQ PPC
  2. Car Talk Job Search
  3. Review Test Answers
For HW

  1. AP Classroom Unit 7 and Unit 10 MCQ PPC's
Binary Search Video 1 (1:28)
How Binary search works video (7:20)
Algorithms: Binary Search (6:21)
16Tuesday, Feb 20 Day 4
  1. Review Unit 7 and 10 PPC answers from AP Classroom
  2. GUI for Cartalk Job Searching
  3. Solution to Benchmarks Lab
  4. For homework: Runestone: Ch 14 Practice
GeeksForGeeks' comparison between selection and insertion sorts
17Thursday, Feb 22 Day 6
Fr Chris at Provincial Assembly Feb 21

Chapter 14 Test on Searching and Sorting
For Homework
  • HW 3-17 at runestone is a Practice Exam 1, MCQ Portion
Gray Image Starter and Tester Code
2012 Free Response Questions
Hints you get during the Exam: Appendix B
18Monday, Feb 26 Day 2In class:
  1. Go over FRQ's from last class
  2. Celebrity Lab: Activities 1 and 2
For hw:
  1. 2019 FRQ 1: APCalendar
  2. 2011: RouteCipher
  3. HW 3-18 at SFHSJava (runestone) There are 20 MCQ
APCS 2019 FRQ 1: AP Calendar

Starter Code and Question Links from 2019

   In class:
  1. Greed Game Sim
For HW
  1. Sound class Starter and Tester Code
  2. APLine class Starter and Tester Code
Gray Image Starter and Tester Code
2012 Free Response Questions
Hints you get during the Exam: Appendix B
19Wednesday, Feb 28 Day 4In class
  1. Unit 3 PPC MCQ
  2. Greed Game
  3. APCS 2012 FRQ 1: ClimbClub part (a) found in 2012 Free Response Questions using the Climb Club Starter and Tester Code from the wiki
  4. Greed Game GUI Help
  5. Log in to myAP.collegeBoard.org
For HW
  1. Finish Greed Game Solo
  2. AP Classroom Unit 3 PPC FRQ questions (Please Self-Score)
  1. Q 3-19 FRQ
  2. Celebrity Lab
    • Activity 3 Putting it all together
    • Activity 4: Extending the Celebrity Class
For HW:
  1. Finish Greed Game Strategy Lab. Download the latest Contest code.
  2. FRQ: Token Pass
  3. HW 3-19 (SFHSJava) 2 FRQ
2013 FRQ 2: "TokenPass"
Link to Lab Questions and code
20Friday, Mar 01 Day 6
Qtr 3 Exam Next Week
In class:
  1. Qtr 3 Study Guide
  2. Scoring your Unit 3 FRQ's
  3. Finding the Course Guide Review Practice Sessions at AP Classroom
for homework
  1. AP classroom PPC Unit 4 MCQ
  2. Try a Course Review topic to study for the Qtr 3 Exam
21Tuesday, Mar 05 Day 2In class
  1. DQ on making classes
  2. Unit 5 PPC MCQ Part A
For HW
  1. Unit 4 FRQ at AP Classroom (You must self score)
Picture Lab Home
New Daily Videos on Arrays in AP Classroom. Picture Lab Student Guide
22Thursday, Mar 07 Day 4
Qtr 3 Exam part 1: 40 MCQ's (Room 405, 40 questions, 75 minutes)
Qtr 3 Study Guide
23Monday, Mar 11 Day 6
Qtr 3 Exam Part 2: 3 FRQ's (Room 405, 80 minutes)
24Tuesday, Mar 12 Day X
Qtr 3 Exam Part 3: 1 FRQ (Room 405, 30 minutes)

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